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Mr. Whizz

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Posts posted by Mr. Whizz

  1. GetAttachmentThumbnail?id=AQMkAGQ3MzRlYTVkLWRiMGItNDJhZS1hNjg1LTZjM2VkNGJjOTU5ZgBGAAADHy4llrHy6kG2sWoh%2B%2FRAEQcASkOtUKpQukO7c%2FPyPSEGwQAAAgEMAAAASkOtUKpQukO7c%2FPyPSEGwQABQxuP9QAAAAESABAAmFzAD0iU4kGLGA1wfWBJzQ%3D%3D&thumbnailType=2&owa=outlook.office.com&scriptVer=20201019001.14&X-OWA-CANARY=0JHC9BfruEi-sVFoT5VYWkCYkYFGfNgYSm9udodSMAATb2uPHaMfc8o0_Homb1AriEaKI_41p-M.&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjU2MzU4ODUyMzRCOTI1MkRERTAwNTc2NkQ5RDlGMjc2NTY1RjYzRTIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiJWaldJVWpTNUpTM2VBRmRtMmRueWRsWmZZLUkifQ.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.piJTcWG4RaUNWCsVXJ8MkHDGyhTNNAoXHEMBTbVaSKJdvVdYDJc6qQVoJR8oVxRJRtCIzkNzSkcRKflb-qgcYFL60VhnsiRA0-7hTn6LPypzbpw84KT_VO40vtwQMzNE9bxl6TCX0o8T5mfeA8KDbz-qrAPW9YumD7QgwT06r--3Nu7WqIgsDXjimk5aWwlecanLd4IARTSJc5PKXTRrcFE-yPRd4Dr7BvvalopWP4wYP9YDUgZHmHa1IjsZGTwXgiDtvtNabx-IfrBgtfmP0Su9QbiOwHS4FOKzVPV8JZUQ0RMinpvgDJtmYJZ_CGeQDlHXG1lT-1HS-FgE7jol4g&animation=true

    Ok for reference: This is the urinal at Ernest Hemingway's house in Key West. The story goes that after Hemingway had a few, he went and took a piss in the urinal. He dropped a coin into the thing and lost it. So Hemingway goes to the bar keep and says "I've lost so much change in that urinal over these years that I'm taking it. I've long since paid for it in what I've lost." So him and his drunk buddies got together, stole this MASSIVE ceramic urinal, brought it back and put it in the yard. His wife was naturally pissed about it and they disagreed on it forever. It is said that he woke up every morning, went down the stairs and had a morning piss in it to start his day.

  2. On 10/23/2020 at 6:52 AM, Eliminature said:

    I remember trying to use the ladies' lavatory on a passenger ferry a few years back. I was trying to stand and pee like I usually do, but the movement of the sea was so violent that I had to sit on the seat to prevent getting it everywhere. 

    I would have just done what the guys do, just let it spray. I some goes in, you did your job.

  3. 16 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    This post is about naughty peeing 😊 

    I was scrolling through my social media feed and saw a photo someone took in one of my groups that showed off their carpet. It looked brand new, a nice cream color, clean, and it even looked recently vacuumed! The first thing that ran through my head was "what I wouldn't give to pee on that carpet!" I bet it would have made such a lovely noise. I wish there was a way I could reset my carpet so that it was perfect just so I could ruin it again. I mean, I managed to get a naughty pee in tonight but peeing on a brand new clean carpet?

    There just simply isn't anything like it 💘

    Have you ever had an opportunity to pee in a carpet store? Most of those stores don't have security cameras towards the back of the store so no one would see you. You could just piss on a new rolled up carpet and it would dry before anyone noticed. They also stack them super high, so you might be able to slip between a few and find a space behind where you could piss. 

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  4. A few years ago I was on Omegle and I wound up masturbating with someone on there. When we both finally finished she moved her camera and I realized she was WAY younger than I could tell from what she showed me. I was also still a minor at the time so it really freaked me out. I didn't use that site for a while after that. A similar thing happened about a year ago as well, only this girl was definitely older than the previous one but I could still tell she was a minor. I don't use that site anymore. Scared the fuck out of me that it happened and I still feel shame about exploiting those girls even though I didn't know at the time.

  5. I figure that maybe there could be some expansion to the leaderboard, like have a daily winner leaderboard, then have a records leaderboard. Like "Most Liked topic of the day/ of all time" "Most Liked post in one day" "Most Liked Post of all time" "Most Posts in a day" "Most Points earned in a day/week/month/year". You could also do like some kind of reward or achievement system for earning these things that you could attach to your profile page, similar to Steam badges and achievements.

    There could also be an adjusted real time counter that says who has the most points for a day/week/month/year that is better integrated

    I don't really know. Its just a thought that would add more non-porn things to do

  6. 45 minutes ago, Audrey81 said:

    Thought I'd share a wee I had from just now - I felt a lot of pressure in my bladder from holding off on a pee all morning and from also drinking a good portion of water at lunch. I slid my knickers down and sat on the toilet (not bothering to close the door as I was home by myself) and started to tinkle. It was one of those pees where it doesn't hiss but loudly splashes into the water. I wee'd for so long and remember thinking when will my stream stop? At one point I thought I had stopped weeing as it felt like only a few drops were falling from my lips, but I could still hear a loud stream hitting the water. I looked down between my legs at my vulva and a slow clear stream was still trickling out. Finally my pee died down to a tiny trickle and I wiped my pussy clean 🙂 

    Nice post. Those pees where you forget you are peeing are always super interesting.

    • Agree 1
  7. On 9/21/2020 at 10:14 AM, DashingDean said:

    I am becoming bored watching regular porn, is there anything new & exciting? some special moves or some thing!!

    Don't know why, but I always liked the Brattysis and My Family Pies videos. If "incest" (the actors are clearly not related by blood or marriage) is something you can handle then go for it. It is definitely a change of pace.

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