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Posts posted by blankfuse

  1. I've reached an interesting juncture in my relationship and I'm looking for input. Have any of you who keep your fetish a secret been found out by an SO? What gave it away? Speaking more generally, how easy is it to spot the signs?

    My SO has me convinced he knows, and he's just trying to coax a confession out of me at this point. I've talked with a few members elsewhere on the site about using jokes to test the waters and I went ahead and did that. His immediate reaction came across as a playful negative, but ever since then he's brought up the subject of pee more often. Most of it is so subtle. He made a point of peeing during a phone call with me and telling me what a huge relief it was recently, though... that's what made me realize we're dancing around the issue. There's no way for me to know how he feels about it but he seems to be letting me know he knows. We don't live together and he's never seen my browsing history. I've never given him overt signs, either; never brought up peeing in a sexual context. I've never indulged in his vicinity, either. It's an interesting puzzle. 🤔

    Definitely eager to see what any of you might have to say on the matter.




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  2. Professionally produced content and all that entails (bad acting, barely any urine, stupid outfits, cameraman chatter). Any talking at all once the peeing begins. Slow-mo videos. Videos that are too short. Videos that are 90% something else and 10% peeing. Urine drinking. Obvious, genuine pee vandalism even if it's easy to clean up.  Music. Complete silence. Humiliation, whether the one peeing is humiliated or someone's being peed on to humiliate them. Degrading language, whether in the video title or dialogue. 

    I could go on and on. In a nutshell, nothing too fake or extreme. Peeing is fun and erotic for me because of what a full bladder does to my nerve endings so that's what I'm looking to see from others. That plus a mild taboo element thrown in are all I need.

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  3. 15 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I think he probably is dropping little hints and although he might not be fully into it, it certainly sounds like it is not going to cause any great offence if you mention that you like pee.  Maybe start off with a reverse tease to him - like when he keeps you talking say "Look, can't you see I'm desperate here.... Are you trying to get me to wet myself?" or "Do you enjoy delaying me whilst I'm trying to get to the toilet?"   See if he responds positively or even gets tongue tied or embarrassed if so, you have him rumbled.

    You know, @gldenwetgoose made a similar suggestion about broaching the topic and I think you've both got the right idea. I've flatly (in jest, of course) told him before that if I'm not allowed to use the toilet I'll piss on his carpet. He never responds badly; he only laughs and insists that I not do that either and instead "just hold it". What I've got to do is push the joke a little further so it doesn't look like our usual banter. We'll say all kinds of goofy shit to each other when we're messing around so he may see pee jokes as an extension of that right now. It would be cool if he was interested or at least open to it, though...

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  4. On 6/14/2021 at 2:17 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

    It sounds like the two of you have a great relationship - and definitely sounds a good plan to let him know the effect his erection pee has on you.  I totally agree that whole 'being able to laugh it off' scenario is a great way to test the waters (no pun intended).

    In terms of his teasing you, I guess it could be a generic male dominance thing, but there'd I guess be hints of bullying in other aspects of your life. Hopefully though it is mild pee-play and again there's the perfect opening for a bit of exploration.  "But what if I wet myself..."  Again it can all be laughed off if you don't get the reaction you're anticipating.

    We definitely do, and that's something I'm grateful for. He's one for a lot of teasing and banter but luckily no bullying--I wouldn't tolerate bullying. I'm sure it's a dominance thing on some level but he insists it's a matter of being playful and he gives me no reason to doubt that. Besides, he always hopes to get as good as he gives. 

    I'll try both options and see where they get me. What's funny is that I've tried a variation of "but what if I wet myself?" before and he was completely unfazed. It's time to push the joke a little further. 😏

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  5. On 5/4/2021 at 3:55 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

    I know totally what you mean there - each of us know our significant other better than anyone, so only we can judge how us opening our souls on the pee interest would go.

    In my mind I often play out conversations which could steer in the direction of linking pee to arousal - like maybe discussing the being turned on with the peeing erection, or 'does it sound weird that needing a wee sort of feels nice?', but in reality those discussions never seem to get further than my inner voice either.

    What I might do one day is test my luck. I think I can get away with telling my SO I think it's hot when he pees with a boner because I can play innocent if he reacts weirdly. What I'm telling him is honest and he has no way of telling when I formed my opinion, right? 


    Sometimes I have to wonder if he's dropping hints that I'm refusing to pick up on, though. He playfully "forbids" me to use the bathroom pretty regularly and he'll make up excuses to keep me talking until I squirm lightly when I try to leave the room. He also regularly pokes fun at how often I have to pee. I don't let myself read into those things too heavily because it could very easily be a matter of seeing the situation the way I want to see it rather than the way it actually is.

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  6. On 5/4/2021 at 11:40 AM, Sexismygod said:

    Lots of echoes here for my own situation, though I'm the man and my SO is the woman.  We are comfortable and often pee in each other's presence, but she is unaware of my considerable interest.  Yes, we've talked about the general subject but she's so clearly uninterested we never really got to the point of my specific interest.  Definitely not something to fight about.

    Strangely, she accuses me all the time about not drinking enough.  Maybe that's just a guy thing.  I don't drink much but my pee is a normal light straw colour.  Maybe I just retain water (she calls me a camel ... it could have been worse, lol).

    Holding on its own is uninteresting to me.  Holding when I'm out in public is intentional because I want to be "forced" to find a naughty place to pee.  Of course, that's just another thing that I don't talk about.  Talking to everyone about the fun I had being really sneaky and successfully peeing in public without anyone noticing seems to be somewhat contradictory. 

    Therefore, though pee holds a central position in my life and my identity, it's very definitely my superpower and nobody else knows about it.  Except the likeminded people here, of course.  😎

    You're probably braver than me because I've never brought it up with my SO at all. Sometimes I toy with the idea of sharing because the worst I'd get out of him is good-natured laughter, but we'll see. 

    If your pee is light yellow then you're drinking enough water whether your SO thinks so or not! Lol. It does seem like a guy thing to underconsume liquids, though, if the men in my life are any indication. It's fair to say I drink more water than I need to but most of the men I know are never properly hydrated. 

    I have to be careful not to be too intentional with my holding in public, because as soon as I start fantasizing while holding I'm useless. 😆 Having a full bladder just ends up being my default state. All my life, it's like there's always been something: mother trying to control my bathroom access in public when I was small, impatient teachers in high school, caffeine addiction through much of my adulthood so far...always something. Always. Familiarity has bred comfort.

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  7. On 6/10/2021 at 6:56 PM, deliquescent said:

    Wow! Does your pussy sometimes get aroused enough to show through your panties and pants? How often does that happen? And what circumstance?

    Sometimes, yeah. It's not the norm but it happens occasionally. What I like to do that gets me that wet is to edge for as long as I can. It's either as long as I can stand it or as long as I can before I have to be somewhere. That can be up to a few hours at a time.

  8. It's rare these days but I've had those moments before. They're most common when I'm ovulating. The two most prominent examples I can think of are one from a few years ago and one from last night.


    Several years ago, the arousal hit me out of nowhere when I was trying to watch an archaeological documentary, of all things. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't focus so I I went to take care of it. Thirty seconds and a few strokes of the clit later, I was ready to watch my show. 

    Last night was an unusual circumstance because it happened while I was high. It's easy for me to get horny when I'm high and apparently it makes peeing feel a hell of a lot better too. I got ridiculously horny while peeing. May go make a thread about that on the appropriate part of this site.

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  9. Online and in the privacy of my own home are it for me. Nobody in my life knows.

    I think what annoys me the most is that I'd be all set if my SO was into pee play. We're comfortable peeing in front of each other, he can pee with an erection (which gets me going), and he seems to hold frequently as a matter of stubbornness. He doesn't drink nearly enough fluids during the day to make me think he has an interest in peeing, though, so I've never brought it up. 

    I would also say that holding isn't strictly a sexual thing for me. I do it fairly frequently throughout the day for short periods even if I'm not in a sexy mood or scenario. I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes having a full bladder is oddly comforting.

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  10. Just now, Jar351 said:

    @blankfuse how are you feeling?  Can you hold on a little while longer

    I feel great but no, I couldn't hold it anymore. 😂 Very solidly on round three now...

    I've had a little over a liter and a half of water so far. Two full cups and a little skimmed off of my latest refill. The first time I peed, I wasn't particularly desperate or uncomfortable, but I was pretty distracted by a clingy pet so I was past the point of being able to really enjoy the sensation. I peed about 600ml; I've got a jug I use for this because some of the users here got me curious about how much my bladder can hold. The second time, I held for longer and reached the true desperation point. Nearly wet myself trying to photograph the jug before adding to it. When I did finally pee the second time, I mostly felt a sense of extreme relief. There was definitely a thrill to it, though, since I'm reporting back on here and I knew I'd be taking another photo once I was empty. 

    Speaking of which, maybe they're not the most inspiring but I've got photos of my results so far. I'll have to empty the jug next time and I haven't decided whether I want to do that beforehand or stand in the tub and flood it.


    Aaaand it took me too long to type this so I'm already squirming again. 


    image000000 (1).jpg



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  11. Beer and tea are options but I'm not in the mood for those. Just water will do. And I'm already desperate, but I'm waiting some more. The goal is to be nice and horny when I let it out too. When I masturbate while holding, I can hold more and it's lots of fun to push myself to the limit. I can't afford any accidents but I'll just keep at it until the need to piss is the only thing on my mind. 

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