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Posts posted by PullbackSoaker

  1. 8 hours ago, TopMarker said:

    Hey everyone

    I really like urban exploration. Going to derelict places and exploring has a certain appeal I won't deny. More so going in together with others. I find it particularly thrilling since it has a certain atmosphere of bending the rules of what is legal and the risk due to the lack of safety lurking everywhere. Also you never know whether you meet someone who made the place their home or base of operations.

    However, what excites me the most is pissing inside those places, even more so when others join. Pissing down old elevator shafts or staircases together with other guys really and listening to the splashing noise below gets me going.

    "Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints... and an occasional piss-stain or puddle"

    Guys that come along are real eager to piss somewhere where the others can see it. Must be a primal male dominance or territorial thing. I absolutely love it 😄

    Topmarker I couldn't agree more, a derelict building is a fantastic place to piss, very exciting with your dick out. Had a piss in an old barn the other night, wow. 

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  2. 8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Today for some reason I decided it was about time to get back out on my bike.  If you read above you'll see I did get quite into cycling a couple of years ago, but over the last 9-12 months really haven't been bitten by that bug.

    In fact when I checked Strava, it tells me I've been out three times this year and the last time was in June, which to be honest I remember as a hard slog.

    There's always been something coming up on the calendar and I've never got around to it, until today.  With a temperature of 18C, dry and light winds it was pretty ideal.  I set out without too much of an idea where to go, perhaps in a loop with a little undulation depending how I felt when I got underway.

    As it was, everything felt good and I decided to add a little climb to a local hilltop nature / forest area.  Not the quickest but that wasn't the aim.  And after a climb, at least you get to coast downhill - right.

    So end statistics, a 15 mile ride and 860ft of climbing - that'll do. 





    Hot bike, do like a Ribble, full carbon frame and forks, ultra ace? 

    I would have to call mine dribble though 😏

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  3. Out of bed, grabbed my undies off the floor to put in the washing basket from the day before, couldn't resist smelling the cock area, the smell of dry deliberate piss patches got me twitching, does anyone else have a good smell of their undies and get turned on? 

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  4. Really wanted to meet up again and grab a room somewhere . Drink quite a few beers and explore some piss fun.The walk on the wild side does get me excited.I love the ladies peeing and there wonderful bodies but when presented with a beautiful mature thick cock with the most wonderful long foreskin and heavy looking balls I could only think of pulling him back to reveal that cock head whist he jets piss hard on my body. 

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