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"Diane:" A Very Intimate Conversation

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Great so far. The dialogue was engaging, and it was hard to tell when the true part ended and the fiction took over, so it was a smooth transition. As for the epilogue, yeah you blew it and she probably took your lack of pursuit as disinterest, or just got  tired of waiting for you to make a move. But almost every guy has a story like that where he played it too safe with a woman and lost her. 

Looking forward to part 2.

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Brutus, thanks much for the feedback and very kind words. Writing the dialog was the challenging part. I have written a lot of straight prose, both professionally, as an engineer, and in posts, like this, over the years, but I haven't written much dialog. I thought the story would come across much better, as a conversation, rather than as straight prose. And the challenge of writing the spoken words of a woman, describing very intimate bodily functions, is even greater, because women just say things differently, "go" rather than "pee" or "piss," for example. So it took me a long time to write this. One mitigating factor, which made it easier, and actually helped convince me to try this, was that I really did have a close friendship with this woman. We talked a lot, we were very straight with each other, and I even knew her speech patterns. I just didn't know that she was attracted to me. Parts 2, 3, and 4, a sequel, are written. I am just editing them, now.

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