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Posts posted by CrissyP

  1. I know it seems more than normal, its not like i have a spare bladder somewhere.

    I am not quite sure that he will ever be able to take it all. Maybe when i don't have the urge, i might be able to pee less. The only problem is i tried that once and i am just standing and waiting, i tried squatting and waiting but it's just doesn't seem to happen.

    Don't sweat that he can't take it all. Most times it's almost impossible to keep up with it. You may have to interrupt the flow if you can. If not and he misses some don't worry about it. I have a strong stream and I've yet to find anyone who can keep up with me if I just let go.

  2. That position works for me. It's going to depend on the angle of your stream. You may need to spread your legs somewhat and make sure your urethra is clear of the labia. Of course he may need to help a little with his hands to spread your labia or you can do it to keep his hand available to support himself. Or you can have him lean back against something. Good luck!

  3. Okay... But, how do we explain coffee being much likely to make for frequent, smaller, bladder voiding than other caffeine containing beverages?

    In additon, this study states that "The average change of urine pH in the coffee group over an hour was found to be 1.5 ± 0.0. The average change of urine pH of the water group was 0.75 ± 0.52. The overall p-value was not significant, indicating there was no difference in the change of urine pH an hour after drinking coffee versus drinking water." Sure, it's a small sample size, but it doesn't support that the acidity of urine is the cause.

    This still leads me back to it being some other substance, besides caffeine, that is causing the sense of urgency.

    In my case, hot tea and hot coffee both have the same effect on me. They both make me pee about the same. Cold caffeinated drinks don't seem to have the same effect. This of course is a very unscientific study, just my own personal observations. Perhaps I should try drinking equal amounts of hot and cold tea using the same kind of tea and see what happens. Problem is; I'm too lazy to do that. BTW, I don't like iced coffee, so it would have to be tea.

    We should apply for a government grant to do a study of this. I'm sure someone would be willing to cough up a couple million bucks. It sure seems important enough to me to warrant further study.

  4. I'm not referring to the diuretic effect. If that was the case different caffeinated beverages should (controlled for the amount of caffeine) produce the same amount of additional urine. In addition, it wouldn't account for the same total amount of urine, but voided as less more frequently. Being that caffeine is metabolized before being excreted I can't see it directly acting as an irritant to the bladder. Perhaps its effects on the CNS increases the chance of bladder spasms? But, still, that doesn't explain why coffee is so much more effective than another source of a diuretic. Also, prescription diuretics increase the amount of urine produced, but don't normally cause bladder spasms... Again... That leads to the diuretic effect not relating to the strong urge to go.

    I will agree with you to a point; prescription diuretics work through a different pharmacotherapeutic pathway. They're metabolized differently and lack the acidic content of caffeine

  5. Bladder irritation can be a cause of bladder-control issues. Many adults experience problems with bladder control, which can include incontinence. The caffeine in coffee can aggravate bladder-control problems by acting as a diuretic. Diuretic substances increase overall urine production, which can aggravate an already-irritated bladder. Additionally, caffeine can cause your whole bladder to spasm, increasing discomfort or irritation. Caffeine is a diuretic and has a high acidic content. This has been proven in clinical trials done by the "Interstital Cystilis Network", a medical study/support group. Every urologist I've ever talked with has said that caffeine will increase the amount of urine produced, thereby causing you to pee more often.


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  6. In many areas, a gas station is required to have an employee on duty at any time that they are open. This is usually required by the fire marshal, because they want someone able to respond to a fire or leak. It is rare to find an unmanned self service station in most areas. There are stations that have a kiosk at the pumps where an employee is stationed, and no rest rooms available after a certain hour. Depending on the location and what else is open and available during those hours, they can be a good hunting ground for sightings

    In my area we have several gas station which are unmanned. They are operated by, "Pacific Pride". They are used by truckers and fleet owned vehicles. The only credit card they take is their own, so you have to have an account to use them. There's usually a small building tucked away in a corner for maintenance supplies and there's always a nasty porta potty that's not locked and anyone can use. There are always surveillance cameras all over the place making it impossible to do anything naughty.

  7. I do not remember ever really paying you a compliment before, CrissyP.

    We don't interact too much in any erotically charged sense, perhaps because my main area of interest - which involves girls peeing anywhere really naughty - is apparently not a major interest of yours. Whilst my most powerful fantasies involve girls peeing all over carpets, according to this survey you have literally zero interest in doing or watching that. :frown:

    Nevertheless, I often find your contributions interesting and enjoyable, and you have that little something that I can't quite define that makes you come across as sexy as fuck. I often enjoy your posts, and am glad you're a member here. Keep on posting. :) :thumbsup:

    I am sexy and I do like to fuck!

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  8. Please keep in mind that just because I posted this here does not mean in anyway that I agree with what they are saying. Just thought it was unusual how they looked at watersports lovers back in the


    Maybe it needs updated. What's considered "Normal" changes over the years. People might be more open now.

  9. Excerpts from The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior Copyright 1993

    GOLDEN SHOWERS: The medical Term for Golden showers is urolagnia.

    In advertisements that practitioners of deviant sex place to find each other they

    often refer to this as "The Waterworks". In the practice people reach orgasm by

    being urinated on. Usually, Men are the receivers in this practice. Because few men

    can persuade their wives or girlfriends to accommodate them they usually have to find

    a callgirl they can count on. Their excitement has two sources. The sound of the female

    urinating and seeing the yellow stream. A good deal of preparation must be done by the

    donor beforehand. When a regular customer calls the prostitute will quickly drink 8 to 10

    beers about an hour or so before they arrive. Then she must retain the fluid until the customer

    arrives and then the elaborate ritual takes place. A woman must have a strong and healthy

    bladder to succeed in this practice.

    Golden showers are generally viewed as an odd outlet that is acceptable to only a small number. It is not a practice that has wide appeal. However, with people we interviewed that enjoyed this practice reported being unable to function well, or at all, without it.


    I disagree with the statement: "However, with people we interviewed that enjoyed this practice reported being unable to function well, or at all, without it." I can have a successful and fulfilling sexual relationship without pee. Pee is important, but not the most important part of a relationship. My present male partner is very much into pee, but we can have sex and frequently do have sex without any sort of pee related activity. Obviously they didn't interview me or my BF.

    • Like 2
  10. Funny you should say that. I've often fantasised such role-play with that girl, imagining her standing astride me in my living room, naked from the waist down, uttering shit like - "I'm gonna piss all over you!" in terms of angry contempt. And then doing it. :)

    I recently experienced this with my BF who was away for a while. I was "heterosexually starved" and really horny. As part of our, "I haven't seen you for a couple of weeks " sex, I knelt on the floor and allowed him to pee on me, on my face, which I'm not usually into. It went like; "I'll bet you've been bad while I've been gone, fooling around with your girlfriends". Inside, I knew he didn't mean it, he knows I have a couple of girlfriends, so I knew it wasn't in anger but role playing. We don't usually do much role playing, but it was fun.

  11. I get satisfaction from imagining you doing it too - but in my case the satisfaction is rather sexual, lol.

    I understand your fantasy, though.

    I once knew a girl whom I had no reason to believe was any pee fetishist. But when she was angry with someone she did like to imagine herself pissing all over them as a sign of total disrespect, a way of saying "Fuck you" to the person she was doing it to.

    In fact, at one point we were discussing golden showers and the fact that some people got a kick out of being pissed on. I was totally in the closet about my own interest at the time. She told me that she just couldn't see what anyone could get out of that. Then - speaking hypothetically about the notion of whether she could ever piss on someone herself, her exact words were, "I could do it if it was a case of "Fuck you!" But I couldn't do it if they were enjoying it!"

    I could see that point of view. I get and take pleasure from peeing on someone as long as they're enjoying it. In my mind I could probably get pleasure doing it as a "Fuck you" to someone, although I've never had the opportunity to try it in that respect.

  12. I wasn't saying it was bad of you. It just painted a mental image of you actually doing it. And, frankly it was both pleasant and funny. :thumbsup:

    I too get satisfaction from the mental image of that. It might not be sexual satisfaction, but still satisfaction imagining it.

  13. Yes, I understand that. Perhaps something I said didn't come across as intended.

    I think I understood what you meant.

    I'm sure many of us would like to do something like that to someone we know and don't particularly care for.

  14. 1) Peeing on a partner - 10 Must be mutually agreeable

    2) Being peed on by a partner - 10 Likewise

    3) Peeing in your partner's face - 0

    4) Having your own face peed on - 0

    5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source - 10

    6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source - 8

    7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet - 0

    8) Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner - 0

    9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches - 0

    10) Watching your partner wet him/her self - 0

    11) Having your partner hold your dick/part your labia while you pee - 8

    12) Being totally desperate in front of your partner - 5

    13) Seeing your partner totally desperate - 5

    14) Pissing in full public view - 10

    15) Watching your partner or any other sexually attractive [female] person piss in full public view - 10

    16) You and your partner watching pee porn together -3

    Any pee related activities must be acceptable to both parties when it involves a partner.

    Adding MegaPoopTech's additional questions:

    17) Peeing in a stranger's face - 9 - a fantasy of mine. I know several people I would pee on their face. They're not strangers and I'm sure they wouldn't like it, but it would surely make me feel better, if you know what I mean.

    18) Having a stranger pee in your face - 0 - never.

    19) Drinking a stranger's pee - 0 - never, too risky.

    20) Having a stranger drink your pee - 10 - another fantasy.

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