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Posts posted by CrissyP

  1. Warm beverages and cold air outside. I can drink several cups of coffee and be fine. As soon as the cold air hits me, look out, gotta pee. Many times in the winter, driving in the car with a hot cup of coffee. I'm fine until I get out. It's the combination of standing up and the cold air that does it. It takes me about five minutes to get from the parking lot to my apartment. On many occasions I knew I wouldn't make it. There are plenty of wet spots in that parking lot. In those instances, I always park where the neighbors on the upper floors can't see.

  2. This is in NO way directed at every male on here. Just food for thought for many of you and the new males who join this site. Please understand that women usually have their defenses up when it comes to men. Take the approach like you do with water - dip in slowly and gently - not hard and fast! That totally came out sexual....oops!

    Very well stated. I think what you said in the start of this thread needed to be stated. So far, for the most part, everyone has been very understanding and kind to me on WGP. Not so on other sites. On EP, I feel like a piece of meat being hung out for the wolves. If I replied to every request (on EP), I would be on there 24/7.

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  3. My date and I were attending a party on the lawn of this restored mansion. It was a very high class event, way out of my league. I was wearing a very light weight dark colored maxi-skirt that nearly covered my feet. I was in my bare feet since the lawn was so soft. And I wasn’t wearing panties, as usual. After several glasses of champagne, I felt the urge to pee. It was a long walk to the house and I would have to pass through all these upper-crust people to make my way to the bathroom. So, I asked my date to stand in front of me and make like we were engaged in conversation. People were standing within four feet of us. While holding a champagne flute in my hand, I spread my legs a little, not wanting to look too obvious. I began to let the pee dribble out in a slow stream. Then a little more until I was finished. Just a little of the pee went down my legs and onto my feet, which wasn’t a big deal since I wasn’t wearing shoes. It went into the grass and left no evidence of what I had done other than a burn spot on the lawn from the nitrogen and ammonia in my pee long after we were gone. I managed to not get any on my skirt. My date and I moved to another part of the lawn and got another glass of bubbly. He commented, that I was “nuts”, but that’s why he likes me.

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  4. I had a very interesting night out. Since I have a habit of sometimes going into too much detail, I’ll post it in two parts.

    My date invited me to his house for a romantic dinner. He told me to wear the sexiest outfit I had. Since I knew this night out would lead to more than just dinner, I chose a dress that I hadn’t worn since my days as a stripper/exotic dancer. It was an ivory, see-through lace minidress, that I would never wear in public for fear of being arrested for indecent exposure.

    I had a matching thong, which I decided to not wear, but put in my purse “just in case”. I picked out a pair of ivory 4½“ heel pumps that went great with the dress, a pair of little gold earrings and a thin gold chain around my neck with a small CZ pendant. A couple of rings, a little hanging charm for my navel (since you could see it through the dress) and finally a gold ankle bracelet. I looked HOT!

    When my date picked me up, I wore a coat to cover my outfit. It was getting a bit chilly out and since I live in a multi-story apartment building, I wouldn’t want any of my neighbors seeing me dressed in the outfit I was wearing. When we got to his place, he took my coat and nearly had a heart attack as he saw what I was wearing. As he looked me over, I said “you told me to wear something sexy”! We had a wonderful dinner, which he prepared, complete with candlelight and soft music. After dinner I was in for a surprise.

    He hired a limousine to take us to a club on the edge of Downtown. I was a little apprehensive considering the outfit I was wearing. He told me I would be fine. The club is very upscale and trendy, I would fit right in with the rest of the crowd. I thought it best if I wore the thong, which I had in my purse. The limo driver dropped us off at the entrance to the club and told me I could leave my coat in the car. My date was right, it was very trendy, dark and loud. There were a couple of other young ladies wearing sexy outfits, and I began to feel more

    comfortable. We had a couple of drinks and danced. Then I went to use the restroom. I got into the stall, lifted my dress and began to pee, but something didn’t feel right. I forgot I was wearing underwear (I rarely wear any)! It was too late, I completely relieved myself while wearing the thong. It was soaking wet, so I removed it. I bunched it up and walked out of the restroom. I handed it to my date and told him to put them in his pocket. Since I’m shaved, I figured it wouldn’t be that noticeable, and what the heck, my nipples were already in full view through the dress, who cares? Continued in Part 2.

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  5. I bet as a woman it feels absolutely great to be without panties.A long skirt or dress should cover well enough.I imagine with leggings a bit more awkward in case you get piss drops afterwards,and would show.I took a girl out once who had none on,and i was horny as hell,especially when she came back from toilet,she let me feel,but nothing really happened otherwise.

    It does require a bit more care when using the toilet. Stick with colors that don't show the drips, if any.

  6. Very interesting,i can see how with jeans or leggings it would be awkward to use.More girls should wear skirts and no panties,think of the time youd save every time you went to peepee.(also make life more exciting for us guys on windy days)From what ive seen in some examples in the vids on here,girls empty the bladder more quickly than men perhaps.Its the undoing of clothing that takes the time,as Crissy points out.

    Fannywatcher is right. Girls should wear dresses and no panties. It's so liberating and it feels so nice down there. Although I can think of a few females that I don't even want to imagine without panties.

  7. I saw a lot of these in a plumbing textbook I read when I was a kid. I've never actually heard of one in use though.

    From what I read, there aren't too many still around. Probably because of the amount of water needed to flush (8.5 gallons). One website said they are still in use at The National Zoo in Washington DC, at the women's restroom near the Metro station entrance, and they still have them somewhere at Texas A&M University in the Architecture Building. One can also be found at my friend's house, in the downstairs powder room.

  8. From what I read, they were trying to reduce the amount of time it takes a female to pee. Seems it takes at least double the time for a woman as opposed to men. If someone could figure a way to reduce the time it takes a woman to pee, it would eliminate the long lines at women's restrooms at events, etc. I don't think it's actually the time to pee that's the problem. It's all the fussing with the clothes, having to do something with the purse and trying to turn around in a cramped cubicle, locking the door that slows everything down. If women wore dresses or skirts and no panties, the toilets for peeing were in the open, like men's urinals, things would move a lot quicker.

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  9. So, that’s what it is……….. The American Standard Sanistand or aka, Crane Hy-San

    I first encountered this plumbing fixture in a ladies restroom at a place where I was working while in college. There were two of these placed side by side with no partition between them. At first, I thought I was in the men’s room and these were male urinals. There were two regular toilets in cubicles next to them. I was wearing pants at the time and couldn’t figure any way to use them. Incidentally , there was no provision for toilet paper at either one of them, further reinforcing the idea that they were intended for male use. I made some inquires of the other female employees as to their use. Everyone I talked to laughed it off saying they’re supposed to be female urinals, but no one uses them.

    Unless you’re wearing a dress or skirt, it would be very awkward to use. I surmised that you should squat or sit, back to the wall, over the forward protruding part with your pants and panties pulled down to below your knees. If you wore a skirt or dress, you could straddle it with your legs, pull your panties (if you’re wearing any) aside and urinate in a standing position while facing the wall, giving you a bit of privacy.

    Fast forward to more recently……… A friend of mine was restoring a beautiful old house. As part of the remodeling, he installed a powder room in the basement game room. While searching through a used builder’s supply warehouse, he found one of these fixtures. The people at the warehouse had no idea where it came from, only that it was a urinal of some kind. The contractor and the plumber had no clue as to what it was. It was stamped “American Standard”. It intrigued him and he took it home to install as a urinal in the powder room. In his words; “it looked interesting, until I discovered it required half of the city’s water reservoir to flush it”. Indeed, it needed 8 gallons of water per flush, far more than a standard toilet.

    I was at his place and intended to use the powder room when I discovered it. I explained that I had encountered one of these before, but didn’t have the privacy to experiment with it. I was wearing a dress and no panties and demonstrated how I thought it should be used in a standing position, much to his enjoyment, by straddling and peeing while facing the wall.

    Subsequently, I’ve used it to have a bowel movement. I sat with my back to the wall. Once you get used to the cold porcelain on your butt, it’s reasonably comfortable for doing one’s business, although it was a bit higher than a regular toilet. I would never do this in a public facility.

    When I saw the original post, I did an internet search and discovered that this curiosity is an “American Standard Sanistand”. It was introduced in the post WW II era and intended to be used as a female urinal. At that time women wore dresses and skirts nearly all the time. As pants became popular, the “Sanistand” fell from favor because it was inconvenient to use and it was discontinued in the early 70’s. Additional searching found a sign posted above a “Crane” fixture of the same design called the “Hy-San” used at A&M University in Texas, with instructions. Looks like I approached it correctly to do a BM, although you’re not supposed to sit on it. But I was backwards when it came to peeing. I guess it was a “piss-poor” design, no doubt propagated by some male designer who thought he was doing women a favor.

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  10. Caution to the ladies when travelling. Some ben-wa balls have been known to set off airport metal detectors. This can lead to embarrassment if the balls are inside you at the time. :redface:

    Might be best to carry them in your checked baggage.

    Wouldn't that be embarrassing? I prefer to use the glass balls. They're easier to keep clean and no chance of a reaction like with some of the metal one's. The glass balls won't set off any metal detectors. I've read that some of the cheap balls are made of brass or steel and nickel plated. Some people have allergic reactions to long exposure to nickel. Sometimes the plating starts to flake off. The last thing you want is tiny metal flakes in your vagina! Surgical stainless steel would be OK, provided they are really stainless steel.

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