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Has anyone watched there dad/father pee

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I did have some pee moments with my dad during my childhood, nothing particularly exciting or juicy though, just some typical father and son moments where we would pee next to eachother outdoors for instance.

Sometimes when I was taking a bath (in our old house the toilet was right next to the bathtub) he would enter the room and pee next to me while I was watching. I'm not gonna lie back then I was fascinated by the sight of his "adult" penis, which was of course much bigger than my children sized one, and I used to stare at it while he was peeing. The poignant smell of his urine is something that always accompanies these old memories aswell.

On very rare occasions he would arrive home desperate to pee and then do a little pee dance all the way to the toilet. It always made me feel weird to see that since my mom was usually the one responsible for intense pee dances and crotch holding after she got home.


And that's pretty much it. As I said nothing extraordinary but I still hope you had fun reading this.

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I watched ant saw my dad pee lots of times. There were times he came home desperation from work needing to pee bad. Walked in from work started to pulled his zipper down on pants as he walked to the bathroom. He stand by toilet and let go two minute or longer. I was shocked how loud and long his pee was shocked too how long he can hold it for. I did see hem pee lot of times grow up too. Also too there where times when we shared a toilet both pee at the same time.  His dick is big like mine is too. This where I get my big dick and big bladder from. 


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5 hours ago, pee01 said:

I watched ant saw my dad pee lots of times. There were times he came home desperation from work needing to pee bad. Walked in from work started to pulled his zipper down on pants as he walked to the bathroom. He stand by toilet and let go two minute or longer. I was shocked how loud and long his pee was shocked too how long he can hold it for. I did see hem pee lot of times grow up too. Also too there where times when we shared a toilet both pee at the same time.  His dick is big like mine is too. This where I get my big dick and big bladder from. 


Has he ever not made it to the bathroom or got caught short

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18 hours ago, Gotah said:

The poignant smell of his urine is something that always accompanies these old memories aswell.

Do you mean pungent? While maybe some memories of your dad are poignant, it would be really interesting if a pee smell was, unless maybe you came across a scent in an alley that smelled just like your first true love or something like that.

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22 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

Do you mean pungent? While maybe some memories of your dad are poignant, it would be really interesting if a pee smell was, unless maybe you came across a scent in an alley that smelled just like your first true love or something like that.

"Ah, this brings me back to when I met my first love, peeing in a back alley with her..."

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  • 2 years later...

We used to go to this Chinese place that the restrooms antique toilets and no dividers as dad and I peed he dribbled into the toilet with no power behind it.

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  • 6 months later...

I saw dad pee many times. 

We moved into a bigger home when I was 8 that had an unusual vinyl accordion bathroom door that would not stay shut more than 70% or so.  It was probably designed for use in a mobile home, but the latch was broken.  Anyone who happened to be upstairs while a man or boy was using the toilet would see a profile view of them peeing in the toilet.  Dad and I quickly adapted.  Mom hated the door, and eventually, dad replaced the vinyl door with a wood door that fully closed.  Even once we had a wood door, dad would give the door a push, but rarely close it all of the way.  As a young boy, I admired my dad and liked to watch him pee.

Dad and I peed together in locker rooms, out in the woods, at sporting events, etc.; nothing out of the ordinary.

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