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I caught my male neighbour

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22 minutes ago, ukpeegirl86 said:

He's probably mid to late 20s and quite nerdy. He usually wears business suits and normally leaves very early so I'm guessing he commutes. I don't think he realised he was spotted either as he was stood still facing the door for a while so I'm guessing he was very caught up in his relief and focused only on that. I couldn't believe my luck seeing the wee running down the door and the growing puddle by his feet.

Great sighting - and glad you enjoyed it.  Myself being pretty obsessed with female pee it always gives me a little reassurance to know there's ladies out there that enjoy the sighting just as much.

I wonder if it was the first time he's ever resorted to that, or perhaps whether there was any more to it.  I wonder how it may have played out if you'd shouted over an innocent cheery "Hello... I'm one of your neighbours.... " making out that you hadn't noticed.  Easy to think of lots of what-ifs after the event, and if you're like me it's easy to think of all the lines I could have said.  Still, it's also nice to play over the fantasies in your mind.

 Thanks for sharing.

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