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Hello Peeps It's been a while I know.  I've not been online for ages but hopefully I'm back.

I've heard recently that not only is beetroot really good for you but it turns your pee pink!  Personally it's one of those strange things that I just assume I don't like even though I've never tried it!  I've only ever seen it swimming in a bowl of vinegar which doesn't appeal! Has anyone got any experience of this and just how pink is it?  I'd love to know....

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I am not a huge beetroot fan to be honest so can't tell you whether it turns your pee pink. However, one way I really like it is if you buy the raw, unprocessed roots, peel them and roast them. It's lovely like that 🙂 

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I'm not a fan normally but they are really good for you so I have put raw beetroot into my breakfast smoothie sometimes. I can confirm that after a few days of doing this there was a slight pinky tint to my pee.

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