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Everything posted by Ilithios

  1. I have a couple experiences not many, but I am convinced this a happens a lot. At a live show you need to keep your position or lose it. There are old stories about girls peeing in their seats at Frank Sinatra concerts. The one that I saw was at Red Rocks Amphitheater. It's an outdoor venue but the seating is stadium style so not grass. I was with my friends and I saw a girl right in in front of me stop dancing slowly and spread her legs a bit. It was dark, but I saw what she was doing. She quietly pissed down her legs (Wearing a skirt) and then went back to dancing. She was very disc
  2. I am free now to make the game. Just need artists. I can do all the programming.
  3. My earliest memory was when my parents were driving some other kids and me to various places. I remember after coming out of the book store, everyone got in the station wagon. we got on the street and one girl in the back of the station wagon complained she had to pee. There was nowhere to stop she kept saying it louder and louder "I have to pee!" My dad said "just go there, ok" I was in the back seat peering back to the back of the station wagon as she wet herself. Her pee cascading out of her jean shorts onto the car. I remember thinking it was naughty bad and wrong that she did that! B
  4. Every woman I have ever known has just gone into the water and peed in the bikini underwear or whatever she was wearing without pulling it aside. I suspect if you take a poll of the general population, not only pee fetishists, and they will actually admit it, it would be 99.9% that.
  5. @infinitepossibility I'm very happy to hear you have experience in writing. I am a narrative designer, game designer, programmer, but not a (very good) writer. I do not have anything done so far. Only game design ideas, plot ideas, etc. Here is my current situation. I have a commercial game releasing toward the end of this year. Until then, I will be too busy to work on this. However, after that releases, I'll have much less work for a while and plan to work on this project, hopefully completing it within a few months. We can use the time between now and then to find an artist, come up wi
  6. First of all, I think it would be much better to make a 2D game than a 3D game. The first reason is the obvious one. It will be a LOT easier to find 2D artists who are willing and able to do high quality work on a hobby project because they are into this fetish. To make high enough quality 3D environments, characters, and animations would take orders of magnitude more work. And frankly would still probably look worse and feel more cheap than a good 2D game. We want the game to feel sexy, not cheesy and cheap, and to do a 3D game that doesn't feel cheesy and cheap would take far more time and e
  7. I would be happy to work with you @infinitepossibility. My idea is a desperation game that always end with naughty peeing. I have some scenarios in mind but am open to suggestions. I think you'd be surprised that artists will work with us even in the concept phase. Just have to find them. I know they exist. But I want it to be a creative commons game. When people start getting paid, things get messy. I want just a hobby project.
  8. Oh I think you could get away with it. No one watches those videos unless there's a serious problem. Some water on the floor is not gonna be a cause to review the video.
  9. I think most people pee in pools. I have no data to support that but I just suspect it. Some people just don't admit it. I was at a pool party birthday party for a girl I liked in high school. We were in the pool and chatting and I noticed the water around her crotch was yellowish. She was obviously peeing and didn't think I would notice. I didn't say anything about it. I never got together with her unfortunately.
  10. I would use Unity and C# because that's what I use for my job, and am familiar with it.
  11. I stayed with that girlfriend for a few years. There was once before that incident when she discovered my fetish. We were taking a shower together in the morning, this was right after the first time we ever had sex. We finished cleaning ourselves and she seemed to be urgent to get me to leave the shower before her. I kinda knew what she wanted to do so I pushed it, and she admitted she wanted to pee, so I told her to just do it. She did almost immediately. I knelt down and started drinking it. She exclaimed "oh my god!" but kept peeing. But sorry to say the pee play never really continued
  12. On the cushion would be rude. But squatting down on the floor is not a big deal. I worked at a theatre when I was a teenager. Pee would be a lot easier to clean than spilled soda which is very common.
  13. I'm a game developer. That's my full time job. I would like to make a desperation/peeing adventure game. It would be offered for free, no payment to anyone involved. Just a hobby project. I'm an expert programmer and game designer with several commercial games to my name. I just can't do art or animation. So if someone can and wants to collaborate, let's do it.
  14. I just realized I didn't tell this story here yet. I really thought I must have. Many years ago, my girlfriend and I were coming home from the bar. We were in a pretty new relationship at the time. She did know of my fetish, though. She really really badly had to pee. It's basically all she talked about on the walk back to my place. When we got back to my place I was a little bit of a dick because I purposely sat down on the toilet before she could get to it. The toilet was right next to the door. She was standing next to the door outside the bathroom. I said "you're just gonna have
  15. Oh I forgot to mention. When she was done she asked me to get her some toilet paper, so I went to the bathroom and got toilet paper for her.
  16. This just happened a few days ago. A couple friends and I got a hotel room. One guy and one girl and me, none of us couples. We drank a lot and the other guy got sick and was hanging his head over the toilet. I was chatting with the girl, both sitting on the bed. She had to pee but the toilet was occupied. I did suggest that she could just go in the shower, but she didn't. Then suddenly she exclaimed "oh shit" and she rolled off the bed, managed to get her panties down (she was wearing a skirt) and pissed on the floor. I did lean over and watch, and she didn't care. Nothing else happ
  17. I had forgotten about this until just the other day. When I was in university, I was over at my girlfriend's apartment and we were drinking a bit. She gets up and goes to the bathroom. Next thing I hear she is clearly puking, so I get up to go check on her. I open the door to the bathroom and there she is, pants and panties around her knees, kneeling over the toilet. and Pissing full force onto the rug. Afterwards she said she just had to make a choice. She was going to puke, and she had to pee so bad that puking was going to force it out of her. She just had to decide in a spli
  18. The next story starts the same. In the same bar. To be exact. Different woman. This one was a little chubbier, but cute. The story is the next morning. I went to the bathroom and she followed me. She wanted to take a shower. She was also still naked at this time (that's not a fetish of mine, I actually prefer women have at least some clothes on in these kinds of stories but that's the way it happened) I was brushing my teeth. She was begging me to hurry up. I thought it a bit annoying with her persistence that I quickly finish. When I finished, I started running the water for the sho
  19. @spywareonya Oh yeah, I've seen you around. I have lurked here a long time. I really respect what you do. If I were female I would be pissing on every surface imaginable and uploading it for all to see. But, actually, who knows what I would do if I were female since that would be some kind of alternate universe in which even the rules of physics may or may not apply. Wait, am I overthinking this?....
  20. I have been lucky enough to have had a few experiences throughout the years. I'm not a great writer, but I'll try to detail them here. I'll start with one that really still turns me on whenever I think of it. I went out to the bar, as I am want to do. I met a woman around my age, 30 at the time. She was energetic and exciting and we quickly made a connection. My house was nearby, and we ended up going there. The usual thing went on between the sheets. And then we settled in to sleep. I don't sleep well when someone else is in my bed, so I was wide awake some time later (I don't
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