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Posts posted by lordofcoatham1

  1. I've been to Amsterdam a few times, peeing in public seems to be very frowned upon,  my mate went up against a building one night and took a lot of grief from passers by, it's one of the few large cities I've been to that public peeing on a night was very uncommon. Also those street urinals are quite rare, I only saw a couple dotted around but never got the chance to use one.

  2. in Middlesbrough, Linthorpe rd from the centre to Linthorpe village, around the station, around the town hall and Emipire.  I went to one of the early music live events when it started and people were peeing everywhere, sadly they subsequently sorted it with ticket allocations, stewarding and having more than just half a dozen portaloos

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  3. for those of you who will maybe no longer be visiting here once the watersports censorship begins please let the rest of us know if you are online elsewhere, it will be sad to see this community disperse, it is upseting how many great posts and people will soon be vanishing, if you do decide to go, I wish you all the very best, it has been a pleasure knowing you.

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  4. ive never even come close to peeing for that long before or since, but i was bursting as the bus took close to 2 hours to do a 45 min journy. As for my bladder, i had tonsilitis and hadnt really had anything to drink, nor was i doing much, just watching films, i suppose i was probably quite dehydrated too, i dont recommend it as a holding method lol

  5. the longest memorable pee Ive had was after a wedding i had been to, I had been rinking all day and the night do, it was in a hall type hotel in the sticks and afterwards got a minibus back to my home town getting dropped off with a female friend where the plan was to drop some things at hers and go into town to carry on drinking. The minibus was late to get there and i already felt like i had to go and the journy took longer than expected as people were getting dropped off in turn. My friend confided that she needed to go too and as we aproached our town we were both quite desperate. Our drop off point was a few streets away from her house on the main road as it was easier to get to for the minibus and i had already confided that i was going to go in the nearest alleyway to which she agreed to do too. She already had her heels of and in her hand as we left the minibus and she sprinted towards the nearest alley i ffolowed her and heard the clatter as she dropped her shoes as i rounded the corner and found her hkin her dress up next to a wheelie bin, being gentlemanly i went to he other side, unzipped and started peeing againt the wall followed a ew seconds later by her groans of relief and sound of her peeing which lasted aout a minue before shefinishe and i was still going strong, she then adjusted hersel, replaced her shoes on er feet aad stood behind me giggling an laughing at how much i was peeing, she even took a photo of me from behhind on a disposable camera (it didnt come out when developed) in the end i must have gone for about 2 and a half minutes leaing a substancial puddle snaking towards the gutter in the centre of the alley.

    the lonest ive held would have been around 16 to 17 hours in total including sleeping

  6. Its complicated i guess.I dont really like to down anyones beliefs or morals,as long as those beliefs dont affect too many other people.The trouble with Islam,is that it has too many non Muslims willing to defend it,when as we have seen,its adherents can misinterpret the teachings.If Muslims want to follow their religion to the letter,then we in the civilsed west ought to be encouraging them to perhaps go live in a slightly less enlightened country,where maybe they still burn witches at the stake for instance.But you have to be a real left wing student to think that our western civilisation and Islam can co-exist peacefully for long.

    you do reaise the backward despicable religion behind burning of witches is christianity dont you?


    the only reason we have progressed liberally in the west is because we no longer tolerate barberim and ancient mysticism

    also mary was acording to cultural and scholarily belief between the ages of 9 and 15 when she married joseph (thought to be aged between 35 and 90) and concieved jesus

  7. only because increasingly secular socities in the west have tollerated less and less incursion by reelgion, im sure if the likes of the westboro baptist church could kill with impunity for religious dogma they would

  8. Show me where in the teachings of the Catholic Church (or any other Christian or Jewish denomination) where rape is accepted. Show me where any other religion says that someone leaving that religion should be killed.

    i dont kow off the top of my head but there are instances where rape is accepted, young girls werre generally the only war trophies to survive biblical genocide, rape victims were forced to become wives of the rapist and pay a hefty dowry to her father.

    it depends on your historical vision of what a child is, until the advent of modern medicine (jesus believed disease was carried through words and didnt believe in washing) the average age of those who survived childhood wasnt great and obviously took brides who were of child bearing age however young that was, women were property anyway so hadf very little bearing on the situation.

    have you heard of the first commandment? thou shalt have no other gods before me, apposticy has generally led to death, i think if a holy book says you can get put to death for wearing a poly-cotton shirt or eating prawns its safe to say they wont allow you to leave. in fact i very much doubt anyone would have passed the criteria for entering heaven in millenia.

  9. i think the silent majority of many if not all so called "peaceful" religions have stood idly by aand watched over indiferently to genocide for millenia

  10. or maybe he should believe in just one less religion? i dont think islam is any less horrific than any of the other abrahamic religions, but do tell what these real religions are, is there a top 10?

  11. I suppose it protects you and the potential buyer any comeback on anything faulty, they cant come back and say something isnt up to scratch or unscrupulous sellers passing on defective goods, but it sounds like laywers lining their nests a bit tho.

    Ive never heard of radiation being a problem with wind turbines, would that be to do with rare earth metals in the magnets?

  12. there was a program late at night on channel 4 called eurotrash hosted by antoine de caunes and jean paul gaultier it was cheesy stuff, reports about nude cleaners or pornstar polititians but they had the odd segment involving peeing, i can vaguely remember 2 explicit scenes in the first series, i dont remember the exact details one involved some woman dressedas a nun and an artist who made casts of her and others pissholes in the snow after that in later series it was either only shown from the waist up or blurred the genitals out. they also had puppet giraffes as co presenters called pee pee and po po

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