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What are you grateful for?

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Something I've found in life is that it's really important to take time to count your blessings. It helps to put bad days and times into perspective and get through them (Hey, tomorrow's another day, right?) but it can also be very humbling to just sit down and make a list of a few things you're grateful for because it helps you to realize there is always good in life even when there doesn't seem to be. Making a list of five things I was grateful for each day helped me a lot when I was struggling with depression and feeling worthless a few years ago, and while I haven't kept up with the list, I often add to it mentally before I go to bed at night. One of my New Years resolutions was to try to focus more on my blessings and take time to realize I really do have a lot to be grateful for.

So, I thought I'd make a thread here where people could take a few moments to think about their lives and write down some things they're grateful for. It can be small or big things, things that maybe only you can see the beauty and pleasure in or things some of us reading this thread can think "Hmmm, I have that blessing in my life too, now that I think about it." It doesn't matter really, just anything you are grateful for today, list it here, and as you think of others, come back and add more to it! (Okay, long speech over, lol, I do tend to ramble on and on as some of you may know.)

My list of things I'm grateful for:

*Having an amazing fiancé who makes me his whole world and loves me like no one else has ever loved me before.

*Good friends, both in my real life and online.

*Family who love and support me every step of the way, who encourage me when I'm down and are always there to share in my happiness.

*This site!! So glad I found a place that's different from others I've been on; everyone is so nice and friendly here and I already see it as my new online home.

*Spring FINALLY coming now that it's officially March. It's been a god-awful winter and I can't wait for warmer weather!

*Being at the top of my college classes this semester despite struggling with learning disabilities at times.

*Lemon Oreos... So fattening but so amazing!

*St. Patrick's Day party invitations! Yes I'm an Irish girl.

*Bathing suit shopping for my trip to Ocean City in August.

More to be added later; I like to have a mix of serious and silly, as you can see. I didn't list things like food and shelter because we all know we are lucky to have those things and while they're very important and of course many don't even have them, I usually focus on some of the finer points. But by all means add whatever you're grateful for as you're reading this thread.

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I find that it is not easy to just start enumerating things that I am grateful for. I am involved in a church group that serves meals to the "needy people". Five groups, one for each of the Saturdays of the month. My wife and I get the first Saturday. When we started I thought of these people as being destitute. I got over that in a hurry. They may short of funds at times, but it is the fellowship that they get from being together each Saturday that really counts. I am thankful that I can contribute to their enjoyment.

Yes the winter here in upstate New York, USA has been trying. I am thankful that my sons sees to clearing the snow from my driveway. However, I get to run the snowblower to clear the walks at church. I am thankful that the blower works well.

I love to eat, but my scales says to take it easy!

I don't like to exercise, but my body says that I can loose it if I don't put out some effort.

I love my circle of friends. They are what makes life interesting.

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My list of things to be grateful for:-

All the great friends I have made online. When I first went on the internet less than five years ago, I never imagined that I would befriend such great people, not least the lovely Karlyn herself.

My job. I have been out of work before and it is soul-destroying. My current job working on checkouts may well be low grade menial work in the eyes of many but I love it because I get to socialise with lots of people, and it is this social aspect that I love. And a job's a job right? And if it brings home the money to live reasonably, that's all I ask for. It also pays for my next blessing.....

My car. I got around to passing my driving test late in life - only last year - and my Renault Clio is my first car. I love it and am seriously revelling in the mobility this gives me.

My intelligence. I suppose this could sound conceited but I know myself to be a fairly intelligent person and can hold my own in highbrow conversations with other intelligent people. I have known people who struggle in the brains department, and so much that we take for granted is not possible for them - reading a good book, writing a letter or typing a good email, understanding topical debates of any kind. We don't realise how lucky we are to have our intelligence until we meet people who are more deprived in this area.

Related to my first point, the internet itself is something to be profoundly grateful for. Unlike the youthful Karlyn, I grew up in pre-internet days and the internet didn't even begin to become mainstream until I was way into my 30s. It has opened up so much that we just didn't have back in the day. We can find out about absolutely anything within minutes by clicking a few buttons, we can reach out and interact with others who share the same interests, both sexual and non-sexual. We can meet and communicate with people from all around the world. I never imagined that I would find friends in such far flung places as the USA and Australia. The internet has certainly brought enormous liberation to sexual minorities, often in pre-internet days left alone and ashamed, never meeting anyone with similar interests. But the internet makes forums such as this possible, where like-minded people sharing certain interests can come together and form their own little communities, with as much anonymity as they wish.

WGP is itself something to be grateful for. I found it at just the perfect moment, when I was looking for a new forum and I absolutely love the place already.

I am grateful to live in a relatively wealthy and free democracy, governed by the rule of law. Billions of people in the world are not so fortunate. Much as I am often critical of our politicians and the decisions they make, and much as I believe life is often being made unnecessarily worse for many of us just to further enrich the wealthy elites, most of us here are still much more fortunate than billions of others elsewhere.

I am grateful for my loving family in real life of course.

I am grateful that full English breakfasts are so readily available here.

And finally, like Karlyn I am grateful that March has arrived, that the days are getting longer, and that the end of winter weather is finally in sight.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Being born with a neurological disability is never grateful for any person because it gives you a lot of social and practical difficulties in your everyday life, but for many it is probably difficult to understand that I am thankful for my diaper fetish and my dysfunctional stress incontinence as one of many other symptoms. This, as might sound strange to many, in fact given me a further opportunity for sexual pleasure to drown diapers and use them to fetish games.

Other I am grateful for is that I can still use my hands to build things with, even though my neurological disability causes tremoriska trembling of the hands. But writing with pen and paper, I can never do more for that feature has disappeared for good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

*I am grateful for my family as they have helped me through times.

*I am grateful that being diagnosed with Asperger's, while it has been a tough process, has made me appreciate others and myself.

*Grateful for friends online who have helped me out through my darkest moments.

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