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Pee Fetish

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I've been thinking of a similar, but slightly different question - I was going to post it, but if it's ok I'll tag it on with yours...

I wonder how many girls deliberately subject themselves to situations we identify with as signals of a piss fetish but they don't consider them at all sexual? 

I'll give you an example if I may, hopefully you'll see what I mean:

- A few years ago my wife and I flew to the USA, changed at one of the major hubs and then a small plane to a more regional small town airport.  There were five of us on that small plane, the other three being three young and very pretty young ladies perhaps straight out of university. That sort of age anyway.  After the flight at the baggage carousel one of the ladies looking very squirmy and desperate said to my wife "I really have to pee, but my home is only like 20 minutes and I want to pee in my own bathroom". The sort of comment a girl would say to a girl.  For most people they would understand that to be maybe a bit of cleanliness phobia and maybe a pee shyness about public bathrooms.

In her mind she could hold it and once home could kick off her shoes, have a relaxing pee and change into PJs or whatever.  But I still wonder if she had a subconscious desire to hold knowing what the relief would be like, and the desire to let the enjoyment of that release linger in her own comfortable surroundings. Maybe she was even trading off the risk of spurts in panties as she let herself into the privacy of her home - again not planning it through any kink, as preferable as a course of action instead of a quick functional pee before jumping into a taxi or car. 

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It's possible. But I'm not sure how easy it is to find out apart from responses from our female members about the time they realised they shared this kink. I may have to reread some of the relevant threads to see if there are any clues. It's nice to speculate 🙂

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15 hours ago, pisslover94 said:

I wonder how many girls out there have piss fetishes but are too shy to ever act on them?

My commute usually coincides with school drop off times - and seeing young mums walking back home from the school gates, my mind often wonders what happens behind their closed doors for the next few hours whilst hubby is at work and kids in school...

Household chores and daytime TV, or perhaps just adding a little to the laundry pile?   The actions of girls and ladies too shy to confess but maybe not too shy behind a closed door.

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Interesting question - but I wonder how we are ever going to find out? I mean, it takes significant effort to find this website and sign up - a shy girl thinking of her kink as unusual won't likely do that?

May I add another aspect that I have often wondered about: What is the proportion of men vs. women who share this kink? My impression is that a lot more men have a strong kink with female peeing than women exist who are really genuinely into peeing. I once started a totally non-representative only query and it turned out about 10% of male respondants liked the idea of peeing (be it sexual, naughty, or other), but only about 1% of females.

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