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Posts posted by Pronto

  1. I much prefer a urinal to a toilet as well. Just feels so much more natural and relaxing, especially one that's sit high enough (which unfortunately many aren't now). Seriously no offense to you vertically challenged folk out there, but you go to a McDonalds or something now and they will have one urinal that's not designed for anyone over 5'5". At work the solo urinal is so low that I only pee in the toilets, have too much respect for the cleaning lady LOL. 

    You guys that piss on the wall have any issues with splash back? I'd love to just "let her rip". but some of them seem to be a problem if I don't aim straight for the water. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Still hanging in there,,,  or has the dam burst? 

    I actually made it outside a few small squirts! Decided to let it go then and there but I must have been really distended because the flow stopped partial way through even though I could still feel my bladder wasn't empty. Took a shower and finished the rest in the toilet. 


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  3. A lazy day here today. Been awake for about 3 hours, started with about 6-8 oz of juice and then a 12 oz coffee. Since then I've drank a 1L bottle of water and now onto my 2nd. The urge has come on kind of slow, but as of now I'm starting to develop a sensation in my bladder. Have a good feeling I'm at the point where the urge is going to start growing faster. I'm picking in advance when I will pee in the toilet. I'm going to say 2 hours from now. I'll check back in with updates.

    And by the way my need grew just as I was typing this. Don't see this going very well. 

  4. On 8/13/2020 at 9:40 AM, amack said:

    Sounds superb! 

    i find that if I want to hold and get really desperate I have to be sitting down. If I’m moving about I get too desperate too soon and it spoils it a bit as I have to pee.  Much better to sit at my computer on this site or watching pee porn and getting more and more turned on while filling up with more and more tea to fill my bladder. Haven’t had a chance for this for ages, can’t wait to get to do it again. 

    As a guy I can definitely confirm this, not sure how it goes with the ladies though. 

  5. It's kind of hard to piss while being stroked and hard at the same time. Often if I have to take a long urgent pee, I will start getting hard midway through slowing it down to a trickle and making it difficult to finish. If I am already hard to begin with and you or I stroke it, typically I will cum before pissing. After cumming, that's when the pee comes easily and naturally. 

  6. OK so here's my story. A couple of weeks ago I had to bring my truck to a place 2 hours away to have something installed on it. I woke up, had some cereal with juice. I probably peed when I got up, but definitely not since breakfast. I had to hit the road right away as I had quite a drive ahead and not much time to spare, and hit the Dunkin Donuts drive thru getting my usual large coffee, and also brought along a 1L bottle of seltzer water I happened to have in my fridge iced cold (I take extra efforts to stay hydrated in the summertime). So the coffee was gone in about 30 minutes, still having 1 1/2 hours left of driving I cracked open the bottle of seltzer. Not sure what was going on then or if I had some crazy thirst overcome me, but that 1L was gone in probably 25 or 30 minutes (I almost never drink water that fast first thing in the morning especially right after a coffee). Now I should know this was asking for trouble, but stupid me tells myself "hey I can just hit the head when I get there an hour from now and if I cant make it I'll stop somewhere quick". Fast forward...I feel a slight urge a half hour later but in my usual habit I ignore the rest area I passed by😁,  I swear my bladder went from 0-60 in that half hour to my exit. But again naive me, I had that problem solved. I had to grab some quick lunch anyway as I would be stuck at the shop for quite a while...I would just hit a fast food place, go inside drain the tank while I order my food. Perfect solution...WRONG! The dining room was still closed to COVID, and the line at the drive thru was a mile long! 

    FYI...for those of us into holding, some of us can take a long time to fill up our bladders to that point of desperation. What I learned on this day is that cold seltzer water does the trick FAST, and the key is to start early and drink fast so your body doesn't have the chance to absorb it by other means (and like with anything, the addition of caffeine helps too). 

    So back to my predicament, the line at the drive through was inching along and at this point I was squirming and in real pain. After 10 or 15 minutes, I finally got out of there and was like another 5 minutes to the place I had to go. This was all in a city area, with absolutely NO woods around or anywhere to pull over. Every time my directions went "turn left", "turn right, I was literally cussing the thing out yelling "just get me there quickly" as I was holding onto the door for my dear life (and probably my crotch too at this point). Finally I get to the place still dry! As much as I love the excitement of desperation, this was NOT the moment where I wanted to flood my shorts. I park my truck, kind of walk slowly inside as to not lose my balance, to see that the regular waiting area (including the bathroom!) was closed off for health measures. Holding my cock through my shorts pocket (and thank got for the taller counter), I made eye contact with the employee and he said "I'm currently tied up with something but I'll be with you in a few minutes" (is this all really happening like this I thought to myself?). No way could I stand there for a few more minutes without leaking, I said "sure why not" and sat down on this fold out chair that happened to be in that roped off hallway there. I managed to hang on again till the dude called me back up, I handed him my keys and finally I was free. I left my bag of lunch on the floor, stepped outside and just as I exited the door I felt a spurt into my boxer briefs. I told myself "come on, you are almost there"...slowly limp around the corner while kind of holding myself in between trying not to be too obvious as I was in public view now. Coming around the side of the building, there were some trees about 50 yards away with a lot full of random equipment in between. As I made my way towards the trees, I felt a spurt and another spurt. I was not going to make it. About halfway there I started pissing uncontrollably into my shorts. At that point I unzipped my fly and struggled to get my cock out (thank God nobody was around in that lot at the time). I was pissing a torrent and couldn't stop, my back was to the road and if people went by and saw me I did not notice or care as I had much bigger things to worry about now. I kept peeing as I walked towards the trees (if only I could see what that looked like lol). After well over a minute it had slowed down to a trickle and I had made it to the edge of the lot where I had some level of cover. After being fully drained, I gave a couple of shakes (almost nothing as I had gone with such force!), stuffed my cock back inside and zipped up. I looked down and there was a good tennis ball sized wet patch on the lower left of my cargo shorts. No way was I going back in there like this. I managed to sneak back inside without being seen, grabbed my lunch and walked around for a couple of hours (luckily it was a 90 degree sunny day) to the point of where I fully dried and there was no sign. Don't know if anybody noticed, but if they did it's not like I know too many people in that area so who cares! I returned to the place and my truck is just about ready. Interesting day to say the least. 

    Sorry if it was a bit long, I wanted to make sure I captured everything. This is my first time posting, and hopefully not the last. Once again I love desperation, but this was really not planned or wanted at the time! Guess I kind of asked for it though!

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  7. I have the tendency to hold it as long as I can on car trips, for one I hate having to stop and two I enjoy the desperation part of it. I'm constantly drinking fluids when on the road, so that provides many opportunities. With one exception, I've always made it. Now I've had many close calls, although maybe it's more the mental release you get when approaching the urinal or tree line where you almost start letting go before you can get your fly down. But that's the excitement I get off of, and thrill of maybe getting caught although I try to be as discreet as possible to avoid going on the sex offender registry lol. Never really happened that I know of (besides going in the trees at outdoor concerts when everyone else is either doing the same thing or too drunk to care), otherwise closest was one time I had to pull over to the shoulder in severe urgency and got honked at as I trotted heavily towards some bushes (but kind of made it to cover before I did my deed). One time I pulled into a rest area where the restrooms turned out to be closed (what luck there😉), and the only place to go was in a narrow row of hedges with a fence on the other side then a road. I found my relief, not sure anybody saw me but it was very possible (kind of kept my head down the whole time). So basically stuff like that, until that one exception that happened very recently. I will post that soon.

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