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A whole new world

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So for the story it's going to be me writing a bit and posting as I have time and insperation. Like in chaptersπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. If you have comments, ideas, things you would like to happen please post them and I will try to incorporate them into the storyline! This first segment is going to be a lot of character development but things will get better as time goes onπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Chapter One: The forest

I awoke staring at the blank sky. It was dark outside with a chill breeze slowly spreading across the forest floor. I was surrounded by giant trees soaring hundreds of feet into the sky casting deep shadows into the night. I didn't know how I'd gotten here. Or anything about this place, or even who I was. I was wearing leather boots and what seamed to be animal skin shorts and a top.Β 

I slowly got up and saw the moon shining brightly in the sky. I walked forward and heard the crunch of leaves under my feat. It was silent, a little too quiet. Like I was the only living thing anywhere.Β 

I wondered what this place was and how I'd gotten here. What had led me to be here and what was my purpose now that I was here. I knelt by a stream and drank slowly from it feeling the cold liquid move down my throat. As I stood up I saw something peculiar. A light in the distance. It looked like a lantern of some sort. I gazed at it trying to discern what it was but couldn't make out anything besides the soft glow of orange light. If that light was civilization, how would I even introduce myself, I don't even know what my name is?


*End of chapter 1*

Sorry this chapter wasn't very good but I'm writing this on my phoneπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ also I plan on in the future hopefully doing drawings either each chapter if that's of interest?Β 

Also what should the name character's name beπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I was thinking like Raven or some uncommon animal related name but I'm open to opinionπŸ’

Thank you so much for reading!

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Again I'm writing this on my phone so I'm sorry but it sbetter than nothingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hopefully this chapter will be betterπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Chapter 2: Society

I walked towards the light hoping it would lead me somewhere. As I grew closer I realized it wasn't just a lantern, there were people here! A row of houses and inns created a road to the iron gate of a large kingdom. As I approached more and more detail filled my vision. I saw the looming stone walls of a castle soaring into the sky with flags on the rooftops. Lanterns flying all around illuminating the entire city even in the darkest of night. But something was off. I stepped onto the main road and immediately people backed away staring at me in silence. Like I was dangerous somehow.Β 

I approached the gate to the castle and an old man came up to me. "To entire you must pass our test"

I jumped a little bit. He was the only one to not run away from me. "What test?" I replied a little nervously.

"You are not from around here you must prove your worthiness." He replied in a very powerful voice. "It's almost sunrise, you must get going"

He lead me into a dark chamber and as I was about to turn around he closed the door and I heard a lock click. Then I heard a snap of his fingers and spontaneously the torches on the walls lit casting loomy shadows on the walls. There was a table in the room with a large flask of water in the center and a glass. The water almost sparkled a little from the Torchlight as it layed motionless in it's glass vase.Β 

"You must drink from the vase using the glass cup and forego the bathroom for as long as you can." I heard a voice say.

"Where... How... Why do I have to do this?"

"You are proving your determination of the mind, your ability to resist nature"

I heard footsteps receed away from me and I was left alone with my thoughts. I brushed my hair from my face not sure what to do staring at the vase of water. I grabbed the vase and poured myself a glass of water, it seemed to shimmer brighter now. I slowly raised the glass to my lips feeling the cold glass push against my mouth and then the shimmering liquid fall down my throat. It tasted like nothing, like I had drank air. At first nothing happened until very quickly I felt myself really needing to pee.Β 

It was like my bladder was inflating like a balloon. I immediately felt a leak spring from.my slit and I grabbed myself trying to hold on. I slowly walked in circles with my hands gripping myself trying to not to pee as I felt the ever increasing pressure built up. Another leak escaped me and I bent over trying to hold myself for a few seconds longer. It was like a waterfall was cascading into my bladder and I couldn't hold it much longer. After a few minutes my abdomen was aching and I was about to burst. I was doing everything I could bit leaking more and more trying to hold on. I felt my muscles give in for a second and a stream started to form. I couldn't stop it. I slid my shorts down as much as possible and my stream erupted from my vulva and a wave of relief washed over me as my pee pattered against the stone floor. Eventually mys stream slowed to a trickle and then stopped completely. I sat their panting either a small river from me. I felt so much better but didn't want someone to catch me like this so I re dressed and slowly stood up.

Now that I didn't have to pee I gazed around the room trying to take a better look at what was here. It was a stone room with a metal door that had a hat h on it so people could peer into the room. There seemed to be a window but some boards had been hastely put over the windows. I could see a tiny sliver of light but it hurt my eyes to gaze at it.Β 

The door opened and the man from before walked in sayin, "We haven't formally introduced yet, I'm bill, what's your name?"

I couldn't think of a name. I didn't remember. I felt some feeling around the name Raven howere so I replied, "oh.. um.. I'm Raven."

"What a beautiful name, welcome to the Forest Kingdom!"

"So I passed?" I replied very confused.

"Yes, although your bladder is very small your willpower to hold on was very strong"

"Thanks?" I replied somehwwt proud but also still confused.

"Come now our ruler would like to speak with you!" He said very hastely.Β 

*End of chapter 2*

I hope this chapter was a little more exciting! I'm.hoping to write the next part in a bit but I'm hoping this will suffice for now!Β 

Thank you for reading!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 3: History

"Welcome to Erindale" said s voice that seemed to echo all across the room.

I was in a long huge room with collums along the sides and huge windows along all the walls. The floor was made of intricate stone patterns that seemed to stretch on forever. There was a throne made of stone at the end of the room. The throne was very grand with carvings all over the back of it. On top sat a girl. She looked around 20 years old, had long wavy blonde hair, and was wearing pants and a jacket.

"I know you have a lot of questions.... And it might be easier for me to just explain everything to you" She said in a more friendly tone. "Many years ago there was a great war between the futeristic human race and a new race of people we called vampires. The war lasted for centuries with the humans superior weaponry and the vampires natural resistance better bodies. It ripped the world apart and the only survivors were our descendants. People that hid in islands and avoided the conflict. Every city was destroyed and reclaimed by nature, and 2000 years later, here we are. I'm one of the few that has the "gift" as we call it." She opened her hand and a purple sphere appeared in it and inside it looked like snow was falling. "Each magical being has the gift of immortality and an area of focus. I have control of all air and by extent weather around me and can manipulate it as I please. Enough about that, let's talk about you."

She stood up and walked closer to me maintaining a friendly demeanor as she approached. "You are one of my experiments. I found a skeleton of a vampire from the great war and tried to create a being with that dna. You are the result of that experiment. No one knows what you are to become or what power you possess. That is why people are scared of you. They see you as a vampire and reminder of history and what has happened, not as who you are now and I'm sorry about that."

"I'm a lab project?" I said a little puzzled.

"We weren't sure whether to tell you but figured you would figure it out eventually anyway. We are a combinated of the humans technology and medieval technology. We dress as we did 2000 years ago but have not progressed past the iron age in most areas. We see books of long lost history with hovering trains and airplanes but haven't been able to recreate many things. Anyways, You should get some rest, You will feel better tommorow."

*End of chapter 3*

Sorry for the boring chapter but I needed some character development and didn't know how to go around doing that so here we areπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

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Chapter 4:Β 

I slowly woke up and felt the natural light of day cascading into my room. I slowly got out of my bed and felt the sunlight hit my arm. Instantly a searing pain passed along my skin and I fell back to my bed grasping my arm.Β 

"Right." I said to myself through my gritted teeth.Β 

I very carefully walked around the room pulling the blinds of every window to avoid the sunlight. That's when an envelope on the nightstand caught my eye. On the front of the envelope Princess Violet was written. I opened the note and felt the paper in my hands before reading.Β 

"I hope your first night was comfortable, sorry to have dumped so much information on you last night I'm not the best at smoothly telling people things. Also there's a bottle of spf 2,000,000 sunscreen in this envelope. When you use it you can stay in the sun for 30 minutes, just in case something happens.

Best wishes,



"Good morning!" Came a voice from the door. "Meet me in the first room to the right as soon as possible!"

"I Will!", I replied wondering who that was at the door.Β 

I walked into the room I was instructed to go into and there was a table in the center of the room with a note. All it said was training of the mind in fancy cursive font. The room was made of stone with one small window in the top part of the wall. A voice from outside the room said, "Drink, I insist!"

I poured myself a cup of water and lifted the cup to my lips. The liquid was completely clear and tasteless. Soon I felt my need to pee growing drastically. I crossed my legs and tried to stave off the pressure in my bladder. After 5 minutes I felt a small knot in my stoma ch, then a small pressure, and soon a large force. This invisible force pushed against my bladder and I felt my control slip and a small amount of pee trickled out. I grabbed myself and tried to hold it in. Very quickly my bladder started filling verywuixkly and the pressure building. I was holding myself trying to not pee but feeling leaks slowly trickle out of my slit. I felt the wetnedd along my slit and it made me need to pee so much more. I felt a phantom force pushing into my bladder again and I tried as hard as I could to maintain control. At first a large spurt wet my panties and only seconds later I final push on my chest caused my bladder to loose control. I felt my bladder contract and pee gush out to the outside world. I let my head lay back in pleasure as I felt my pee pooling around me on the floor. I felt this feeling wash over me of pleasure, not like I recgonized but the feeling was there and very strong.Β 

Finally my stream tapered off, and I sat, completely soaked in pee barely able to move my legs from the relief of peeing.Β 

End of chapter 4:

What do you want the main character to look like. Like what clothing should she be wearing. I'm open to suggestions no matter how crazy!

Thanks for reading!



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Btw I wrote the last 2 parts super late at night in my bed half asleep. I really need to get better at writing. I also just don't know where people want me to take the storyline or if they want me to continue at all

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 5:

"Come in please," violet said from within the throne room. As I walked in the ornate pillars and walls enveloped my field of view.Β 

"I have a gift for you," Violet again said as she lightly jumped from her throne with a scroll in her hand.Β 

"Thank you, but what's it for?" I asked as the cool fabric of the paper fell into my hands.

"I think you will figure it out as time passes" violet cool stated with a gleam in her eyes.Β 

I awkwardly stood there not white knowing what to say. The past few days had been very strange and I couldn't remember anything from before then. It was all just so complicated.Β 

"Thanks" I said again before walking out of the throne room hearing the footsteps of several people on the stone floors.Β 

I adorned a wide brimmed hat before walking outside. People still gave me looks as I walked past trying to fit in. I walked back into the woods and sat on a stump cross legged. The sun was shaded from direct view from the high branches of the trees. I opened the scroll in my lap and saw pictures of people and hand motions all across the paper. They were instructions, for what was unclear, but I decided to try them anyway. I slowly stood up and studied the first list of instructions. I moved my hands back in forth in front of me in a lazy waving motion. Almost as if I was fanning someone. I felt the air currents around my hands change slightly and then go back to normal.Β 

I tried again and felt the same effect as before. Was I doing this? Was I somehow able to alter the air? I tried the next instruction set on the list a twisting motion with my finger while rotating my arm. I micro vortex of sir formed around my finger and the dissapated. I smiled and knew I had to get better to keep trying. For hours I stood trying the same motion again and again until the sun started to fall behind the horizon. I had hit a brick wall. I tried to study the instructions but couldn't get any better.Β 

A branch cracked behind me as I was deep in thought. I wirled around and all I saw was the bag covering my head. My body was being dragged. I fought and wrestled and couldn't get out. I felt a prick in my neck and suddenly the world started to fade away into blackness. Sleep seemed very nice and no matter how much I tried to fight it the world turned into darkness.Β 

End of chapter 5

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 6:

My eyes brined from the light as the bag was slowly removed from.my head. There was a torch directly in front of my face held by a figure behind it. I tried to move but I was trapped. Ropes bound to my body as I tried to move my limbs.Β 

"Hmmm..... Interesting...." Said a voice from behind the torch.Β 

I scanned the room. I was underground. There were cobblestone walls on ever side of me. An iron door blocked my exit and in the other corner were my belongings. Then I felt a hand force my lips open and a cool liquid fall into my mouth. My vision began to blur, then darken entirely.Β 


I awoke again. I was tied to the wall now. My legs spread as well as my arms. My head felt fuzzy and unresponsive as I sat there. The man from before was still there.Β 

"Fascinating, that is quite impressive." He said mysteriously.Β 

I tried to speak but it was like my sound was gone. I couldn't formulate words even when I tried to scream. Just small breaths escaped through my mouth. He looked at me and slowly poured another drink. The fluid was yellow and glistening slightly. He slowly walked over to me and poured the drink down my throat along with a cup of water. I tried to speak again but couldn't and before long I felt my vision getting blurrier and blurrier until darkness fell over me for the last time.

All I could feel was pain in my bladder. Even before my eyes started to register the faint flow of my prison my bladder was begging for relief. The man was still there watching me. The light from.the door was stronger now. Like the sun was climbing higher into the air. But all I could think about was my bladder. I helplessly tried to say to him that I needed.to pee but before long I felt a spurt escape followed by a torrent. The hissing sound of urine escaping my slit got louder and louder as relief and emberrasing washed over me. My clothes dampened and warmed the more pee escaped from me. Amidst this the.man poked up his head and saw the puddle that was forming beneath me.Β 

"Quite dissapointing, I was expecting you to last longer." He said before slowly starting to walk out of the room. Right before he left the room he paused and took a box from his pocket. When he opened it a purple orb flew out and started to flutter towards me. He walked out of the room and slammed the door. The orb seemed unsure where to go before fluttering towards me and flying into my mouth. I felt my voice return to me and I sighed in relief. A moment later my vision started to blur and as much as I tried to fight it darkness overtook me once more.Β 

End of chapter 6


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Chapter 7

Light slowly filled my eyes as i slowly awoke from my rest. I was in a completely new room. Large logs and intricate stonework lined the walls of the room with a tiled wood pattern on the floor. There were a few torches in the room that burned with an orange light.Β I was laying on a soft bed with a white blanket covering my body. The room was very plain except for the bed and a small desk in the corner of the room with a note laying on it. I slowly tried to get up and felt my head pound from a headache. I put my hand up against my head and tried to get passed the pain. I slowly stumbled out of bed and towards the desk. My feet touched the cold wood floor and I pushed the blanket off me. I realized that I was completely naked. I scanned the room for clothes I could wear before realizing I wasn't actually cold. As IΒ walked over to the desk I saw fancy writing on the letter that read, Dear Raven. I opened the parchment and the first thing stated was that there was a vial to cure the headache IΒ could potentially have when I awoke. I opened the drawer on the left side of the desk and saw a small glass vial with a glimmering liquid. I uncorked the vial and raised it to my lips drinking the fluid. A warm sensation went down my body and into my stomach. Then i felt the warm rise again slowly until it reached my head. My headache slowly began to fade away until it was gone completely. I turned back and read the rest of the letter.


Sorry for your less than ideal arrival into our civilization. We saw you had with you a scroll that contained very dark magic and wanted to make sure you weren'tΒ a dark sorcerer. In fact theres a lot of strange things about you. Through the tests we conducted we found your over 2000 years old yet only have memories dating a few days. Also you seem to be unable to age, your body will be forever stuck at around 19 years old thanks to your vampiric nature. Your body also had one last surprise. You are a mage. Thats why we brought you here. This area is a form of school, or well a form of teaching location. We believe that learning is kinesthetic and should be taughtΒ activelyΒ and not read about in old books. You have much to learn and we have much to teach you.Β 


A New Friend


I stared at the letter for a while not sure what to say. I turned towards the opposite wall and saw a mirror staring back at me. My slim body and red hair were even more apparent without the cover of clothes. I had so many questions. How was I 2000 years old if i was created in violets lab, Where was I, Whois "My New Friend"? I decided to open the door and walk around to see if IΒ could find anything. As I opened the door The massive stone structure I was standing in opened up with a glass roof I hadn't even thought possible stretching across my entire field of view. I just gazed up in awe at what i was seeing. Before my was a large grassy park in the center of the stone castle i was in. There was a single oak tree resting in the park and grass stretching along the floor.Β 

As I walked through the park a purple flash caught my eye. I walked over to it and saw a small purple orb hovering in a stone alcove. The sign next to it stated Arena, next fight Raven.

End of chapter 7

Im going to leave this a little more interactive than my last chapters. What do you think should happen next?Β 

1) Raven should walk into the alcove and see what happens, after all it says Ravens name on it

2) Go back to our room

3) Keep exploring

4) Do something else, Let me know!


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So no one responded so I guess I will xD

Chapter 8

I walked into the stone alcove and look around. At first nothing seemed to be happening until I saw a glowing white circle appear at my feet. Slowly the light beamed through until my entire vision became encompassed by the light. The next thing I knew I was in another alcove staring at a circular stone arena with empty stands surrounding it. There was a plaque next to the alcove that read Courtyard. I timidly stepped forward and started walking into the arena. As I walked into the center I saw light start to gather at the center of the arena. It slowly amassed until it grew into a monster. A big monster with 6 arms and terrifying claws to go with them. I didn't know what to do. I tried to run but soon was picked up in it's grasp. All I felt was tearing, pain, and thought this was the last thing I would ever do.

Soon the beast dropped me and I fell to the floor, blacking out on impact. I woke up a moment later and saw one of the hands of the beast flying towards my face. As if by instinct I rolled out of the way. Suddenly a sword appeared in my hand and I went running towards the beast holding the sword trying to get close enough to stab it. When I got close enough I drove the sword deep into it's leg and heard the beasts terrible roar.Β 

Unfortunately it wasn't enough and with one foul stroke the beast again struck me to the ground where I layed watching the beast slowly shimmer back into light and fade away into nothingness. Then my vision failed me and I was encroached in darkness once more.

When I awoke I was still lying on the arena floor. It was night outside now and only the soft glow of torchlight lit the arena. But somehow I felt like I new something new. Like somehow during my sleep I had learned something. I opened my hand and a small flame emerged in the center I rolled it around in my hand and tossed it to my other hand slightly giggling in the process. I couldn't believe I was doing this, or how I even learned to do this. When I was done I stood up and felt my bladder urging me to use the toilet. I looked around and saw there were a few alcoves throughout the arena.

"One of these has to be a toilet" I told myself feeling my urge to go rapidly increasing.Β 

As I approached one of the alcoves another small plaque said Shower room. I thought to myself, "close enough" and walked in. The same glow of light emerged from the floor and soon I was surrounded by stone walls but something was different about this room. It was very bright. I look to the curling and saw the entire curling was emmiting white light. In one corner there were a few toilets and in the other around 5 showerheads and a drain. On the other wall there were a series of mirrors and sinks. As I began to think in my brain. If no one else is here do I really have to use the toilet? I felt my aching bladder in my abdomen and instead of going over to the toilet I just let it go where I was. A hissing sound filled the air as pee exploded from my slit. Relief washed over me as I felt a puddle forming around my feet. After a while my stream start to slow and then stop completely.Β 

Feeling satisfied I walked over to the shower and turned it on washing out my very dirty hair. The warm water felt amazing against my body and felt so relaxing in comparison to the last few days. I almost forgot all my questions with this place and just felt amazing for the moment. After I was done I toweled myself off and went over to the sink. All the sudden the alcove I walked through started to glow. Another girl emerged in the shower door with me.

She had long white hair with a very slim build. Her blue eyes sparkled as she walked in. As the light began to clear I noticed that she was also naked.Β 

"Hello!" She stated kind of shyly but also while trying to be welcoming, " You must be new here I haven't seen you before?"

"Yeah, I got here yesterday, I think at least. I kind of woke up here."Β 

"Welcome then! I'm Rayla"

"I'm Raven" I replied kind of awkwardly.Β 

She slowly.walked over to the shower seeming to start loosening up a little bit. She turned on the water and looked at me almost puzzlingly.Β 

"Are you...... a vampire? She asked slowly.

"Oh......" I started trying to think of something to say. This was my only potential friend I didn't want to scare her away. "Yes, I am but I promise I won't do anything to you, please don't be scared of me"

"No I didn't mean it like that, I just, no offense, thought all of you were dead."

"Well here I am" I said with a slight friendly smile.Β 

She laughed and we chatted a bit more before I went back home. I saw a plaque outside my door that said Raven and a plaque next to it that said Rayla and a door that was slightly ajar next to mine. I smiled and walked back into my room, climbed into my bed, and fell asleep.Β 

End of chapter 8


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well i guess ill write the next chapter xD

Chapter 9: Attunement

My eyes opened and I felt the fresh feeling of morning wash over me. I wiped my eyes and looked around my room that had very quickly become almost homy considering how IΒ arrived here. I lifted my legs over the side of the bed and sat up feeling drained and tired all of the sudden. Thats when a peculiar bottle grabbed my attention sitting next to me. It was filled with a swirling red liquid and had a note next to it that just plainly stated, breakfast. I reached my hand out and touched the bottle. It was cool to the touch but the fluid seemed to swirl the same direction no matter the bottles orientation. I removed the top and rested the lip against my lips. The fluid quickly flowed into my mouth and gave me a rush of energy, like almost a supplemental version of blood. I felt the energy coarse through me and felt amazing.Β 

I decided it was time to observe the rest of the world and so IΒ got up and reached for the doorknobΒ  opening the door with a loud creek. I noticed more people. Unnoticed to me before there was another hallway branching off next to mine with more rooms and more name tags. In the courtyard there were three girls talking to each other without a mind in the world, over against the wall there were two girls passing an orb of water between them, and alone on the edge of the courtyard was a girl passing her hands over a pot of flowers and all of them grew into beautiful bloomed flowers as her hand passed over. I couldn't believe the contrast from yesterday to today. Suddenly the wall next to me start to move. The stone spiraled backwards and formed a new alcove right where my door was seconds before. A single label read.



No one else seemed to be around to create this alcove but out of curiosity I walked forward into it. The familiar brightness filled my vision and i felt my body whirl to another location before the brightness faded. I was in a large stone arena. In the center was a hooded figure. Unlike the other people IΒ had seen, theyΒ wereΒ not naked but in fact wearing robes and a long hood so that only their chin was visible. Without warning I heard the stone crack and a wave of rock cascade towards me. My reflexes kicked in and I jumped as high asΒ  I could over the wave. Before I could recover two builders were flying towards me and they both connected before IΒ touched the ground sending me flying backwards into the stone walls of the arena I crumbled to the floor and got up feeling pain arc through my entire body. But before I could do anything a pillar of rock jutted upwards and threw me into the air. Two morr tendrils then caught me mid air and pulled at my arms slowly pulling. All i could feel was the searing pain of my arms being slowly pulled outwards. I felt like my arms were about to fall off and i was about to pass out from the pain. Then out of nowhere my arms seemed to have a life of their own. I felt my arms have a fiery glow to them before feeling like liquid and then felt that liquid flowing into my body releasing me from the hold. I started to fall and my arms appeared back into place. I just watched the ground get closer and closer until a slide of rock appears under me and i slide down at anΒ angle and roll over the floor. Pain surrounds my body as i lay there with hair in my face and rubble stretching over me. As I sit up the hodded figure uncowls and I see a girl with blonde hair walk towards me in half shock.Β 

"This is very rare..... I cant believe it.....Β your a shapeshifter." She said struggling for words

"Im a what?" I replied still not understanding what just happened to me.

"We do a test to determine your specialty in magic. For example i can move any rock to my will. The best way to determine someones attunement is to put them into a life or death scenario in which the body will take over and do whatver instinct tells it to. In your case, well your body shapeshifted and we havent seen a shapeshifter for over 2000 years. They are all but legend to us but somehow, you are one. Yesterday when you created fire we assumed you were a fire elemental but it seems like you use flames to mold your body into whatever shape you please."

"Oh well, is there any way i can get better so i dont end up in rubble?" I replied, trying and failing at making a joke

"Unfortunately the last shapeshifter died thousands of years ago. We have a few books depicting the process but its mostly up to you to figure out how it works"

"May I ask why there are only women here?" I asked timidly

"All Men died during the great war, The few men that you have encountered have been the result of illusionary magic." She said very bluntly. I didnt want to question further as i sensed i was hitting a nerve. Before I could say anything more she started to glow with white light and then vanished, leaving me aloneΒ in the stone arena. I stood up and walked over to the alcove where I came from and saw the label courtyard written next to it. I stepped in and everything seemed almost exactly how it was when I left. I started to walk out when I heard rapid footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Rayla appear right beside me.Β 

"Are you ok?" She said very worridly towards me

"yeah, attunment," I stated simply

"soo....... what are you?"Β 

"A shapeshifter"

She just looked at me for a second realizing I was serious and then said, "Wow, I wasnt expecting that"

To try and divert the conversation I asked, "What are you?"

"Im a light mage. I can control light and do anything to it as i please." To demonstrate she held out her hand and an orb of white light appeared in the center before dissipating.

"Wow, thats really cool!"Β 

"Id love to show you more but Im actually already late for a match in the arena, Ill see you in a bit!" she said slightly hurriedly as she smiled and waved at me before running into the nearest alcove.

End of Chapter 9

Sorry for the bad writing its late xD. Also sorry theres no artowrk for this chapter I just kind of randomly decided to write it because i felt inspired xD. Thank you for reading!



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Chapter 10: The Truth

I sat on my bed staring at words and pictures found in the book called Shapeshifters. It magically appeared on my desk when i came home and so I began reading.

Shapeshifters are a very rare kind of Mage. They do not bend the elements that others but instead manipulate themselves to whatever they want. A shapeshifter has the power to cosmetically change how the look in an instant, turn their arms to swords, or make their arms into tentacles if they please. The shapeshifting trait is exceedingly rare however. Before the war it happened more frequently as species lived together in harmony but after the war Very few nonhumans remained. The reason this trait is so rare is because humans cannot inherit it. Humans are bron to predetermined and left in bounds their entire lives. There are only 2 different types of Humans on the base level and this limited separatingΒ of self leads to them not being able to have the fluidity that others have. No one knows how shapeshifting works but according to the few resources we have we have gathered that its an art of the mind. Your mind has to be willing to except that your body isn'tΒ definite and that you have no boundaries.Β 

I set the book aside and looked at my arm trying to get it to change, nothing. I tried to imagine my arm as a fluid or anything and.... still nothing.Β 

Shapeshifters often use elemental magic to assist with shapeshifting. The most common element being water as its close to human blood, others will use druid magic, and the rarest will be fire magic. There has only been one who used fire to shape shiftΒ and we do not speak their name.Β 

My mind was racing, who was this fire shapeshifter and why is their name not allowed to be said. Also why is fire shapeshifting and how is it so rare. I then had an idea. What If i think of fire surrounding my arm and forming into the shape I think of. I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling I felt in the arena earlier of fire wrapping around my arms and molding them. When I opened my eyes there was a feint trail of fire around my arm. I focused on moving my finger and watched as...... nothing happened. Slightly frustrated I set the book down and looked at the empty doorway in front of me. Ill get it next time I told myself. Thats when I heard a sliding sound slowly getting louder. It sounded like someone was really injured. I walked towards my door and peered out seeing Rayla clutching her sides stumbling while walking. I ran up to her and let her put her arm around my shoulder.

"Are you ok?" I questioned worriedly

"I kind of lost in the arena." She said with a smile.Β 

I helped her back into her room and laid her down on her bed. On the desk was a note with three bottles.Β 

"Drink these three medicines once you arrive home, by morning all your wounds should fade away"

I gathered the three bottles and walked back to Rayla telling her that medicine came for her. I gave uncorked each bottle and slowly let her drink the magenta liquids in each vial. Soon light started to radiate from her body and I saw scars and wounds start to heal. The room had an almost white glow as her body was radiated light as it healed.Β 

"I love magic!" I said happily watching this beautiful spell take place. Soon the light started to fade and I saw her wounds had all but disappeared.Β 

"Thank you," Rayla told me. "I dont want to trouble you but would you stay here until I fall asleep?"

"Of course," I said, smiling at her

I stayed as Rayla slowly drifted off to sleep. so peaceful, almost majestic. Her hair almost seemed to glow in the light. She was smiling as her chest slowly rose and fell with the rhythm of her breath. Not wanting to wake her up I slowly rose and crept towards the door. I slowly closed the door and backed away, leaving her to rest in peace. I pondered over where to go to next. I had so many questions but I felt weird just approaching someone and being like hey. how are you? Thats when I remembered the book that appeared on my desk. Somehow the desks seemed to create whatever you needed at that moment but there must be a place with more knowledge. I grabbed the book from my desk and walked off towards the courtyard.Β 

There was a girl in the corner just reading a book about medicine and I decided to approach her seeing her as a likely candidate for knowing where I could find more information than what I had received already. As I walked up to her my nerves peaked and I just started conversation with a simple, "Hey."

"Oh, hi" She said clearly having been oblivious to the world around her. Now that I had a clearer look at her I saw that she had long black hair with darker brown eyes. She wore thin framed circular glasses and had a silver ring with snakes encircling it.Β 

"I'm new, and I was wondering where I could find a library of sorts or just a few books" I quizzically asked

"Oh um theres an alcove over by the wall, behind the large tree. Im Olivia by the way."

"Thank you! im Raven" I said and smiled slightly.

It almost looked like things clicked in her head and she suddenly asked, "Wait..... are you a vampire?"

"Oh....... Yeah" I said a little nervously brushing my hair back as my hands found seemingly unneeded tasks to complete.Β 

"Oh no don't think im worried or anything i just thought your species was well..... extinct"

"Well here I am," I said trying to lighten the mood. "Well i'll see you around!"Β 

I walked over to the alcove behind the tree she described and saw a plaque that stated Library. Entering I was greeted by rows upon rows of books in a grand open room. Before I could move I started to swiftly move towards a row of books. The world blurred around me and I was practically teleported to row 334b, Shapeshifting. Unlike the other bookshelves this one was almost entirely empty with only a few books, mostly being copies of the one I already had. But then I saw a new book labeled

The Most Powerful Shapeshifter

There was a photo of a girl wearing all black, almost like a silhouette herself. with a label under her. The great Warmonger


The Warmonger is a title reserved for one person. A fire shapeshifter with the power to change the world. She singlehandedly sparked the war between humans and vampires. She would go into human cities and destroy buildings, homes, and kill thousands of people under the name of the vampires. The humans then fought back and a century long war broke out. The Warmonger tore down civilization and was often seen flying through the air surrounded in fire. That image stroke fear into the hearts of humanity. She and the vampires tore down all of human civilizationΒ and were on the verge of victory when another elemental stood their ground. A man named Eros. In the last human city the great Eros stood up for humanity with sky magic.Β Β There was a battle of unimaginable proportions as the two titans clashed for dominance in the skies. The battle lasted for 8 long days as flashes of lightening and flame were seen arcing through the sky. On the morning of the 9th day Eros arced a lightening bolt through himself and sacrificedΒ  himself to destroy her. He used all the lightening in the sky to blow himself and her up ending the terrible reign of the Warmonger. For many years the vampires and humans clashed in the last city until the vampires were finally wiped out and every last one murdered. The last action of the Warmonger was only found out years later when a lab of hers was discovered. Inside was a disease that didn'tΒ seem to have any visible effects on humans except the inability for them to have male offspring. The disease was meant to render the entire population infertile but didn'tΒ work as planned and instead made y chromosomes impossible for babies to obtain.

I closed the book and sat there thinking about what I just read. The last fire shapeshifter was a monster that hurt thousands of people, and somehow I was connected. I put the book back on the shelf and slowly stood up feeling almost ashamed for who I was. I slowly began to walk out of the library just thinking about things in my brain. Would people think I was a freak if i told them what kind of shapeshifter I really was? Do people already think im a freak? am I a freak? I hadnt realized how long I had been reading for but the sun was slowly setting in the distance. The sky had turned a beautiful shade of pink and purple with glowing streaks across it. I smiled at it making me think that just because I was a shapeshifter didn't have to mean I was a bad person. Just because I was born with the same attunement as someone who caused the death of my entire species didn't mean I was a monster, right? I felt a searing pain in my head and realized IΒ had just walked straight into my door. I shook my head and walked in laying down on my bed. I just stared at my ceiling thinking about how crazy my life had been over the last few days. Soon my eyelids started to close and darkness overtook my mind.

I woke up immediately feeling the pain of my bladder begging for relief. My hands instantly went down to my crotch as I felt a small leak spurt from my slit. I looked over the desk and saw nothing. Really? Now you dont give me anything to help me? I tried to get up and felt two more spurts find their way out of my bladder. I sat there for a second with my legs tightly knit together and my hand clasping my crotch trying to hold the flood back. In my mind I knew I had to at least try to get to the bathroom no matter how badly IΒ had to pee. I tried to stand up and I crossed my legs with both hands still in my crotch feeling a long leak escape. My hands were wet at this point and I could feel warm pee trickles flowing down my legs. My slit was now also covered in warm pee which made holding so much harder. I tried to take a step and my bladder just gave up. With my legs still crossed I tried to close off the torrent flying out of my slit but it was to no avail. A cascade of warm pee was soaking my hands and legs and I was just there helplessly trying to hold it in. Suddenly another sound caught my eye and I saw the door open as Rayla came in. I was mortified. I still couldnt stop peeing as she stood there closing the door behind her. "Was this a bad time?" She said with a sly tone in her voice

At this point my pee stream was slowing to a stop and I felt my face burning from the embarrassment of the situation. I started crying and sat down on the edge of my bedΒ completely overwhelmed by the situation.

"I didn't mean.... Im so sorry," Rayla tried to reassure me. Here watch this she told me. I saw her move her hands in a pattern and a spherical orb appeared in her hand. The orb slowly grew and then exploded into a gas where it settled on the puddle on the floor and on my legs where suddenly the pee started steaming away. Before long the room was completely dry and the glowing gas dissipated into nothingness. Rayla then walked over and set next to me slightly leaning on me

"If it makes you feel any better, I kind of liked it" Rayla told me nervously.

"you... did?" I replied slightly shocked.

"I thought it was cute" Rayla said blushing but with a smile on her face.

I just hugged her feeling a sense of warmth course through me. "Im sorry I've just felt like a freak a freak all this time and you walking inΒ on an already embarrassing situation kind of broke me." I said wiping a tear from my eye.

"Embarrassing? dude I pee in my room all the time and just use infrared radiation to boil it away" Rayla said clearly trying to lighten the mood. "do you want to go eat breakfast together?"

I suddenly felt a pit drop in my stomach, "I cant.... Im a vampire, im sorry, really sorry" I said trying to be niceΒ 

"Oh sorry im really stupid" She said face palming, "Well if you want you can come into my room and we can sit together"

"That would be really nice" I said with a smile

End of chapter 10

sorry this chapter was kind of all over the place I wrote this in like 10 sittings as apposed to the 1-3 i usually do xD. Thanks for reading!



Edited by Riley
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Also if it makes anyone feel better. On my last stretch of writing I challenged myself to not pee until I finished the chapter. At first I thought it was going to be super easy but it ended with me leaking a bit in my panties and almost wetting myself.

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  • 2 months later...

Chapter 11: Compassion

Over the next few days I had been trying to learn my true nature while also maintaining my friendship with Rayla. We were both going to the library and she was helping my figure out my shape shifting. I was learning everything there was to learn about morphing my body into whatever I desired theoretically but still struggling in the real world. No matter how much I failed though Rayla helped me and supported me.

"One more time, you were so close!" Rayla encouraged me as I tried to shape shift. I had started being able to do small changes with my hands but it took a lot of energy. I was trying to manipulate my hand into a tentacle. I just had to imagine it in my head and my arm should do it. I saw a fiery glow encase my arm and it start to morph before settling back into place. Thats when I saw someone enter the room from the corner of my eye. I recognized the familiar black hair and new it was Olivia.Β 

As much as Rayla tried to assist me Light magic was much more physical and forceful than shape shifting. It was more about physical movements than mental thought. Olivia was a Mind Mage which gave her the ability to see others thoughts. Her magic ended up being closer to mine and was completely about control over the mind.Β 

"Hows the shapshifting?" Olivia asked with a cup of coffee and a book.

"Im trying, but its just, not quite working." I replied a little frustrated. Olivia set her things down and walked up next to me.Β 

"Lets try one more time." She looked through the open shapeshifting book I had and told me to start trying. Flames seemed to irradiate slowly out of my arm as I tried to change it but before I could the flame subsided and I went back to normal.Β 

"Clear your mind. Eliminate all distractions and feel the energy within you." Olivia replied. "Try this time with your eyes closed and thing of your arm changing over and over in your head."Β 

I closed my eyes and felt the flames emerge from my arms. I focused on changing my arm, over and over. Please change, please change. Soon my arm seemed to feel weird and I opened my eyes to a tentacle as my hand. I got super excited and jumped in happiness. My hand morphed back to a hand automatically and I was filled with a sense of completeness. That's when I started to feel dizzy and my world was starting to spin. I saw my vision start to go dark and soon i saw the angle of the world changing as I crumpledΒ to the floor.

"Your awake!"Β Rayla said to me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was in my bed, with Rayla staring over me. I sighed and slowly sat up, "What happened." I asked to Rayla.

"You kind of... fainted after you shapeshifted."

Rayla seemed to almost glow in this light. Her white hair glimmered in the dancing lights of the room as she talked to me. I started to feel a weird knot of feelings form in my stomach as Rayla stood there smiling. I swiveled upright in my bed and felt almost dizzy for a moment half falling over.

"Woah, are you ok?" Rayla asked me.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy."Β 

"here, drink this, " Rayla told me handing me a cup of brown water.

"Is this some form of potion?" IΒ  asked a little wary.

"Relax, its just coffee."

I drankΒ  a few swallows and immediately felt some of my grogginess fade away from my face.

"Im really sorry but im actually running late to a duel in the arena right about now, im so sorry," RaylaΒ  said while half backing out.

"What if I came to watch?" I asked a little shyly.

"Sure!" She responded a little happier than before.

We walked into the arena and were greeted by a titan rock and magma. I saw a shade of fear fall over Raylas face but she stayed composed and waved goodbye to signal that I should go to the outside to watch. Sure enough I was the only one in the audience and before long the rocky titan began to grumble and move.Β 

I saw Rayla immediately spring into action and she created a ring of plasma that slowly got wider and wider around her until it reached the titan. At first it cut into the stone but soon the titan learned and threw a materialized piece of rock at Rayla. It hit her in the arm and she flew to the ground breaking the ring of plasma. Before she could even fully get up, the titan grabbed Rayla and threw her against the side of the arena. Raya got up and cast a plasma ball straight at the titans chest. The ball pierced straight through and left a hole clean through the body but soon the hole began to shrink and soon was completely gone. She tried to cast another spell but the titan was quick enough and smacked her over to the center of the arena. She slid on her back to a halt and I saw her with her hair covering her face, her arms half limp to the side, and a massive giant barreling towards her. She dodged the titans first attacks by rolling but soon the titan managed to grab her and threw her back down to the floor. She hit hard on her face and started to bleed out of her nose. She stumbled up again and cast a beam of light onto the creature which started to heat the rocks faster and faster until the titan punched her back into the wall of the arena. She again, slowly got back up and then got picked up by the titan. The titan squeezed harder and harder and harder and looked like it was going to squeeze her.

"Duel over," A non material narrator said to the field and the titan crumbled to dust. Rayla then fell from the titans grasp and onto the ground. I rushed over to Rayla now, she wasn't moving. I touched her shoulder and saw her slowly open her eyes. Her face looked ok but her arms were scraped and hurt.Β 

"Its ok, sorry you had to see that." Rayla told me while trying to stand up. She tried to take a step but stumbled and almost fell I grabbed her and slowly helped her make her way back to her room. I opened the door for her and sure enough on the desk a small opaque glass bottle layed. I helped Rayla ontoΒ her bed and then grabbed the bottle and uncorked it for her. She drank and winced at the sour taste but soon all her cuts, scars, and wounds started to close.Β  I sat down on the side of the bed nextΒ to her feeling a little red in the face and awkward.Β 

"Im glad your ok," I said kind of in a more serious tone.

"Hey, dont worry about me, it takes a lot more than that to hurt me" She said giving me a smile.

I got a little more red and akwardly brushed my hair behind my ear not sure what to do. I just felt this knot of emotional energy in my chest and wasnt sure what to do with it. As I was thinking out loud I felt a touch on my hand. Rayla was sliding her hand into mine. I smiled and felt almost euphoric in a wayΒ  but was still not sure at all what to say. We naturally scooted closer to eachother and I put my head on her shoulder relieved after what had just happened, but overall, it was a good day.

End of chapter 11:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 12:Β  training and mortality

I woke up and saw the bright glow of the alcove taking me towards my fight. I was worried. I knew almost no shapeshifting and had no idea what I was up against. I had spent the previous few days locked in my room practicing shapeshifting and unshapeshifting trying to get better with this moment looming over me. But here it was, inevitably it came anyway and presented me with my challenge.Β 

I stepped into the arena and saw Rayla staring at me from the crowd, I smiled and waved and she did back but we both knew that inside I was terrified of what I would see next. I stood in the center of the arena and readied myself waiting for something. A white circle slowly lit up on the floor next the edge of the arena and grew brighter and brigher until another Titan had appeared. The same one Rayla had had to fight.Β 

Before I could even react it charged at me and punched with it's head into the back of the arena. I ran and avoided it's next attack but wasn't even sure what to do. All j really knew what to do was manipulate my arms into tentacles and that was about it. I ran and looked back flinging my arm into s tentacle to try and whip it. The stone didn't move at all. The Titan then smacked the ground and the shockwave through me into the air. I felt myself fly up and then slowly start to fall faster and faster. I lashed a tentacle out and wrapped around the head of the Titan using it to break my fall and land. The I ran between the Titans legs and lashed them together to try and make the Titan Fall. Things were looking better and I felt really proud, until the Titan reached down and cut the tentacles at my arms. I watched as my hands vanished and then slowly rebuilt themselves piece by piece but it was too late. The Titan grabbed me and threw me against the wall. I felt my vision starting to fade into darkness. And felt a stone fist against my face collapsing it into fiery Ash. Then the Titan threw my body in the air and I felt myself falling faster and faster until I hit something solid, and the world faded away from me.Β 

End of chapter 12

Sorry this is a short chapter but I rsn out of time. Also if anyone has suggestions of where you want the story to go towards please tell me. It makes it so much more fun to write if people commentπŸ™‚ thank you for reading!!

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