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  • 9 years later...

I'm surprised I never read this story or maybe it's been so long that I've forgotten. But it brought to mind a few conversations I had on hiking trails some years back. I was raised in the Christian faith and still follow most all its teachings, but I'd sometimes wonder how far I strayed from the path.

Over the course of literally hundreds of hikes, I've gotten to talk about most everything under the sun with my trail partners. More often than one might expect, the topic turned to philosophy and religion. I suppose spending hours out in nature encouraged thoughts of spirituality. And, often in the middle of those lengthy talks, one or both of us needed to pee. 

I've found that after a couple hikes, we've gotten comfortable enough with one another that the situation is seldom awkward. And, if it is, we just walk a few steps further away. At the same time, I've noticed that most women, or at least most outdoorsy women are at least a bit what I'd call "pee curious" and a few obviously shared our interest.

But, what I didn't expect was one minute having a deep conversation with a woman on matters of faith and the next she's watering the ground not more than ten feet from me and making no attempt to hide that she enjoyed this. This time I was the one who was curious and, when she was finished, I asked how she could reconcile her behaviour. 

Without hesitation she earnestly explained, "The very same Lord that gave us the ability to seek out good and experience pleasure was the same who saw to it that we needed to urinate. Seeing how it was His will, it should never be considered sinful." From that point on, I was good with that.

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I also don’t remember reading this story, but enjoyed reading it today.   

At risk of derailing this story thread onto a theological debate, I would agree with @glad1’s observations and discussions with fellow hikers that enjoyment of peeing and the Christian faith don’t have to be mutually exclusive.  

I am a Christian, although I don’t go to church regularly, I do still have my beliefs and I do pray to God.   As anyone who has read my posts knows, I love peeing in naughty places, love seeing women peeing and love stories, pictures and videos of ladies peeing outside or in naughty places.  

My feeling on peeing outside is that God made us and all animals with peeing as a natural function and toilets are only a relatively recent human invention.  It is only a society imposed convention that says we shouldn’t pee in public or outside and that is not doing anything wrong.

Peeing on property that belongs to others without permission and where it would cause them inconvenience, distress or cost is really the only area where I would find conflict and I steer clear of that - although I don’t mind peeing on commercial property.

As for appreciating others peeing, well everyone is part of God’s creation and appreciating them is no different to appreciating lakes, mountains, animals, the oceans or any other part of creation.   I wouldn’t go as far as committing adultery, but as my wife knows that I enjoy seeing other women pee and accepts it, I don’t feel that  I am doing anything against her either.

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On 10/12/2023 at 7:22 AM, pee2poop said:

Well written! As a fellow Christian woman with fantasies of people peeing, it has to have some truth to it as you wrote it so beautifully and the  peace with god  part seems legit. 

I am not a practicing Christian myself nor am I really a true believer, though I do sometimes look at the state of humanity and the planet we live on, the ways things are going, and I do occasionally wonder if we are actually in a biblical end of days scenario right now. I did attend sunday school as a kid, and have in more recent years indulged Christians in long discussions about their faith, both online and offine.

I have conversed with many devout Christians of various types over the years, and have debated with some of the more politicised ones in America on politics forums.

I have drawn upon all this in writing the above tale. I have tried to put myself in the mindset of a devout believer whilst not myself being one, though someone who has often spoken to some, and who is open-minded and open to spiritual messages and thinking. I do sometimes wonder if there really is a Christian truth that I might be vaguely sensing. Yet at others I dismiss that as nonsense. If anything truly divine were to touch my soul I am ready for it, but I dont know what the truth is right now. I do respect Christians for their faith, though.

I have however long believed in things that are not really part of Christian teaching. I do for example believe in reincarnation and the notion of karma. I guess when it comes to the salvation of my soul as Christians might see it, I have potential but am still very much a work in progress.

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