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Heylo! I'm DarkerThanWind and I'm a fanfiction and fiction writer! I usually write various bloodborne fanfiction (under an entirely different alias) and I plan to publish my own original fiction probably under a new alias. ANYWAY, enough about what I plan to do, and more about meeeeee!

I'm a young guy... and yeah, Canada is really cold (considering it's almost summer around here), and I love soulsborne games along with a budding interest in skating and a lifelong love for reading! Not to mention my near-addiction for music. It's almost a problem, but i love it too much to care.

I'm also really into pee-holding and extreme desperation (of the female kind), though of course such things are hard to replicate IRL, I still love everyone who contributes since something like omorashi isn't really... considered cool in the range of fetishes (of my friends anyway). There's BDSM, Bondage, weird foreplay... and once I mention omo, suddenly I'm disgusting. At least I haven't told them about Scat! (which I'm NOT into)

I originally tried to post at Omo.org but they have yet to review my introduction post made nearly a year ago... So I come here bearing gifts! To be honest, I started writing my omo fic ages ago, and have yet to reach a proper send off for the first part... and I'm already 10k words in. Not to brag, but I'm more of a bulk writer than a sweet and short 1k words. I can certainly try... but ehhh, I have yet to do it.

I also started (and deleted) another bloodborne lesbian omo fic on Archive of Our Own under another alias. I dare say it was going good, but I cast it away as a mistake since... well, no other reason than I simply gave up... due to people possibly finding out about my fetish ehehehe.

I hope I can be welcomed here and be active in forums like I always wanted to in other websites, and hell, it might be fun too!

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Well, let me the first to offer the kind of welcome that we give here - you are definitely welcome, with absolutely no criticism of your fetishes - in fact what you've described is entirely typical.

Can't wait to see some of your content.  I will offer a few words of realism, that despite a huge membership our regular 'active' core is a little less and the fictional written word seems to get a little less appreciation than the instant gratification of images and videos.  But - please don't let that deter you.

Have a good browse around too, you'll start to get to know what we have going on here and we can get to know you too.  Welcome again.

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