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"Madam, I suggest you calm down, we still have restrooms you could use."


"Well that was unexpected, how are the rest of my guests?"

"Actually we think she's right; we're leaving."

Edited by CON2H4
accidentaly posted before finished
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"Um, excuse me sir?"

"Yes, how may I assist you?"

"I seem to be having difficulty with the restroom... where is it?"

"Well miss, it would be easier to tell where not to go if you just need to pee. However, it looks like you are having more trouble with actually going, more than where to go. I will call for a female associate to help you get the relief you need."

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"Debbie, can you meet me in isle three? I have a customer in need of an instructional walkthrough."

"Sorry Alan, I am already with two ladies over here in six, can you bring her over?"

"Oh sure, we will be there shortly. If you follow me miss?"

"I can't, sorry... I am a bit pee shy. Could you help me Alan? I don't mind you seeing my lady bits."

"I'll certainly do what I can to help a customer, miss."

"Thank you, my name is Julia."

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"Well let's have you strip down and squat here on the carpet. This is a thick pile and does an excellent job of absorbing liquid quickly. There you go, now just close your eyes and relax."

"I-I'm not sure about this, could you... could you go with me?"

"Sure! Let me just get it out of my pants... alright, here I go. Ah, there you go Julia, good job! You really were full too."

"Oh, this feels so much better... but now I have to be honest. I didn't really need help, I just had to see your cock. Innn faaccctt... IIIiiaahh~" *mpfh* *gulp gulp gulp*

"Well, thank you for the tip, glad you appreciate my services, Julia. I hope you become a regular customer."

Edited by hentaixt
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On 8/12/2021 at 12:33 AM, hentaixt said:




Water Closet


Powder Room




That last one's the only out of the lot that makes sense. I just put my dick in her mouth and she swallows it. I always use "The Head."

Damn you forgot to put "trees"

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"Woah? Why's this staircase so full of women??"
"Oh, this is one's only pissing. The one to get downstairs is two doors further down the hall."
"So where does this stairwell go?"
"Just down to the next landing and then there is a floor drain."
"Then... why's there carpet too?"
"More comfortable for squatting or sitting."
"If you are further down, do you get wet?"
"Quite often and it's refreshingly enjoyable usually."
"Well, since I am here I thought I would go, since you make it sound convenient, but there doesn't seem to be any space."
"Oh, you can pee over the edge there on the girls below if you like... or I could drink it as well."
"Really!? That seems exquisite, relieving myself, while standing, and no mess. Yes, please!"
"May I just say you have a lovely pussy? I am going to take advantage of it when you finish."
"I'd be offended if you didn't! Here I go~"

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On 8/20/2021 at 4:53 AM, hentaixt said:

FINALLY! College and living on my own..... well my own, with a room-mate, in a dorm, but NO PARENTS. I can't wait to meet my dorm buddy, I hope we get along. Here IT IS!
"Hi! I'm going to be living with y- with, with, you... Are you peeing on the floor?"
"It's NOT WHAT YOU THINK, I'm sorry... just let me finish and I~"
"What I think's EXACTLY what I see, US getting along GREAT!! Let me put these boxes down and close the door so I can join you. It was a long trip..."
Actually, leave the door open, I want the other girls to know they can pee here too."

"OOOOoooo~ KINKY!"

This is almost a Dixie Comet clip.

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"Secretary! Get in here immediately!"
"Yes Sir, what do you need?"
"This box of files has to be destroyed immediately, I don't care how just get rid of them this instant!"
"Anything you say, sir!" [Hikes up her dress and takes down her stockings and panties]
"Destroying the files 'immediately.' By the time I am done pissing in this box they'll be a soggy illegible mess. If you help it will go even faster."
"Damn, I knew there was a reason I hired you. Out of the box thinking... even if someone wanted to examine they'd be put off by the smell alone." [Retrieves his dick through his fly] "My stream can be a bit wild so you might get wet."
"Oh well, let me get my top off to be safe first." "Uh... sir? You are supposed to be going in the box, you just keep spraying my face."
"It'll all wash down you into the box. Everything in there is already a complete loss." [Continues peeing strongly on her face] "Remind me to give you are raise at your next review."

Edited by hentaixt
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"Hey, could you scoot aside so I can pee?"
"Oh fucking hell, like you couldn't go in the spaghetti's water?!"
"I didn't need to go back then!"
"Seriously? You? Didn't need to go?"
"Yeah I know, what a shocker, now please scoot aside so I can at least piss in the bolognese!"
"Pffrt... Well at least it'll add some flavor, I guess."

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- hey whatchu doin

- not much, wettin my jeans
- u?

- thinkn bout where 2 pee
- any ideas??

- mh...
- oh! ur cute neighbor came back?

- oo nice thinking brb
- actualy might fuck em while im at it so not brb lol

- lol
- hav fun! cya

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There is no peeing in the pool area as it can be a slipping hazard.

Please make sure that all pee goes in the pool for everyone's safety.

If you can not make it in the pool, please see the lifegaurd for assistance.

Finally peeing from the high dive is not suggested, but is recommended for the enjoyment of others.

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Welcome to heaven. I am the one true deity. Now to answer some common questions

  1. Yes, I'm female. you honestly didn't expect a bunch of patriarchal bigots to get it right did you?
  2. Yes, you can have sex in heaven. In fact the amount it's repressed on earth, I kinda wouldn't mind if you did some catching up. And as I'm omnipresent, I am available if you have nobody else.
  3. Yes you do need to "go to the bathroom", but not necessarily in an actual bathroom per se.
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"Excuse me, sir, but I was sitting next to you in the restaurant just now and I have a question."

"Certainly, young lady.  How can I help you?"

"Um ... well ... ahem ... did I really see you pissing under your table as you were eating?"

"Ah ... yes.  I didn't realise anyone could see me ... uh ... "

"Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?  I know a nice quiet place with ugly carpets that need a good wash ... and I'm sure I can provide something for after dinner."

"It's a date.  I look forward to it.  Hope you don't mind if I pee on your feet a little."

"I'm counting on it."

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  • 1 month later...

"Are you the Manager?"
"Yes, how may I help?"
"Your associate over there is urinating on the floor."
"I'm terribly sorry, we allow that so they can continue to support customers while on short breaks."
"I know that! I'm complaining because she's in the spot I was going to use."

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"I'll have a conversation with her about, 'Putting the customer first.' When she gets back."

"That's acceptable, but now I've nowhere to go. I'm certainly not going to get my high heels wet in her puddle."
"It looks like she's heading back this way right now, stay here for just a moment."

"Hello, Ma'am. I'm Katrina. My manager informed me I took your pee spot. I am most sorry and I would like to make it up to you. I want to make this clear, my manager's a strict woman, but this was my idea. I will service you here as a condolence."

"That is very polite of you."

{awkward silence}

"WELL I am WAITING? My skirt and panties are not going to move themselves and I've only a minute left before you'll be replacing them if they're wet."

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Six girls on the drink counter and not a single drop of pee left. Not sure why I come to the place... I suppose the "scenery" is still decent.


I am going to see if I suck a few drops out of this one.

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"Miss, you're only allowed to relieve yourself in the designated areas."
"I'm sorry, but your signs are very confusing. The only indications I could find where the buttons on the female staff aprons."

"Yes, that's correct. Those ARE the designated locations."

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"Want any ice?" The bartender asked, as she shook up my drink in a mixer.


"No thank you." I replied, eyes on her swaying hips. Just the two of us left in the dusty tavern.


"Ok." She replied, undoing her belt and peeling her tight, black pants down a quarter. One glimpse of her pale cheeks before she placed her plump posterior down over the opened ice-chest.


A sweet sigh, a muffled moan, and the song of yellow water dancing and splattering upon each glittering crystal.


"Mmm...how about now?" She winked.

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"Hi, I guess I'll start. My name is Leena."
"That's good! What brings you to Urination Anonymous?"
"I really really REALLY enjoy peeing in public faces. Like anytime I can. I don't even care if people see my privates, I just have to do it."

"Uh, I'm sorry did you mean to say, 'Public Plac~' Ah! well, I guess not.."
"NO, I distinctly said 'FACES,' Just like your's! Who's next? Plenty to go around!"
{Excited Mob Cheering}

Edited by hentaixt
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Oh, you use this spot too?
No, sorry I didn't mean to startle you.

I'll join you if that's alright?
Thanks, I really needed to go and this location's so nice and secluded.

You have a really nice pussy... OH! I'm sorry was that too forward?

Would you like to see mine more closely?
OooOOOooo~ I did n't expect a good tongue lash hing... I'll AH! have to return the favor.

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