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Pee Facts & "Pee Therapy" (Urotherapy)

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Hopefully my rant/research is well accepted by this site. After becoming heavily "addicted" to Piss Drinking (not mine, from others/women), I became interested in knowing if Pee consumption was unhealthy, and found myself with lots of shocking information.

Far from being a toxic "body waste", it is actually a purified derivative of the blood made by the kidneys which contains, not body wastes, but rather an incredible array of critically important nutrients, enzymes, hormones, natural antibodies and immune defense agents. urea has been used for the treatment of various infected wounds and it has been found to be extremely efficient, even the deepest wound can be treated effectively. Urea treatment h

as been successful where other treatments have failed.

In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A.H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water), but that "it is now recogn

ized that urine contains thousands of compounds, and as new, more sensitive analytical tools evolve, it is quite certain that new constituents of urine will be recognized." Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's revealing treatise is a list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. As Dr. Free comments, the ingredients listed below are only a few critical nutrients found in urine:

• Alanine, total ..... 38 mg/day

• Arginine, total ..... 32 mg/day

• Ascorbic acid ..... 30 mg/day

• Allantoin ..... 12 mg/day

• Amino acids, total ..... 2.1 g/day

• Bicarbonate ..... 140 mg/day

• Biotin ..... 35 mg/day

• Calcium ..... 23 mg/day

• Creatinine ..... 1.4 mg/day

• Cystine ..... 120 mg/day

• Dopamine ..... 0.40 mg/day

• Epinephrine ..... 0.01 mg/day

• Folic acid ..... 4 mg/day

• Glucose ..... 100 mg/day

• Glutamic acid ..... 308 mg/day

• Glycine ..... 455 mg/day

• Inositol ..... 14 mg/day

• Iodine ..... 0.25 mg/day

• Iron ..... 0.5 mg/day

• Lysine, total ..... 56 mg/day

• Magnesium ..... 100 mg/day

• Manganese ..... 0.5 mg/day

• Methionine, total ..... 10 mg/day

• Nitrogen, total ..... 15 g/day

• Ornithine ..... 10 mg/day

• Pantothenic acid ..... 3 mg/day

• Phenylalanine ..... 21 mg/day

• Phosphorus, organic ..... 9 mg/day

• Potassium ..... 2.5 mg/day

• Proteins, total ..... 5 mg/day

• Riboflavin ..... 0.9 mg/day

• Tryptophan, total ..... 28 mg/day

• Tyrosine, total ..... 50 mg/day

• Urea ..... 24.5 mg/day

• Vitamin B6 ..... 100 mg/day

• Vitamin B12 ..... 0.03 mg/day

• Zinc ..... 1.4 mg/day

Pee cures a wide variety of diseases and disorders, including aiding teeth and gum problems and even killing germs. Advanced scientific studies have also shown that it helps with weight problems, acne, and hair loss problems. Urine is added to Erectile Disfunction medication {don't believe me? Google it!} Urine actually has no "odor". The "odor" that we "smell" is the urea that clashes with our palate. Urine does not smell when it dries! However, it starts smelling after certain components, mainly urea starts spoiling and decaying {eg: restroom and homeless persons odors}. There are various of free articles online on the matter, ever written books on sale publicly on the matter.

The American Cancer Society, has made these claims veridic, and they're now using them in their treatment for Cancer patients. (http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/pharmacologicalandbiologicaltreatment/urotherapy)

After finishing writing my thread, I am now craving a nice delicious tall glass of warm piss! :D lol!

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Very informative as well as very well written ! !

You really did an Excellent job of collecting this information for writing this thread . I really do appreciate the fine job you have done here :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Very Excellent :)

This thread should be read by those who were not fully aware of the benefits of pee on of all the facts until now . Now I need to find a woman to take a sip from her :wink:

I really do appreciate it so much for your research on this topic . Please , keep on posting ! !

Thank You

My pleasure! I just HAD to research! lol

I feel like I left off on information, but then again I'm a perfectionist, lol. I *might* do a second part to it in the future, once I gather information which I feel I missed!

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P&P is right. He could have been teaching a class in biochemistry I had in college. Pee is sterile when it comes out. Unfortunately, if you are taking any meds, trace amounts of them will also show up in the urine. Also you should not drink the urine once it has been previously ingested. It will become more concentrated. Anyone for a cocktail?

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Now, look what I started!

....hahahahahaha! :laugh:

...Also you should not drink the urine once it has been previously ingested. It will become more concentrated.


The levels of uric acid rise up too high it can become way toxic.

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  • 4 months later...
Hopefully my rant/research is well accepted by this site. After becoming heavily "addicted" to Piss Drinking (not mine, from others/women), I became interested in knowing if Pee consumption was unhealthy, and found myself with lots of shocking information.

Great work digging all of this up. But, I have to disagree with some of these facts. As a drinker myself, I've done some homework.

Some of these are not nutrients. Creatinine is a waste product, not a nutrient. It is harmless though. Since it's present at a fairly constant level, it's tested for and used as an indicator of kidney function.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. Since digestion inactivates it, ingestion has no effect.

Urea is the major waste product that is excreted in urine. It results from the metabolism of protein. The number you give can't possibly be right. Maybe you meant grams and not milligrams? From my calculation, a protein intake of 70 grams (a number that is about average for a woman) results in 24.3 grams, not milligrams, of urea.* In addition, one reference gives a daily number of 27.6 grams.

Nitrogen is also not present in urine, at least not as nitrogen. Nitrogen is a gas at room temperature. (It's also what air mostly is.) The nitrogen is excreted as urea.

Lastly, unless these numbers are for someone who is taking a vitamin B6 supplement that is near the maximum tolerable amount, that B6 number should be in micrograms, not milligrams.

All in all, almost all of the water soluble vitamin and minerals that are absorbed (absorption varies for each) is excreted in urine. With the exception of urea and sodium, urine is practically a vitamin and mineral supplement. Not toxic at all. If the person urinating doesn't have a high salt or excessively high protein intake it's actually quite a healthy drink. I won't go as far as saying it'll cure what ails you, but a healthy person with a good diet pisses mostly nutrients.

Personally I don't concern myself with a person's salt or protein intake. If someone has the huge steak for dinner, their first of the day may have enough urea to make you queasy the next morning, but it won't harm you. Unless you have a problem with sodium, someone who has a heavy hand on the salt shaker may have very salty urine, but it won't hurt you.

By the way, the urine of someone who doesn't each much salt is not salty. Even if it's very concentrated.

One last thing to point out is that both legal and illegal drugs are excreted to varying degrees. It varies between almost none to the entire dose. You'd be wise to know every drug someone takes and read the PI sheet for yourself.

* 6.25 grams of protein equates to 1 gram of nitrogen. So does 2.174 grams of urea. So... We divide by 6.25 and multiply by 2.174 to convert protein to urea.

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I don't mean to come off as an asshole, but in all honesty your post seems pretty misinformed. Even though I'm far from an expert myself, as far as I know urine is actually sterile until it reaches the urethra, where it comes into contact with bacteria. Drinking urine in small doses (Not drinking gallons of the stuff every day) shouldn't affect your health negatively, but claiming it has health benefits? There have been many persons throughout history that have believed that, but I checked your sources and they seemed pretty dubious and not very credible. Again, this isn't anything personal and I'm sorry if I seem condescending, because that is as far from my intention as one can get. As I said, drinking the good stuff probably won't harm you, but I dislike people spreading false information, even if they don't do it consciously.

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I don't mean to come off as an asshole, but in all honesty your post seems pretty misinformed. Even though I'm far from an expert myself, as far as I know urine is actually sterile until it reaches the urethra, where it comes into contact with bacteria. Drinking urine in small doses (Not drinking gallons of the stuff every day) shouldn't affect your health negatively, but claiming it has health benefits? There have been many persons throughout history that have believed that, but I checked your sources and they seemed pretty dubious and not very credible. Again, this isn't anything personal and I'm sorry if I seem condescending, because that is as far from my intention as one can get. As I said, drinking the good stuff probably won't harm you, but I dislike people spreading false information, even if they don't do it consciously.

Just a quick confirmation: Are you referring to OP or my post?

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Apparently we can disregard most or all of these posts because the latest research shows that pee is not sterile, even in a the bladder before it hits the urethra. It does in fact contain various types of bacteria which are not necessarily harmful but are present nevertheless. It's beginning to look as if no part or area of the human body is completely bacteria-free because the presence bacteria is sometimes a good thing and necessary for good health.

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Apparently we can disregard most or all of these posts because the latest research shows that pee is not sterile, even in a the bladder before it hits the urethra. It does in fact contain various types of bacteria which are not necessarily harmful but are present nevertheless. It's beginning to look as if no part or area of the human body is completely bacteria-free because the presence bacteria is sometimes a good thing and necessary for good health.

While you are indeed correct that pee is not sterile as once thought, how does that equate to disregarding the posts in this thread?

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I don't mean to come off as an asshole, but in all honesty your post seems pretty misinformed. Even though I'm far from an expert myself, as far as I know urine is actually sterile until it reaches the urethra, where it comes into contact with bacteria. Drinking urine in small doses (Not drinking gallons of the stuff every day) shouldn't affect your health negatively, but claiming it has health benefits? There have been many persons throughout history that have believed that, but I checked your sources and they seemed pretty dubious and not very credible. Again, this isn't anything personal and I'm sorry if I seem condescending, because that is as far from my intention as one can get. As I said, drinking the good stuff probably won't harm you, but I dislike people spreading false information, even if they don't do it consciously.

I can't perceive you as an 'asshole' by any means, and at points you might be 'right'. But I've gone through endless webpages that say/claim the same. Who really knows the veracity of it, but {in all honesty}, I have have "gallons of the stuff" in the past, at times they were various months of "gallons on the stuff" because I HAVE experienced being what they call a "human-urinal". And I've ended up with various health modifications that have altered my system to change, and most of them were illnesses and disorders that either banished completely or made progress. Now, NOT saying that the information I posted is true, or making up information, nor saying that it's "okay" to be a massive piss drinker, but that is what happened to ME. Everyone has different body systems and they vary by genetics.

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