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Posts posted by CrissyP

  1. P&P is right. He could have been teaching a class in biochemistry I had in college. Pee is sterile when it comes out. Unfortunately, if you are taking any meds, trace amounts of them will also show up in the urine. Also you should not drink the urine once it has been previously ingested. It will become more concentrated. Anyone for a cocktail?

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  2. Pineapple juice, red wine, carrot juice, almond milk, gin :)

    All mixed together? That's one bad ass cocktail!

    Seriously, tried the pineapple juice, it works. I've been drinking cranberry juice and gin for quite a while. Tangueray Gin is the best, it has aromatic botanicals that come through in the pee.

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  3. Nearly got caught by a state trooper Peeing on the side of the road on the Maine Turnpike.

    I did get caught by State Police one time. It was night, I was pulled on the shoulder of the interstate. Not enough room to get between the car and the guardrail. I was squatting in front of the car when he stopped along side me, on the road, with the lights flashing and everything. He felt sorry for me and let me go. Whew!!!!

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  4. Egwalrus is right. If you agree to have your photo taken, or if you do something or perform an act where there is no expectation of privacy, it's on you. I also agree that it is more of a civil matter and should't be a criminal matter.

  5. I was hoping out, not UP! :eek:

    But, then there is this other problem, once I stand back up, I always find I didn't empty the bladder completely! :redface:

    While squatting you're putting pressure on the urethral tube that passes from the bladder through your prostate and into your penis. A common problem for men. That's a consultation, your co-pay is........!

  6. I always stand when I pee, but have to squat when I do a no 2. I don't suppose you know a few other ways? All this quick change of positions is killing me!

    You could always squat when you need to pee. Then you'll be prepared for anything that may come up. It'll also relieve you of the confusion you are obviously having trying to make up your mind (should I squat or should I stand?)!

    Can't think of any other positions, standing doesn't work too well for no.2! Plenty of positions for pee!

  7. Hello again,

    Have any of the ladies on here ever squatted for a pee and realised they needed a poo too?

    I have twice, once was on a long journey (17 hrs),my boyfriend was with me again, while I was peeing I felt the urge, so I told him that I might need more than a pee, so he went to sit back in the car and left me alone.

    Just a random question, but it would be nice to think I'm not the only one who has.

    Thank you x

    I've been there, done that! I may not have a problem with peeing in public, no.2 is a different story. I do my best to do that in private, if possible. Not sure what the hang up is. It might be because you never really know what's going to be coming out (you know what I mean), maybe it's the sounds and smell that usually accompany it.

    Anyway, yes I have been caught off guard a couple of times. I've started to pee, and suddenly out of no where, there it is, the urge to do no.2. It will usually happen, when it does, I'm usually squatting, I figure that, because that's the most natural way to do a no.2.

    Therefore my conclusion: I don't think you're the only one this has happened to. It's natural and fairly common!

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  8. Oh I do hope it wasn't me who posted it here. I find pics all over the place with little idea of whoever first posted them. I would hate to have unwittingly posted a non-consensual pic of you.

    You could point out the offending pic privately and in confidence to Admin and ask for it's deletion. I am sure he'll be happy to oblige without betraying your confidence.

    I guess that means no pics of your wet weekend with Autumn Peach. :frown: Never mind, totally understandable.

    You know, it's over, it's done, I got over it! After a while, I said to myself "I look pretty good there". I'd rather not point it out, however.

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