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New ways to pee?

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I've pissed everywhere all over hard surfaces- in the foyer, kitchen, bathroom, etc. I use towels over carpet when I pee so I guess I'm looking for new places or positions to pee on towels?

Open to anything that can easily be cleaned up. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/26/2021 at 10:27 PM, Girllikespee said:

I like to use anything that will contain the mess. I like containers, cups, buckets. Anything I can just wash away the pee without having to scrub floors.

If I really want to make a little mess I'll go on a towel on the floor. I also use diapers occasionally because they're a way to wet without cleanup.

The mess is a real deterrent for peeing for me. I enjoy peeing outside but it's rare to find an opportunity, so I have to make it work at home.


Same here, love peeing in cups for a couple reasons. 1 is I think very hard if I want to drink it or not I will always take a sip to try the taste .. 2 is I love to see the volume and a cup is a great way to measure that 💪🏽 I’ve filled up Gatorade bottles and still needed more room that always makes me feel good

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  • 1 month later...

What about tanking up with lots of drinks in the evening so you're going to be well-hydrated and your  pee's going to be nearer silver than gold, preparing some towels or a an absorbent mattress pad, and then after emptying your bladder as usual before going to bed (otherwise you won't sleep), going to bed normally and sleeping with most of that hydration still in you.    Your bladder will wake you up  later in the night, but don't get up to relieve yourself;  just do nothing,  relax,  ignore the pressure,  don't try to hold it or try to push it out deliberately until eventually you feel yourself  involuntarily wetting yourself and the bed.   Enjoy this unique feeling until you're done and you've covered yourself, your sheets and towels with nice warm wet pee.   Stay relaxed and resist any temptation to get up and clean up.  Just turn over and go back to sleep in the knowledge your silver pee is clean and isn't going to stain your bed-sheets or anything.   Depends how well you tanked up and how warm it is in the bedroom,  but you may well get a 2nd bladder wake-up an hour or two later and you can treat yourself to 2nd bed-wetting with less argument from your potty-trained brain this time.  

In the morning, you can decide whether your sheets towels or mattress pad really need laundering.  I believe some bed-wetters find they can  just leave them out on an open bed to dry for several days.  Depends partly on the weather, what they've been tanking up with.  

With a little preparation in advance, bed-wetting need hardly be any more messy than other water-sports,  but the erotic sensations that go with it  make it much more fun and worthwhile.

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I find that it is great when I'm working at my desk to sit on a towel on my work chair, then if I need to pee, I just pee.   If the towel is folded a few times then I can pee a couple of times without needing to leave the office.  Obviously helps if you take several drinks to the desk!

If you are also keen on peeing other places without towels, peeing in a bin or your laundry basket is another good option.  

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