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Posts posted by CrissyP

  1. Crissy P ,

    I'm so sorry in not adding you to the list . That I would like to really apolozie to you in not mentioning your name . Though you have contributed a lot to this website . As well as to my friendship I so very much love . In what you have shared with me.

    Because of you Iwould be lost . Should you ever decide to go else where . In finding friends of like mind and interests you like so well . Whenever you want to be naughty. That of being able to share those naughty experiences with me / someone who appreciates what you do like to have fun with .

    Which I do Hope You will forgive me for my mistake on here. Since I'm not perfect and no mess up ever so often but I need you in being a friend to me. Along with being a friend to you as well. So you will always have someone . Who will always appreciate who you are as a young attractive woman and a friend who does care for others as well

    I would hate to see you go. Because my life as is would be less joyful and so much darker . In not having you as a friend to share things in .

    Please , forgive Me for my short - sightedness in this manner . I didn't wish to omit you at all


    Kevin, I was teasing!

  2. I'm hurt! Kevin didn't mention my name, and I thought he was my friend! I must be among the "forgotten few". Maybe I don't contribute all that much, but sometimes it's hard for me to think of something all that meaningful to say.

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  3. Thank you for the advice. i did talk to him about it and he asked me if i would be comfortable to get peed on. To be honest, I never tried it but i don't think my reaction would be the same. As i like to see the person's reaction, thats what turns me on.

    If he's "into" it, I'm sure he'll have a reaction that'll be worth remembering...... as he feels the warm pee gushing over his cock and balls, trickling down onto his butt! And I'll bet you find it just as pleasurable. Hmmmm, thinking about that; I think I need to take care of some "pleasuring" myself. Read that any way you want!:whistling:

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  4. From a female point of view, I agree with the others. Glad1 gave you good advice, one step at a time. It's a matter of overcoming the initial embarrassment of having your partner see you doing something that most people were brought up to think was "dirty and offensive". But the way I look at it, if it makes your partner and most importantly YOU happy, do it! I like watching guys and girls pee. I also like when someone watches me pee. I find it exciting sharing those intimate moments. However, if someone is uncomfortable with it, then I don't feel comfortable myself. Most times, the "uncomfortable" is just being shy. If HE wants it, what do you have to lose? Good luck!

  5. A number of studies in the medical profession have stated that females usually need to urinate more frequently than males. This is due to the fact that the female bladder tends to put pressure on the surrounding area. Whereas, the male bladder has more room to expand, thereby increasing capacity. The average bladder is the same size in both male and female, with a capacity of approximately 200 cc. They go on and on stating the reasons and giving much more detailed medical explanations. These studies done by learned medical scholars seem to refute the very unscientific findings of fellow WGP member fannywatcher.

    I, on the other hand, tend to agree with fannywatcher. Most females I know, myself included, can outlast most males of similar age and physical condition by a considerable margin when it comes to holding our pee.

  6. Pee sounds more lady-like. I think "piss" is harsher, but tends to give it a more sexual connotation. When I'm being nice and polite I use "pee". When I'm feeling naughty, then it's "piss".

    If I'm at a restaurant or club, I'll never say, "I'm going to take a piss". It'll be, "I'm going to pee". I'm being polite and lady-like!

    At home; "Do you want to watch me piss?", not "Would you like to watch me pee?" I'm being naughty!

  7. Fannywatcher is right, sometimes you see people for a while, then they just disappear. I've wondered why. Maybe they get bored, (I can't imagine that), or it's not what they expected. If some of these people would contribute or perhaps "Private Message" some of the others, it would be more interesting for them.

  8. I don't usually have a problem peeing during sex, especially if I've been holding it a while and I really have to go. Yes, I think the orgasm is much more intense if my bladder is full. Sometimes, during an orgasm, I can't hold on to it any longer and I just have to let go. I have to be careful if I'm having sex with a guy who isn't into pee, and make sure I relieve myself ahead of time. And yes, there are actually guys out there who aren't into pee. I'll date them, providing they have other attributes that make up for that.

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  9. I'm Bi, but honestly prefer guys. I like watching girls pee, sometimes more than men, because I can relate to it more. I see nothing wrong with a guy engaging in pee play with another guy and don't necessarily think it makes him "gay". I've been involved in group sex which included some pee activity, and the guys participated eagerly. There wasn't anything homosexual going on, and other than the peeing, no other sexual activity took place between the guys. I'm sure they were "caught up" in the moment and let any inhibitions they may have had down. I, personally, don't see anything wrong with it and am a firm believer in; "If it feels good, do it". As one of my boyfriends says, "Whatever floats your boat".

  10. Chrissy,

    Is this a music festival, and if so, what is the genre of the music? I am always looking for new events that may be productive.

    Not a musical festival. It's an event to celebrate the old "National Road" which ran from Washington DC to Wheeling WV. They have antique cars, trucks, craft vendors, and old construction equipment. It's held in May and again in August. My BF likes to go to this event which is held in a wooded rural area with very little facilities. Cars park on a grassy hillside, and you hope it doesn't rain. The crowd is very tolerant of people relieving themselves in the parking lot, as long as you aren't to blatant about it. The woods at the edge of the parking lot are also great and you frequently see females walking in to or out of them.

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  11. There's an outdoor festival coming up in a few weeks, not far from home. I'm looking forward to going to this event, not because I'm particularly interested in the event itself, but I know from past experience there will be limited facilities and long lines at the porta-potties. I take advantage of this situation to pee in the parking lot and anywhere else I can find. If you happen to go.... I'll be easy to spot, I'll be walking around with a BIG water bottle.

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  12. Lucky guy,did it hurt Crissy?I hope it didnt.I ask because as i said,the girl who i popped absolutely hurt,she clamped down on me like a crocodile,which made me cum in 5 seconds,which is poor really.....She yelped like a dog too!But she didnt regret it which i was glad about.:thumbsup:

    Didn't hurt at all. By that time, I was used to having "things" inserted in my vagina. Although, I must say, it wasn't the most pleasurable sexual experience of my life.

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