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Everything posted by Nwc

  1. I did, just because I had to change bedding anyway. Needed to be done, so that was my motivation lol
  2. Hey everyone I’m back, and I peed in the bed today to top it all off
  3. Once again updating! Still around, but have just run out of ideas on what type of peeing to do lol. Would love some ideas of naughty places in the house I could pee if anyone has any!
  4. Hey everyone! Still here, just haven’t been posting as much! I got drunk last week and peed all over the basement, so that was pretty fun if I do say so. Definitely trying to continue peeing as much as I can, and hopefully I’ll have something fun here soon!
  5. Hmmm… I could definitely pee all over the bathroom floor if I really wanted to lol
  6. Hi everyone, just want to let you all know I’m still here! Haven’t had much time to pee and make it fun. haha, but I’m home alone for the weekend, so don’t hesitate to give me ideas of where to pee! Hope to hear some fun ones!
  7. Only time I bother to clean it is if I accidentally pee on one of the wooden surfaces lol. Other than that, it just soaks in. And there hasn’t been any smell by some damn miracle
  8. Decided a little bit of time peeing in my bed was a good use of my time
  9. Haven’t updated in a bit, but planning to hopefully pee a little bit on my bedroom carpet tonight before I go to bed!
  10. As long as it doesn’t get obvious, I don’t plan on stopping any time soon!
  11. Somehow some way they haven’t. At least they haven’t said anything. They’ve only commented on the smell once but assumed it was from the past incident with the dog just lingering
  12. I couldn’t help it. I think I’m addicted to peeing on the carpet lol
  13. Every now and then, I’ll take a bath with the sole purpose of peeing in it. Something about being underwater while peeing, especially in something supposed to be clean, gives me such a rush. It’s always hard for me to decide whether or not to fully pee underwater, or pee and listen to it splash in the water
  14. Forgot to update from last weekend. Had my morning pee each of the mornings in the bed that we have in the basement, peed in the kitchen some more, and peed on one of the tables
  15. Haven’t done it an incredible amount of times, but I did do it on the Main Street in my town standing next to my truck haha
  16. The person above me is running an ostrich farm out of a city apartment
  17. Peed all over my bed today with porn playing on my tv. Naturally had to finish off before cleaning the bed
  18. Had my first pee of the weekend, thought you all might want to see! https://www.erome.com/a/fGsYihOy
  19. Update: parents are finally gone, I’m home alone finally, been drinking a lot of water today, don’t have to pee too badly, but I definitely feel the urge
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