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Hi from the newbie


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Welcome to the community Mike - hope you quickly find yourself at home.

Posting in other topics is very similar to that which you've done here...  Browse to the topic area and then you can add a post to an existing thread of posts, or you can create something yourself - if there isn't an existing topic springing out at you.

If it's a existing thread that you want to add to, just either click on the button at the top, from memory I think it says 'Reply to this topic' or similar - or if you're at the last post then you should see a box below it to add your post to.

If you want to add a new post, there will be a button labelled 'create a new post'.

You'll hopefully have seen that there are different topic areas according to what you're posting. We can always move things if necessary.

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6 hours ago, HornyMike74 said:

Thank you so much! I'll keep trying. BTW, I'd like to change my nick. How can I do that?


I see you have applied for gold membership already. Once you pay the invoice, your account will be upgraded shortly after. You'll then be able to change your name to whatever you want, via: https://peefans.com/settings/username/ 🙂 (you won't be able to do it yet though, as username changes are only for gold members).

Welcome to the site. Any other questions, let us know.

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