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My naughty roadtrip

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I always love a long road trip. Some times I drive 10, 12 or more hours in a day. I'll usually make sure I have plenty of liquids, usually water and coffee and I make a point of avoiding toilets. There's always at least a couple desperate moments.

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On 8/26/2019 at 4:32 PM, Naughts said:

In my last post about my trip to the lake i wrote that i planned something naughty. I did but the trip got postponed to yesterday 🙂

So basically i had to drive a car through half of germany. On a saturday. That means a lot of traffic so i reconed that i would be on the road for about 8-10 hours.

The thing is, i hate drinving by my own. It is just exausting and biring as hell. So i thought of things to do while driving. I downloaded a los of music and podcasts to listen to but also bought some food to snack on.

But most important of all I packed a few litres of water and prepared my carseat. Onto the seat i put a big plastic bag as a waterproof barrier. On top of that came two big folded towels.

Before starting to drive i already drank some water to make my pee diluted as i do not really like the smell of strong pee.

I was wearing light flowy pants with a pretty wild and colorful pattern. Because of the many colors and random pattern you cannot see when the fabric gets wet. Of cause without panties 🙂

So i started driving, seated atop of the towels and my water bottle always in use. The plan was to let some pee out whenever i felt like it. The first few times i had to push quite a lot because of the fabric pressing against me and because i had not drank as much. So i mainly peed while waiting at traffic lights on my way to the highway/autobahn.

After a few little spurts it got easier and happend just as natural es i imagened it before. Pretty quickly i was sitting on a warm and wet pillow. Thank god it was quite warm so it was really comfortable.

After about two hours i decided that i could need a little break from driving to stretch my legs out and get a coffee. So at the next gas station i stopped, got a coffee and sat on a bench to drink it. It was a metal bench on a patch of grass. There were a few but not too many people around me. My bladder was quite used to let go of little spurts all the time and started to do exactly that. As i noticed at first i was shocked and stopped the flow immediately. But as i thought about it there was basically no better position fo an unnoticed public pee. 

I let it out. Just one spurt at a time so there would not be a real stream but rather drops that fell to the ground unseen by anyone. That way i emptied my whole bladder. I was really wet and not just from pee! So when i got in my car the first thing i did was rubbing my clit and after a few seconds i had a really good orgasm! All that in public, i could not believe how bold i was!

I drove for some more time but of cause got caught in a traffic jam. It could not destroy my mood and i kept singing along to the music, drank water and ate some sweets.

Soon i noticed that i really had to pee. Letting my small spurts out did not really help that much anymore. I drank too much water too fast. At first i thought about just letting it all go bus the car didnt belong to me and i was pretty sure the towels couldnt hold it all. 

I took the first rest stop there was and i was very desperate by then. There where a lot of people everywhere and no benches that seemed okay to me.

There was a little house with toilets in there. They are free to use and basically look like train toilets. I did not really feel like using that toilet so i just got into the room, pushed my pants down and peed on the grount in one powerful and longlasting stream. I do not know for how long i peed but it felt like ages for sure. The puddle on the floor must have been about three squaremetres big and i really do regret that i did not take any pictures!

After that stop the traffic got flowing again and i continued to pee into the towels from time to time so they would always be nice and warm. They were soaking wet by now! 

Just about 50km before my destination the traffic stopped again and this time there was no moving at all! I started to play with myself out of boredom and reached a very strong orgasm just from fingering myself through my wet pants. I guess all the people in their cars around me who could theoretically see what i was doing turned me on even more!

When i finally reached home i just squat next to the car and pissed through my pants onto the driveway before unloading the car.

Looking back i would say that i do not hate driving alone as much a i used to 😉

Sounds like you had a fun time on your road trip😜. Thanks for sharing 

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