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Posts posted by LoveLadiesPeeing

  1. Wow, lucky you. At least you got to hear; all three of those sounds are a turn on for me as well.

    A few weeks ago, I was at Hobby Lobby in a bathroom stall and I could hear a girl peeing through the wall (they were thin too) and then heard a fart, and heard another girl laugh, "Was that a fart?" 😁 Tried to time my exit the same as them but I was off.

    • Love 1
  2. On 6/1/2023 at 1:53 AM, Emilaze said:

    I prefer to stand when I'm outdoors as doing so keeps my shoes dry lmaooo. The only times I squat is when I'm peeing while pretending to do something else

    Wait, why would u pretend to do something else?

  3. Mine would take place during the final great world war, when the general of the enemy army (I imagine him as evil as can be, makes it more satisfying, total Nazi) fleeing a battle in my hometown and fleeing to my home while I'm gone with intentions to hide, and molest my wife to boot. Well, she sees a chance to whack him upside the head, and while he's out, lock his head in a makeshift toilet with some porcelain cut out to fit around the rim of the neck tightly. I come home and she asks my approval as her husband for what she's about to do. After weighing our standings I give my wife my blessing.

    When he comes to, my lovely wife says hi to him. Then she says so long as she sits down and begins to relieve herself on him, but I'm holding down his lower body so he can't do anything to stop her. She keeps urinating and maybe does a little bit more, and smiles at me. She looks down at him, who's started drinking her pee as it rises up to his nose, begging her to stop. Telling her that this was cruel. She tells him he should've thought of that before joining the cruelest group on Earth. She turns up the pressure on her stream as he flailes desperately and I keep him restrained. He starts to breathe in her urine. She says, "ooh someone's feisty" and grinningly tells me she drank a ton as soon as she knocked him out so she could pee this much. I tell her she's doing great to which she replies thanks and we watch as he gurgles and slows his struggling. She reaches down and yanks the swastika patch from his uniform and laughingly asks him if he sees it, which he for obvious reasons can't answer. She doesn't wait for one and slowly wipes her bottom with it. Then she says "oh sorry, this is yours. Here you go" and tosses it in the toilet, waving goodbye as he finally stops moving.

    I tell her I'm going to call the police and they'll contact Washington, and tell them the end of the war is upon us thanks to my awesome wife, and we'll soon have peace. But before I make the call, I scoop my wife off the toilet into the bedroom and show her how grateful I am for taking care of business like the boss she is.

  4. I've had some strange dreams in my life, but I'd never had a recurring dream (far as I can recall) though I'd heard about them.

    Recently I've dreamt that I'm in some building and go to the restroom. Women's on the left, Men on the right. I go in the men's. But it's so vast inside. I see so many stalls going toward the back, and even benches and maybe some showers, kinda like a locker room. It's completely desolate. I walk the corridor to see how far it goes and find at the end it curves to the left and leads into the rear of the women's room, which is just as long and empty. So the bathrooms form one big circuit.

    Now, Idk what this means, if anything. Maybe deep down I want to go in the women's room or something and I'm hoping to find an innocent way to get there. No one would build restrooms like that, but if they did, you could meander around the back and boom! - see women using the bathroom purely on accident.

    • Like 1
  5. I commend you all on your ingenuity and passion, even in your youth. Knew what you liked. Describing how you heard them come in, sit down, and start tinkling away, with the occasional toot- 😅 what I wouldn't give to hear that through the door!

    I've never been afforded the opportunity to listen in with guests at my home. The closest I got was at the library oddly enough. The bathroom had a sign that said "Don't hold cell phone convos in here; not insulated", or something to that effect. And they weren't kidding. I was sitting at this table chipping at this jigsaw puzzle they sat out for patrons to put together. Then this girl comes in and starts heading for the bathroom. The table was about 10' from the bathroom door. I tuned my hearing to listen in, and sure enough, I started to hear a distinct tinkle that lasted a few moments. No farts unfortunately. But they might wanna work on those bathroom walls. Lol

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, whiz kid said:

    Fond memories of listening to my high school gf pee behind the door.  We had one of those louvered doors to our guest bathroom, so you could hear everything.  I could hear the unzipping and rustling of her jeans and underwear as she lowered them, then the seating of herself.  A few seconds of silence, then the initial light trickle which developed into a heavier trickle and then into the familiar, strong wsssshhhhh sound and dribbling sound for the next 5-10 seconds

    😃 You and Bob were lucky men. Did she ever pass gas as she was peeing?

    • Like 1
  7. 27 minutes ago, Peenicks said:

    I used to be really into Lego building, I'd like to get back into it but shit's expensive. My hobbies nowadays are collecting playing cards and bowling

    Same. I splurged recently and bought one of those Creator sets. I always liked those cause you can build three in one- best value. Anyway, it's a pirate set. I built the ship and the bunker, just gotta make the skull island.

    • Like 3
  8. 8 hours ago, pguy2981 said:

    I actually love it when girls fart when they pee. I think its perfectly natural, and it makes me laugh even though I go flaccid lol.

    To add:

    • Extremely yellow pee. Please drink some water bc I can smell the video
    • Peeing in someones mouth.
    • Not very much into couple pissings but there are a select few vids out there that I do get off to.
    • Peeing on someones hair
    • Peeing in cups or bowls. I agree with @Bacardi on this one bc I don't like the idea of collecting my pee in something I'll likely use
    • Pissing on animals. Thats pretty niche but i don't like animal abuse
    • Biggest turn off has to be pissing in food. To me that is disgusting bc not only is it a waste of food, it's also disrespectful to the people whos hands are calloused from collecting the ingredients to make that dish, AND a disrespect to the person that made it, including yourself.

    I'm curious. Why does it make you go flaccid?

  9. 2 hours ago, Starks2010 said:

    Too much desperation acting, a lot of obvious looking for a place to pee, too much talking, unrealistic and unnatural stuff like getting totally naked to piss outside, pulling breast out unnecessarily, slow or weak stream, holding lips open to pee.  I like the natural beauty of the vagina, having to finger prior to peeing. 

    Hey Starks. You reiterate some good points. I know you don't mind any farting when she pees.

    • Agree 1
  10. On 5/17/2022 at 8:23 AM, Peewee123 said:

    Do all men like hearing about a woman going to the toilet or just pee kink people do you think? I have no issue declaring my need for the toilet but if men like it I might do it more 😂

    I can't speak for all men but I certainly love it.

    Once my old boss came out of the bathroom and on a lark I asked her, "You feel lighter?" (Dunno what came over me.) She was like, "Oh, could you hear me?!" all embarrassed. I said, "No, no, I was just messing about." She said, "Oh because I was moaning. I really had to go." I couldn't believe my ears. And she wasn't really attractive to me but hey, it was a woman telling me that. I'll take it.

    So please, do let men know when you've gotta go; we love it. 😊 Even hearing a female coworker saying, "I've gotta go pee" (as is common to say it that informal around here) gets me going.

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    • Cheeky 1
  11. On 5/17/2022 at 9:12 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

    Well @Peewee123 - I can't speak for all men, and in fact with my obvious bias I'm not sure I or any of us can speak for the typical man.

    Even among the most vanilla of guys, I'm convinced we are programmed with a fundamental primitive urge to want to mate.  Clearly mostly in polite civilised society we control the urge to just go at it like wild animals, but still at the back of our minds it's there.

    So for the average CIS guy what I guess that means is we're drawn to the opposite sex.  Add to that the concept of 'private parts' which coincidentally is where the anatomy differs, and we get that whole situation of us guys knowing what a dick and balls look like, but they're boring - we're drawn to, and fascinated by what we haven't got. We want to see lady parts (in whatever terms you use). 

    So firstly then we know that on the toilet a woman has all of that bare, we know she's going to wipe an inch or so from the mystical clitoris, we know girls go the bathroom together and spend ages together in there.   Beyond that, we know that a lady who hasn't got the opportunity to use a toilet would eventually have two choices - either expose herself to pee or to wet herself.   Now in the case of her choosing to pee, we're back to that idea of nakedness and private parts exposed.  And may I suggest that if we start to think about a wetting then one of two thoughts enter our head - on is a paternal chauvanistic outdated idea that we'd be able to be the brave protector of the vulnerable humiliated woman.  And the other thought is perhaps 'wet panties - panties get wet when she gets aroused' and we find the wetness idea arousing.

    So when a lady announces to the world 'I'm bursting' or 'don't make me laugh, I'll pee my pants' then maybe those are the triggers that take our minds right down into that particular gutter.  And that's before we've had any visual cues like the squirming pee dance.

    Now - I hope it's clear I'm being quite tongue in cheek in a lot of that - and expressing a few non-correct views.  Clearly I'm generalising wildly too.  Not every man is a caveman, and not every man is vaginally obsessed.

    Yes, I think this is a very accurate assessment.

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  12. On 10/4/2022 at 10:12 PM, PeeGurl74 said:

    I don't like farting noises on videos. 

    I don't like the double steam from a man's penis (looks like a defect). I like a perfect pissing penis. 

    Biggest turnoff, is trying to go outside thinking it's just pee, but suddenly feel something else so I abruptly stop my stream and go to the toilet. (I hate that).

    I agree on the middle one. As a guy, I don't like having that forked stream; it's so weird, plus makes me miss. That's why I just sit.

    Don't agree about the gas though; it's only natural.

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