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Posts posted by zoe468

  1. wjat a great ex

    On 5/4/2023 at 12:10 PM, colette888 said:

    Yesterday has been a summer-like kind of day , quite warm & sunny .

    As I often do in the late morning , one of the beaches was my destination .

    But then the seas were extremely rough and the tide was full when I arrived there , so I had to direct myself to the rocks nearby .

    There were already quite a few people lying on their towels & under multi-coloured sun-umbrellas .

    I noticed there were a few older guys alone , some standing , others seated , probably there to watch girls in bikinis to get a sexual kick ...

    So , as I usually do , I looked for a place next to another woman , knowing that it's much more difficult to be bothered when we seem to be accompanied .

    Being a random process , I suppose the "fate" indicated to me where to roll down my towel , a meter or so from a girl who was lying on her back .

    After the initial reciprocal smile , out of courtesy , we both minded our businesses , she was reading and I was checking my phone in search of some music .

    It was only after more than an hour that we happened to talk to each other .

    The bottle of her sun-lotion had rolled down landing at my feet , just a few centimetres from the cliff-edge , so I collected and handed it to her .

    She thanked me and took the opportunity to ask my opinion about the weather and the sea-conditions .

    Five minutes later I was seated just besides her , having laid my towel along hers .

    Her name is Ann , 22 yrs old , from Birmingham , here with her Bf for a short vacation .

    She was alone because he was in town taking care of the rental-car and some accommodation problems .

    Very slim , slightly taller than me , wearing a discreet dark-blue bikini , which is certainly quite unappealing .

    But her pitch-black hair on the milky skin is more than enough to attract attention , unlike the breasts which are barely shaped .

    I think we spent at least half-an-hour getting to know each other a little , in the formal way .

    By the time we had touched all the usual Q's & A's , it was half past one .

    Many people had left but quite a few were still around us .

    The beach and ocean were really unreachable , the waves being enormous and breaking violently against the coastline amid huge clouds of sticky spray .

    While I was watching that impressive sight , Ann was nervously moving her feet , like when following a rhythmic sound .

    Then she was standing , with a worried glimpse in her eyes , like a prey getting ready to escape ...

    « anything wrong , Ann ? » - I asked, sensing problems .

    « Well , Carla , I must go » she said without explaining further .

    « Ah , OK , it was nice to have met you , I hope you keep enjoying your holidays » and I lifted myself to shake hands and wave her goodbye ...

    « No , really , you know what I mean ... are there toilets nearby ? » she made sure I understood pressing both hands on the tummy while showing a grim look on her face .

    I answered truthfully : « For what I know , there is no public bathroom , unless you go to town which is a couple of kilometers away ... » 

    « Aah , that's annoying .... » her voice was quivering while she kept staring at the horizon .

    Then she moved some steps away from me , probably to check any option .

    It was quite obvious to both of us that on those rocks there's no shelter whatsoever , it's a barren ground where one cannot hide at all .

    So I avoided saying anything .

    When I'm there , I usually go to pee in the Ocean , I'm aware that if I did anywhere else , I would certainly be unprotected from indiscreet eyes .

    The bushes behind the cliff are too tiny to offer cover , and face a busy road .

    So really Ann had no choice : being unable to reach the sea , she had to walk more than half-an-hour to relieve herself in a private place .

    Unless she decided not to bother & peed herself nonchalantly , the way I would have done if I had found myself in a similar situation .

    But I refrained from suggesting that to her , fearing to be easily misinterpreted .

    So I only commented : « Well , I see that it's convenient to keep moving .... » and made her laugh nervously !!

    She did keep moving but , of course , that wasn't the solution to her problem .

    When she reached her towel again , things developed quite quickly .

    Looking straight into my inquisitive eyes , she whispered only the indispensable words to explain her resolution : « if you help , we do it here » .

    I nodded nicely and asked what she expected from me .

    In reply I was handed a small white spongy towel , which she took out of her bag .

    « Come really close and please stick it like a flag to make me hide behind , I cannot wait much longer ... » but when she added giggling « don't worry , I'll be careful not to splash you » I raised my voice above hers : « not here !!! »

    I hurried to indicate a more suitable spot , pointing towards where the rocks are uneven and rougher , with deep cracks , one of which could have been quite useful to make the process easier .

    Without listening to any objection , I rushed there , followed closely by her .

    I chose a smooth tilted stone where she could sit comfortably , being sure the flow of piss would have found a convenient way down from there .

    Unfortunately there were two older couples lying down at a very close distance , but they seemed to me less curious and intrusive  than some men alone on the prowl further up .

    Anyway there was no better place for what Ann had to do , definitely !

    She turned her head down when I bent to be in an assisting position .

    Her right hand was firmly holding the huge towel she had used to sunbathe on .

    Having decided to build a sort of a shield around her , I gave a nod when she sat wrapping her waist .

    Then I secured a front covering , holding the material I was carrying as if it was the side of a little tent .

    Ann gave me an intense , deep , look ; then directed the eyes around to make sure nobody else was staring at her ; after some hesitation she seemed to find confidence when she sat on the stone .

    But quite soon she moved again , doubling the right leg , securing herself to the ground on one hand and lifting the bum until she felt in a comfortable position .

    Then fumbling a little , she finally freed her crotch siding with two fingers on the bikini bottom .

    Ann's pussy is completely shaven , but on the mound above , a shade of tiny hair is present , reaching and partially covering the protruding hood of the clitoral shaft .

    I stared at that vision , completely speechless  .. everything was in full splendour , just a few centimetres from my eyes .

    Ann was using two fingers to gently spread the meaty labia , but seemed to easily lose the necessary concentration .

    So nothing gushed out of her for at least a full minute .

    While waiting patiently , I tried to convey a reassuring and friendly attitude .

    But , of course , down inside my bikini , I was scorching and extremely wet ... 

    When her first spout definitely appeared , after a couple of failed attempts , restraining from masturbation and a very easy climax became quite problematic for me .

    I succeeded in controlling myself but couldn't avoid saying : « C'm on Ann , do it all ! »

    Like obeying my order , Ann unleashed a torrent of pee , at times violent and abundant .

    But she made sure to show me her total control , keeping the flow intermittent , alternating powerful gushes with spells of idleness , when only a few shy drops stayed on her skin slowly trickling towards the tiny asshole , which was also in full sight from where I was positioned . 

    I honestly don't know if any of the people on those rocks realized what was going on behind the little shelter built around Ann's waist .

    Possibly some must have perceived that she was relieving her bladder , but I think didn't mind much .

    What is certain is that I was the only spectator of such a thorough show , which lasted long enough to make me extremely excited ...

    After the piss , she didn't cover up straight away , stayed there open and spread even when clearly the dripping had totally finished , until she was sure I was appreciating .

    Then , with a cheeky smile , asked me bluntly if I'd have liked to wipe her with the towel I was holding ...

    Of course , I obliged , making sure to unequivocally press against her clit more than once .

    Then , lifting to a stand , she slowly let the bikini crotch retake its place .

    Even while silently walking back to the spot where we had met a few hours before , we were both aware that something had evolved between us .

    wow what id give to be in ann's situation and be cleaned like that. Only if my country wasnt landlocked i could go to pee at the beach too!

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  2. I do not remember actually, as long as i can remember ive done it like that. It was always natural. I like peeing on and against things, but i try not to try out difficult aiming tricks, as many timee i couldnt afford an accident to happen; so my aim has to be as good as it can be so thqt i doesnt go on me

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  3. I liked how naughty it was there just my secret. But it started as convinience i think. I dont know if others did it there too tbh… you had to go the same direction as the toilets so i dont know.

    i alwqwqys try to have tissues with me to wipe yeah, dont an infection or for people to see a wet spot when changing

    • Hot 4
  4. Just now, Kupar said:

    The pee kink is very broad and people here are very accepting of all the variations 😊. For instance, you're not the only female member to pee standing up, and you'll find very many people here that love to read about it or see it, though there's no pressure to contribute of course!

    Thank you so much! Id love to meet other girls like me! It feels kinda lonely lol

    • Hug 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    Welcome! That's a great introduction 🙂. Have fun browsing the site and contributing. This is a really friendly and respectful place with the best moderators. I'm sure you'll have a great time here.

    Thank you! I was a bit worried at first of not being accapted here but everyone is nice so far!

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  6. I like wearing swimsuits as tops and incoporate them in my outfits, so i pee in them a lot. And in them in them a lot too. On a day to day basis i wear panties underneath which can make it more difficult tho. Recenlty i tried peeing through the zipper of a pait of short shorts i have. It has an extra long zipper so i thought it might work, but only about half of it got out, maybe ill try later again but pull it down a bit

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