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Short-Form Porn.

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Wow, I never thought I'd  be able to pee on camera!

Of course I also never thought of doing it on display for them in the middle of a store either.

The one is projecting on the TV in front of me so I get to watch it happen too!

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Now the tide was out it was such a long walk to the sea.  Amy wished she'd got up to pee sooner.  She was struggling to keep control as she picked her way slowly over the loose pebbles.  A stone slipped, she stumbled, and squirted into her bikini.  The squirt became an unstoppable gush.  Amy stood, weeing, for a couple of seconds, then squatted, red-faced, to tinkle more discretely.  Looking around, she realised that nobody had noticed that she was peeing herself in public.

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Dammit. The only thing worse than waking up to pee in the middle of the night is remembering the toilet in your flat is still broken.

I don't feel like getting up anyways. I guess if I just pee here it's okay. Ohhhh. That feels nice, so warm. Ohh, it's soaking into my sheets and mattress, but I don't care. Ahhhh.

Mmm... I wonder if any of my flatmates have done the same thing?

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Thank goodness my neighbor asked me to check their mail while on vacation.

I was expecting they would just tell me to hang on to it until they returned, but they gave me a key.

I had never been in their place before.

I am going to get to know it very intimately when I am peeing everywhere in the place for the next two weeks.....

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The shadows were lengthening.  I checked the time.

'We'd better go over to the main stage now, get our place in the crowd.' I suggested.

She nodded.  'I think I'd better have a wee first.'

'You'd better be quick,' I worried, 'I bet the queues will be long.'

'I won't queue,' she said, 'I'm wearing a skirt.'

She wriggled herself off her skirt so she was no longer sitting on it.  I thought she was getting up but instead she sat still.

'Shall I come with you?' I asked.

'Hang on,' she replied, 'I haven't even started.'

She closed her eyes.  I heard a soft rustling as she pissed where she sat, and watched a little trickle run through the grass.

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"May I help you, ma'am?"

"Yes, um... I mean... I'm all ready to check into my room, but... does this resort really just... let you pee whenever and wherever you want?"

"Yes ma'am, it certainly does. Would you like me to show you?"

"Um, sure, I guess, I mean.... Oh, wow, you really are just peeing down your legs."

"Mmm, yes ma'am. I am. Mmm. You're welcome to go, as well, anytime and anywhere you'd like."

"Okay, because I can't hold it anymore. Ohhh. Wow, that feels good. My leggings are getting soaked, but it's so warm."

"You can send your soiled clothes down later, ma'am, and we will wash them for you and return them promptly."

"I'm going to love this resort."

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I really like this "bucket" list idea.

I had no idea peeing in buckets at certain places was this popular...

Although I am pretty sure lots of these places don't have buckets either.

So would I BMOB (Bring My Own Bucket) or JFAPAP (Just Find A Place And Pee)?

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"Uh, Ma'am?"

"Oh hello there, aren't you a busty thing?"
"You seem to be a bit drunk, your dress has fallen down and your breasts are exposed. However, I approached you because your forceful pee stream is blocking the doorway."

"You're probably right, you've seen mine though... show me your's now!"

"I'm on the clock, I would get in trouble."

"You still get bathroom breaks right? Take your break and your bathroom with me here."

"I'd have to clear that with my mana~ ...... Oh, uh, wow, she um, she says it's fine as long as I clean up afterwards. I guess let me just get this shirt off first then."

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"I have called you five in AGAIN, because you can't seem to keep track of your rolls. The tourists come here to get photographs and if they post images online with inconsistencies we will get complaints from patrons. NOW let me make this clear:
One. Geisha 'feed the koi' in the pond.

Two. Shine maidens 'make an offering' OR 'cleanse their hands in the wash basin'.

Three. Pop Idols 'perform on the kabuki stage'.

Four. School girls 'make some rain in the chains'.

Five. Delinquents 'serve tea' in the tea room.

HAVE I MADE IT CLEAR? You will not pee anywhere but the allowed locations for your cosplay. I know it changes each day... and you may be completely naked at some points, but you are on a standard cycle, so start keeping track!"

(Spoken in unison) "Yes, Madam. Sorry Madam."

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 3/3/2021 at 9:14 AM, wetwulf said:

Oh my god, why is this Zoom meeting taking so long? And I can't turn my damn camera off or run to the bathroom real quick because my boss keeps asking me questions.

I mean, they can't see me from the waist down, so maybe I can... slide my pants and panties down like this... and just let it out on the floor. But somebody might hear the splashing. This office chair has a really soft cushion so maybe I could just.... Mmmm, yes, that's much better.

Oh, shit, he just asked me a question, but I can't stop peeing. I can't believe I'm pissing my seat while talking to my boss and coworkers, and they have no idea.


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I really need to pee, but I don't feel like walking all the way upstairs to the bathroom. But I can't hold it any longer.

There's no one else home but me. Maybe I can just slide my panties off and scoot to the edge of the couch.

Oh! Here it comes! Ahhhhh, much better. Oh, this is so naughty. And the sound if it splashing on the carpet is kind of turning me on.

Oh shit! What's that noise? It's the door, but I can't stop peeing! Oh no! It's my roommate! She's going to be so angry!

Wait, why is she smiling at me? And why is she taking off her pants?

Oh my god.

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I can see up that woman's skirt under her table. I wonder if she knows? Wait... is that... did her panties just get darker? Is she peeing? Holy shit, she's peeing her panties under the table! Does no one else see this? She's just talking to her friends, and they have no idea!

I wonder if I could get away with it, too? Let me just... adjust my dress. I don't want to chance someone seeing my panties, though. This booth has a soft cushion, so maybe if I just... Ahhhhh. Oh my god, that feels nice. It's warm on my bottom. I can't believe I'm sitting here peeing in my seat, and no one even knows.

Wait... is she looking at me? Why is she winking?

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"Girls! How many times do I have to scold you?"

"Sorry, we just couldn't hold it any longer."
"Ive told you time and again, if you're going to pee in public make sure people are watching!"
"..... well no since in wasting it now, get over here and pee in my mouth and soak my tits."

Edited by hentaixt
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A friend of mine said this in a conversation and I thought it would be good here.

"....today is practically impossible to see a woman not peeing during their ultrasound visit while pregnant, while in the past it happened only to 15% of women, now it happens to 95% of them. Usually it will happen during the medical examination. Professionals suggests to let it happen naturally as it's a sign of good kidney health. Not cleaning your medical office may benefit it, as a faint smell of pee from other women, may stimulate your next client to give up on their control..."

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13 hours ago, CON2H4 said:

Sorry, is there a problem?
What do you mean I'm peeing? What else am I supposed to do? Hold it?


Sorry, is there a problem?
What do you mean I'm peeing? Everything's going just fine!

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