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Had an awesome afternoon in the park

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9 hours ago, Puddle said:

Went for a stroll in the park yesterday evening with my extremely sexy friend. Due to covid we are not allowed to visit each other’s houses, but fully vaccinated people are allowed to socialise outdoors. We enjoyed the natural environment, and I pointed out a tree that I’d peed on the night before. We sat down by a pond with lots of geese, and had a nice chat, which of course, turned sexual before too long. Whenever we’re together, we can’t help winding each other up. Usually we’d just go back to my place and have at it, but because of covid, that wasn’t an option, so we continued on our walk. I stopped to use a legitimate public bathroom.


At some point, we were talking about peeing. I told him: ‘Pee fans dot com is such a bad influence on me. Yesterday I was on a walk, and as soon as I realised I needed to pee, I was trying to think of options for going outside without getting caught. If it weren’t for that website, I wouldn’t’ve had such outrageous thoughts til my bladder was at least twice as full.’ He was like: ‘If I’m in an area with trees and such, and I know I’m not gonna get caught, it’s just like any other toilet to me. There isn’t even any stigma. I think all guys think like that.’ I was like: ‘That’s so hot.’


Our walk continued to a secluded clearing dotted with rocks, and we sat down on a rock very close together, practically in each other’s laps. We briefly tried to continue the conversation, before dropping the pretence of civility and shoving our tongues in each other’s mouths. I held him as close as possible while groping him all over with my hands. It was really hot.


Anyway, we were going to go back to his car to continue with more privacy, but it got almost completely dark before we reached the car, so we were like ‘fuck it’ and just sat under a tree and kept going. We were both so horny. Lockdown had kept us apart for too long. He informed me that he urgently needed to pee, so I tried elbowing him in the tummy to get a reaction. He admitted to me that he kinda got to that point on purpose, by choosing not to go to the toilet with me. I felt weirdly proud. Eventually he couldn’t hold it anymore, so he stood up right where he was, turned around to face the tree, whipped it out, and let go. A sigh of relief could be heard immediately, followed by the sound of a thick, heavy stream splattering against the tree trunk. Tiny, warm droplets sprayed our bare legs. I dipped my hand in the stream a few times, and licked it off. It tasted very mild and watery. After he’d finished his impressively long piss, he turned on his phone torch to look at the puddle, and noticed his car keys lying on the grass. They must’ve fallen out of his pocket. Imagine how fucked we’d be if he didn’t turn his torch on!


As we walked backed to his car, I thought: ‘This is the life’. On the way home (he was kind enough to drive me home before going back to his place), Take On Me played on the radio, and I felt very warm and contented, and full of love for my beautiful friend. I found myself thinking: ‘If I died right now, I wouldn’t even mind. Everything is as it should be.’

Sounds like a dream come true. 

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Thanks for sharing!!!  And don't worry about comparisons with everyone else - we all have our very different outlooks and experiences. I can absolutely guarantee there are those plenty more shy than yourself here. Yes, some who are very bold - but lots who can only dream of being that brave.

Final word - I've not seen the slightest glimmer of anything in your two posts that suggests the word 'gross' to me, in fact completely the opposite.  And you've got our complete encouragement for your next visit.

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25 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Thanks for sharing!!!  And don't worry about comparisons with everyone else - we all have our very different outlooks and experiences. I can absolutely guarantee there are those plenty more shy than yourself here. Yes, some who are very bold - but lots who can only dream of being that brave.

Final word - I've not seen the slightest glimmer of anything in your two posts that suggests the word 'gross' to me, in fact completely the opposite.  And you've got our complete encouragement for your next visit.

Thank you so much! You’re too kind.

The main reason I’m shy about public pissing is that I have no idea what other people consider acceptable- it’s not like I go around asking everyone. How desperate do I have to be? How dark does it have to be? How alone do I have to be? How natural does the environment have to be, and how far away from non-natural environments? Best to make absolutely sure I won’t be seen, so my own judgment is the only one that gets passed.

 I said I was gross in reference to my plan to go to a public place just to pee there, but I think the people here will understand.

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3 hours ago, Puddle said:

How natural does the environment have to be, and how far away from non-natural environments?

You’re being, like, stricter on yourself than people with no pee kink who just do it other places for convenience

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1 minute ago, oliver2 said:

You’re being, like, stricter on yourself than people with no pee kink who just do it other places for convenience

Am I, though? That’s the thing- I don’t know what most people consider normal when it comes to peeing outside the toilet, nor how to find out. It doesn’t exactly come up in every conversation. On this website, I can read countless anecdotes about public urination, one after the other, which make it seem more common than it is. This site does not represent most people.

Maybe you’re, right, though, about me being too hard on myself. I always assumed being into piss made me more accepting of people doing it in odd places, but maybe I’m actually less accepting, to compensate. I’ll never know.

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Know exactly what you mean about the compensating - in my case when those conversations come up, someone just happens quite matter of fact to say 'I'm bursting for a wee' or similar... and I don't want to make any comment for fear of giving my secret delight away.

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2 hours ago, Puddle said:

Am I, though? That’s the thing- I don’t know what most people consider normal when it comes to peeing outside the toilet, nor how to find out. It doesn’t exactly come up in every conversation. On this website, I can read countless anecdotes about public urination, one after the other, which make it seem more common than it is. This site does not represent most people.

Well, no, it doesn’t, but particularly regarding peeing in natural places, as opposed to brick and concrete… judging by scent and by stains/marks in the concrete, it’s not unusual for guys to pee somewhere slightly discreet outdoors.

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13 hours ago, Puddle said:

I have no idea what other people consider acceptable- it’s not like I go around asking everyone. How desperate do I have to be? How dark does it have to be? How alone do I have to be? How natural does the environment have to be, and how far away from non-natural environments?

Well, just as different people have their own views on what they are willing to do, there are also a huge range of views that people have on what is acceptable.   You can’t tell what any individual will think, but in my experience, it is only a tiny percentage of people that would give any negativity as long as you make some effort to be discreet or choose a suitable quiet corner - just don’t pee in the middle of the pavement of a busy street!   How desperate do you have to be? Well nobody else knows how desperate you are, so they can’t judge you on that one.  How dark? Well darkness obviously gives you privacy, but I would say it is just that when it is light you have to be a bit more careful about choosing your spot.

9 hours ago, Puddle said:

I don’t know what most people consider normal when it comes to peeing outside the toilet, nor how to find out.

I have seen plenty of people peeing outside and particularly when it is in an area of nightlife in a city, it Is very common if you look.  On Tuesday night I saw over 50 girls peeing outside - there is no way that they were all pee enthusiasts.  They were just people out for an enjoyable night who had consumed drinks and needed to pee.  If you are interested, search for my “Alfresco’s Pee sightings” thread and look at the most recent posts, which show you the relaxed attitude that a lot of “normal” girls have to peeing outside.  Some were discreet and hid in bushes, but some also were very visible, but in places where they just went out of view of the main foot traffic.


Edited by Alfresco
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