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Everything posted by Nwc

  1. I like both of these idea a lot. I’ll definitely give them some heavy thought! Especially while eating or watching TV
  2. Finally getting house to myself starting tomorrow night… anyone got some fun and naughty peeing ideas?
  3. Ohhh yes! There’s two couches downstairs, a spare bed downstairs, my bedroom, my bathroom, my parents bathroom, the drinking room table, obviously the carpets… I’d love to hear if there’s anywhere specific you think I should do it from this list!
  4. I definitely don’t plan on saying anything unless she somehow absolutely 100% finds out about it and there’s no way to avoid it
  5. Yeah I’ll be sure to hopefully get some pictures as I’m peeing on whatever I choose to pee on! If anyone has ideas, it just needs to be something relatively easy to clean! (Example, no cloth or fabric furniture lol)
  6. Going to be getting the house to myself from Thursday through Sunday. Will definitely be peeing a lot wherever I feel like in that time! Couches, my bed, floors, kitchen, I’ll be sure to pee on everything I can and update!
  7. I did it naked. Felt so nice and warm! And I also love doing it in the bed, especially naked there
  8. Tried something a little different by laying down on the basement carpet, aiming straight up, and peed all over the carpet and myself that way
  9. I’ll definitely have to try doing it some more in the future. Maybe when I’m home alone so I can pee all over my room and still get it cleaned up lol
  10. For sure… I know I’m definitely looking forward to moving out eventually to be able to enjoy peeing wherever I want whenever I have to😉
  11. Tried something new recently and peed a little bit on my bedroom carpet. Have peed all over my bed multiple times when I’m alone, but never on my carpet to just leave it there
  12. I came to realize I forgot to mention the time I peed in a pillow downstairs a week or so ago. Peed enough that it soaked through the pillowcase, but has since dried and looks like it was never wet to begin with
  13. Bumping again out of boredom
  14. Had some more basement fun tonight, left a few puddles in various spots! Really had to pee tonight
  15. Hmmm, don’t know if it’s necessarily special, but I’ve peed in my bed and around the room a few times, so that’s probably my favorite place to pee
  16. Peeing all over the carpets in the house as I type this. Thought I’d write about it as I’m actively doing it. Feels much naughtier this way!
  17. Appreciate it! Keeps me occupied at the very least in my free time lol
  18. Haven’t posted here for a couple days. My mom finally noticed the pee that I’d let out on the steps… assumed the dog did it. Even asked me if I’d noticed the dog acting weird lately so I just casually went along with it lol. Still haven’t caught on about anywhere else in the basement.
  19. Don’t know how the hell I’m just now seeing this almost a week later, so my apologies! -for travel; anywhere in Europe, nowhere too particular. Reason being a lot of my family heritage is European (Scandinavian, German, those areas). Just be fun to see where the ancestors before me came from I guess -for the prized possession; hard to decide between my guitars, amps, and drum kit, or my diecast collection of NASCAR stuff -as for planning a night, there’s a girl (won’t mention her name here for privacy) that I sorta know, she was on the school basketball team. Definitely w
  20. This didn’t smell as I was smart enough to clean and wash the rug lol And it’s really not that noticeable surprisingly. Even when I wait a couple days to go down, I still don’t notice it. Basement has always had a different smell to it (not like pee of course) so nobody thinks much of it. Not to mention I make sure I’m hydrated well
  21. Oh yeah. I remember once specifically when everyone left and I peed all over the kitchen. Got the cabinets, floor, tables, and rugs all soaked. To this day, they still have no idea of the mess I made lol
  22. Bumping again. Ask anything about me!
  23. Peed my sweatpants after I woke up. Family had left for the day so I decided this was easier than getting up and going to the bathroom. Warmth felt amazing, as did the relief!
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