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Origins of a Fetish

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I suppose this is where it all started folks: I was young and blessed with the opportunity to go to a nice public school. Our class was the largest 'cause 1st and 2nd grade were in one classroom and had the same teacher. I was in 1st and there was this real pretty girl in 2nd who was like a model student (kind of like Hermoine Granger for all you Harry Potter fans). Oh, and it's important to know, our homeroom had 2 rooms for activities, separated by a bathroom. One day me and some students were in one room doing something on the desktop, when our Hermoine came in and told us the teacher wanted us in the other room. We were reluctant to come, and she said there was nothing for it; we had to come in, "unless you wanna watch me use the bathroom" she said with a giggle. I didn't take her up on her most likely joke of an offer, but I think it planted something in me. A while later, some students were arguing about who left urine on the toilet seat. One girl argued it was a boy since we "have to stand up" (which made sense) in response to a boy's claim that it was a girl because they have to sit down (which made less sense). All this talk once again caused this seed to take root. Now though I don't often stand to pee; too lazy. 😁

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Rider028 said:

    It was different for me, later in life. I played with my piss when I was a kid, but that seemed more out of curiosity than anything. When I was 19 I even witnessed 3 guys give a slut a golden shower on the beach at night and that didn't really trigger anything. I was twenty-four I believe when I first was excited about a hot stream of urine.

    On some Saturday nights my ex and I would ride ATVs with a group of friends.  Among tlhem, was the girl that introduced me to my wife, we'll call her Kay. There was always beer to be drank at these rides which, in turn caused many breaks.  

      At this particular break I was parked near the outside of the group. My wife had walked away to chat with someone and Kay came over proclaiming that she had to piss. I was sitting sideways on my ATV facing the crowd am Kay walked around behind me. I didn't  think much of it at the time but as soon as I heard her heavy flow splash on the ground something stirred inside me. 

     It was like a primal urge to turn and see what made those beautiful sounds. I couldn't help myself. I turned to see her in the moonlight and diffused, shadowed headlights. She was there,  in a half squat, jeans around her knees, left hand bracing on my handlebar. I was at the perfect angle to see it all. Kay wasn't a small girl but not huge either. It was almost a spray coming from her thick pussy. It was loud, the only thing my mind let me hear then and it was beautiful.  I wanted to feel it. I guess she felt me watching  and looked up as she finished. She gave little grin and wiggled her ass to get the last drops off. I turned around as she pulled her pants up and nothing was ever said of it, but from then on I was hooked.

I'm glad for ya. Did Kay fart during this powerful piss?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember as a kid.Probably around 6 or 7,I suddenly took the notion to pee in the bath.I should point out i was having a bath at the time.I was old enough to be left alone.Maybe I was feeling mischievous I don't know or curiousity got the better of me.I remember just holding my penis just above the water line and enjoying the feeling and seeing a yellowish stream cloud the water.I think I splashed the water around afterwards.I recall doing this several times during my childhood.I guess I've always been fascinated by pee and bodily functions.

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  • 10 months later...

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