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Psychology of the fetish

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54 minutes ago, Purple_minion said:

I’ve read that long distance runners will pee themselves while running marathons? Any insight to this? Have you yourself or witnessed others wet simply out of necessity during a race?

I haven't personally witnessed it but heard plenty of stories from my much faster friends. I've definitely seen plenty of people pee along the side of the course though, men and women. This is interesting as most races are in cities so people just openly squat on sidewalks, parks, benches, etc 

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Moderator's note - As noted, there had been some discussion on the topic in the past...

Site rules are to bring original topics back to life.

Hence 'Psychology of Holding & Wetting' has been merged with 'Psychology of the fetish'. 

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I have often pondered the psychology of our fetish.  It does suggest S&M, but I really do not think of it as such.  In fact, I am not into S&M, or any form of domination, for that matter.  Yes, very much in conflict with the fact that I enjoy warching desperation.  However, desperation is only enjoyed by me if the desperate person is into as well, or at least is happy, having fun with it, or not otherwise experiencing involutary pain, suffering or humiliation.  Does that make sense?  

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Makes perfect sense @navesink01 and I totally agree - there's nothing more arousing to me than the thought of a desperate person - but they've got to be enjoying their exploits.  And for me it's very one sided of that person being a lady.

Of course it must be noted that the psychology will be different for every single person- some may enjoy the feelings themselves, whilst for others it's very much about joint experiences or as you suggest maybe something a little more S&M related.

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