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Posts posted by Lickher2

  1. 10 hours ago, Louise87 said:

    So I'm off to Wembley this Sunday to watch Wrexham in the FA trophy final. I'm guessing that none of the toilet doors will be broken in the gents. Out of interest do any of you have any suggestions for me when I go for a pee in the ground?

    Stay in your seat, do it in a cup, let someone have a drink

    • Haha 1
  2. On 4/15/2020 at 9:23 AM, Metalcrue said:

    The UK seems friendly enough with regards to pissing. 

    There seems to be plenty of city Centre open urinals. It's rather free at festivals. Everyone pees in the open and even the toilet areas are rather open. 

    Romania might be another bet, I've seen plenty of the Eastern European really public pees with people walking past. 

    Like to hear more of what you have witness or heard about

  3. I was in NZ a few years ago,  pulled up on the side of a mountain road, not much traffic so  I took a piss over the edge

    car came past, girl driving and she had a good view

    few minutes later her car was parked further down the road, head back , and I swear she was fingering herself,  hope she had a good orgasm, after watching me piss

    She was alone in the car,  I wasn't or I would have stopped and volunteered to lick her clean


    • Hot 3
  4. even the fire department is now calling for an investigation , , , ,

     . . . citing overwhelming evidence of controlled demolition

    anyone who thinks that isn't true should review the evidence (57 exhibits) that will go before the court


    the net is closing on Israel

  5. For those in the uk . . . . . Richard Gage (Founder & CEO AE911truth) and Dr Niels Harrit (Eminent Researcher) will be making presentations to Fire Engineers (03May) & Fire Prevention Officers (04 May) . . . . there is also a public presentation at the Bloomsbury Conference in London, Saturday 07 May

    In the US they will be presenting Resolution 16-3 to the AIA National Conference . . . . .

    . . . . . the Truth is out there . . . . . and too big to hide any longer

    ae911truth will shortly pass 3000 members

  6. Bourbon..... a double with one ice cube.

    Favorites in descending order:


    Knob Creek

    Four Roses Single Barrel

    Maker's Mark

    Woodford Reserve[/quote

    mmmm I think they would all be nice . . . . . especially after Crissy filters out the alcohol :wink:

  7. http://www.ae911truth.org/news/252-news-media-events-brother-of-9-11-victim-hopes-to-bring-wtc-evidence-to-court.html this should be interesting

    WantonLee I agree with most of what you are saying, people need to keep an open mind, and history tells us that governments cannot be trusted (because in any case they are run by the banks. Private Banking = biggest fraud in the universe) . . . . JFK and 911 are both cases where the Official . . . line of twaddle . . . has been proven to be untrue

    I am very careful about believing the gov't/jewstream media about anything important . . . . because of what we knew about the Port Arthur massacre . . . . BEFORE it occurred. . . so we know absolutely that the official story is BULLSHIT but people choose to believe other things . . . because it suits there politics

    It is also a sign of something up, when gov't/js media refuse to have open public debate or inquiries

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