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Posts posted by cornerstone

  1. 44 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I'm going to cover this by saying I'm by no means an expert in the subtle art...   From what you've said though, my suggestion would be forget about the pee thing for a moment.  Next time perhaps try and summon up the courage to just say "Hi".  Perhaps something like "Haven't seen you about for a while" - just something not too cheesy may be easier to have the confidence. That would emphasise the fact that you enjoy seeing her, perhaps make her feel a little valued.  You'd be amazed how many office people think that talking to cleaners is beneath them.

    You never know, just that quick exchange could open up for a bigger chat next time.  At some point introduce yourself, she'll do the same.  If nothing else you gain a friend.  Down the line when you're used to talking to her that's when you could raise the point of her catching a glimpse of you peeing - see whether she admits it, etc.

    Good point. And I agree with your sentiment on how often some office people treat and talk to cleaners like they're on some sort of pedestal. Absolutely disgusting behavior.

    I will definitely keep updating if anything proceeds further or have more crazy encounters with her.

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  2. 11 hours ago, vpw said:

    Growing up in north it was different but I managed to witness some very good open and up close peeing by ladies as long as I knew when and where to look. There were few south Indians and I had little exposure to them except when I traveled to a historic site with a bus full of them. In fact the tour operator was from south and the bus was full of couples mostly young with their children traveling to see the historical sites in north. The bus stopped next to a small ramshackle eating joint and as usual some went to the joint while others found spots to pee, the men just stood at one side and released but the ladies gave the most interesting sight that I was not used to. They all went towards the back of the bus but remained standing as they chatted with each other. I kept an eye out for them expecting them to squat and pee as was the norm but instead one by one I saw them spread their legs apart and soon saw the dry ground turn wet from their pee below all the while they remained chatting with each other and inconspicuous of their surroundings. Soon the ground below there was drenched with their pee and even though I didnt get to see any of their privates unlike in past with others I did notice some every interesting scenarios. There were few older women who managed to pee expertly with least mess standing and not needing to raise the hem of their dress up or over their ankles and maintained a stead stream. The younger ones had much stronger and usually multiple streams making loud hiss as it shot out between their legs. Apart from that I noticed many of them rub their pussies with the dress after they finished their pee indicating how wet their unshaved pussies were. The most interesting sighting there happened when I saw a young slightly chubby mother rush to the back of the bus with her kid in tow came rushing to the back of the bus. She was talking to her kid while undoing his dress and as he began to pee she turned around with her back to the bus facing others around and quickly lifted her dress up to her knees and I immediately noticed a thin steam of pee fall on the ground between her legs.

    Suddenly I noticed that stream half abruptly and then it emerged as if a dam burst between her legs. A thick torrent of pee shot out between her legs forcing the lady to readjust her stance on ground as she spread her legs and pushed her hips out. As she did that she also raised the hem of her dress further up her thighs all the way up but managed to keep her pussy covered. She was looking down on her stream to make sure it didnt stray and her stream flowed out strongly drenching the dry ground below her. As she peed she made the loudest hiss and splatter that was audible all around. After almost a minute or so the hiss got less and I saw her pee steam tapering off to a thin drip. Meanwhile her son had finished up and was standing in front of her as she chatted with him. She looked up as I saw her lean forward as her dress slid down her legs around her knees. She helped her son with his pants and then I noticed she stopped doing so and suddenly reached for her reached for her dress with one hand as she pushed her kid away from her gesturing him to move. With her other hand she quickly lifter her dress up above her knees as she spread her legs. I observed a steady stream of pee emerge between her legs. This time the lady looked to be in bit of discomfort as her pee stream got stronger and emerged with a strong vengeance with multiple streams going all over between her legs. She quickly re-positioned herself and with her one hand she lifted her dress up further. A unexpected and very pleasant scenario followed next and one thats still etched in my mind after all those years.

    In her haste and concern for not wetting her dress she managed to raise the hem of her dress a bit above the level she had kept earlier and unconsciously and managed to reveal her glorious pussy. Her lower pubic area was now visible to everyone and what a sight that was. It was covered in profusion of black curly wet hair and her fat pussy lips were fully visible in the bright daylight. I saw streams of pee emerge from her lips with one stream hitting her thighs and running down her legs. All the while the lady was either unaware of the show she was putting or unconcerned when one of the ladies there pointed it out I saw her readjust herself with a big grin on her face. Such was the innocence of it all then.


    Anyways Indianpee am glad I found another partner to back me up, my memories are old and your young mind will reveal way more as I can see from your posts.

    Wow, great write up. Thanks for sharing mate.

    For some reason, I love it when a woman is unaware of, just don't care, or it's her pure innocence that she is showing more than she should from peeing in public. Better yet if it took other females to help her out like your scenario! I'm glad it's still fresh in your memories, encounters like these will never leave your mind and carry it to your grave.

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  3. 10 hours ago, Girllikespee said:

    Generally these only exist in classrooms where the kids are too young to be going down the hallway to the bathrooms alone. I've only ever seen them in kindergarten and preschool classes.

    Yeah exactly, I'm surprised to see it in my 4th grade class now that I'm thinking back. And honestly, at the time, most of us knew what penises and vaginas were. Unless I'm an early boomer, I was already reading stolen porn magazine with my friends at the time! 😂

  4. 7 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Completely understand what you mean about your career - no matter how boldly we talk the talk behind the shelter of the forum, it's a different matter when we're in the real world.  You're absolutely not alone there.

    I agree it would be near impossible to strike up a pee related conversation at that moment. But, she has made eye contact and smiled at least.  Perhaps if you walk past each other in the corridor, perhaps just after the next time coincidence leads her to open the door on you, perhaps an inoffensive friendly comment "We've got to stop bumping into each other"  or "Twice in one day!" and you could then "at least you haven't caught me mid pee this time.  You wouldn't believe how good it felt though, after being stuck in a meeting all day.."

    Inoffensive, but acknowledging in a neutral, non-confrontational way that you didn't mind her looking.  She may just smile and walk on, or she may engage in conversation, who knows - but you've opened the door for conversation, now or just a friendship growing in the future and your career is safe!

    Thanks for those ideas man! You won't believe it, there were indeed  times where I ran into her by the entrance of our floor, one time I even rode the elevator with her all alone! Most of the time we just smile and move on, sometimes I feel like we're both too shy to make eye contacts outside of the bathroom! But thanks for those comment suggestions, I would definitely give them a try, especially "we've got to stop bumping into each other", if I feel ballsy enough haha.

  5. 9 minutes ago, beachmom said:

    I don't see it as sexual at all, we all need to pee, it's just easier for guys to do it than women. It's nothing offensive either, all guys have very similar penises and every women's seen a few. Our faces are quite unique and identifiable, but there's a Japanese game show where women are challenged to choose their partners from a lineup of men with only their penises protruding through holes in a partition wall. Interestingly, most women can't pick their partners from the group. Seeing men relieving themselves is nothing sexual or offensive, just convenience.

    Interesting. So do you enjoy watching at all? What do you like about it?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Cupcake said:

    Yeah! They were just in one of the  classrooms, perfect sized for kiddos but I like to think about adults using them. They would make me all hot and bothered now hahah 

    I agree! I wish there were more unisex bathrooms or at least a third option for people to choose. Do you enjoy being watched or watching?

  7. 1 minute ago, beachmom said:

    It's strange that you and many other young men feel they have some sort of fetish simply because they choose to pee outdoors. It's nothing sexual, you're just simply relieving yourself quickly and conveniently, without having to inconvenience any one else. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, even women expect guys to do so.

    That's reassuring to hear for sure. Do you enjoy watching men pee in a sexual manner?

    For me, peeing seems like such a private thing to do, its fluid coming out of someone's private. Probably the most private thing someone can do physically.

  8. 48 minutes ago, Cupcake said:

    I had this, in my pre k there were several stalls in the classroom and there were hardly doors for them,  teachers could look in very easily. I liked knowing who went in.  You could also hear others in the stall as you went. then in my kindergarten class, we had a room much like the one you had. people pissed all over that little room haha 

    Wow, where were those stalls? So they were just essentially several toilet seats with dividers? I would probably had an extremely hard time to go but would definitely turn me on now thinking back.

  9. On 12/1/2019 at 5:58 PM, Peevert said:

    Almost 2 hours, do you know where the pee is? I'm an impatient perv. Plus it looks like an art film. 😛

    The scene starts at around 8 minute mark. It's kinda dark but at the end you catch a glimpse of the actress's ass and last few drips of her piss.

  10. You may be onto something, I grew up in the US and I'm in my 20s. And I must say I'm not totally comfortable peeing outdoors when there are people around, especially not during the daytime. I usually only pee outdoors when I can't find a bathroom nearby and really had to go.

    I think a lot of guys are pee shy like myself, it's really hard for us to pee if we know there's someone next to us or worse watching! Though some guys don't have that fear and can just go anytime. Personally, I have slowly begin to overcome that fear and turned it into a fetish of mine. I can't wait to give a good show to some girl who wants to watch when I go in public.

    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Indianpee said:

    Unfortunately we had noticed the hissing sound only but on the upcoming days we had many open pee sightings 


    I have also experienced a same kind of sightings like your bus trip experience but in my case I had seen the entire view. While travelling from Chennai after 2 hours of travel our bus had hit the back side of the car in front of our bus fortunately no one had injuries but the people from that car complained that incident to police and we waited for more than one hour for the police to arrive. Once they arrived they instruct all the passengers to get down and told the bus driver to take the bus to the police station and then instruct them to arrange the alternative bus for us. The driver called the travels people to arrange another bus and promised us that it will arrive within 45 mins and we agreed that but we waited for another 2 hours that makes us desperate to pee. Gents do it somewhere near that place by just turning around but many ladies are there in our bus are looking very desperate since there was no rest stop before that. They tried to hold but most of them can’t able to do it. Some ladies wearing saree were just lift their saree little bit and separate their legs little and started to urinate casually and I am able to hear only the hissing sound and pee puddle under their legs. But the interesting part came next to that. Two of the girls wearing Salwar type dress are also in very desperation. There was no place with privacy for them. Then they finally decided to urinate in the open. They move little bit away from us and started to remove their bottom and panties then squat on the road side and peed for more than 2 minutes with clear view of their back side and their pee streams were clearly visible due to the vehicles coming on the road. Finally they finished their business and came back near the crowd. 

    Wow that's hot. For the women with the saree, were they standing? And did they see you watch?

    I vaguely recall seeing similar porn videos where the women with a saree were standing and peeing. Is that a common thing for them to do?

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, anthoney said:

    I found there are only women cleaners in Japan, and people there have got used to it. 

    Are you from the US? In my experience of traveling, US (and maybe Canada) are the only countries I've been to that don't have women cleaners in the men's. The countries I've been to in Asia, Europe, and even South America, always had female cleaners! It is still a bit weird to me but it's becoming a huge fetish of mine!

  13. 24 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    For general western usage, I think that it would require the urinals to be separated into ladies and gents.  Very few ladies would want to use a urinal next to a man or even where they could be seen by a man.   I know there will be ladies here who wouldn't have a problem with it and might well enjoy it, but for the population as a whole, I think it would be a step too far at the moment to have unisex facilities with open urination for both men and women next to each other.  

    The gender neutral debate meets with lots of views even when all toilets are within stalls.   I have used some gender neutral bathrooms with multiple stalls and I've noticed people finding it a bit weird - even just standing next to each other at the sinks to wash hands.    To go to open arrangements of gender neutral urinals will take quite some time to get people on board.

    However, a gender neutral individual bathrooms with urinals may be feasible.   You could have a row of doors, some saying urinal and some saying WC, then people could use whatever they needed, but would have a door to give the privacy they desire.

    From my trips to Asia, I've learned that unisex bathrooms used to be the norm over there. Though female urinals did not exist, they all just looked like the men's bathrooms. When I was in Korea, I used one of the what-used-to-be a unisex bathroom. The outside sign says Men's but inside there were old signs of "woman WC" on few of the stalls. I wish they were still unisex!

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  14. I've had two separate experiences with unisex bathrooms. One was a bit more exciting, the other one was not. To be honest, both times weren't exciting for me. And to note, both of these times were full blown unisex bathrooms, meaning multiple users can go in at the same time without locked doors and have multiple sinks and toilets/urinals as oppose to the individual "unisex" bathrooms.

    The first one happened when I was visiting my friend at another college. They have three bathrooms in their dorm, male, female, and unisex. The unisex has urinals and everything, so it's pretty much like a men's bathroom. Though when I used it during my visit, no girls ever went into the unisex one, they always just used the female one. I didn't want to sound like a perv and ask my friend so I asked someone else who lived at the dorm to see if girls ever use the unisex one, not surprisingly he told me no.

    The second time happened in China. I was part of a guided tour so they planned out where we visit, eat, and even pee haha. One of the bathroom stops they made while we were on the tour bus had a unisex bathroom, the tour guide warned us about it and asked if anyone on the tour bus was uncomfortable, if yes she could organize the females to go first and then the males but going together would save us more time. Surprisingly (or maybe not), noone said yes. Sorry to sound shallow but sadly none of the women in that tour bus I had found attractive. From what I recall, everyone was on the older side too, I was the youngest in the group. To make things even less exciting, this unisex bathroom had no urinals and only stalls, one of my favorite things is to use a urinal next to girls or have them watch. I recall peeing next stall to some older lady, it was nothing special, it didn't do anything for me. I don't even recall or remember hearing her pee, I just did my usual business and left.

  15. On 12/19/2019 at 1:31 AM, Sweets said:

    I had to clean the bathrooms at work. Most of the time we cleaned them after closing. There was one male employee that walked in on me twice.  Went right to the urinal and started the unzip.  I really wanted to stay and watch but didn’t want anyone talking about it.  After the second time I told him if u come in again on me I’m assume u want me to give u a hand. He just gave me a big grin as I walked out the door.  He was a really cutie too.  Would have loved to help him out.  

    I wish all female bathroom cleaners are like that haha.

    Recently at work we hired a new female bathroom cleaner, she would clean the men's during noon but never when it's busy. To check if it was busy, she would peek her head in and check. A few times she caught me peeing, I wish I could ask her to just come in and clean while I pee.

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  16. This has been a fetish of mine lately. I'm from the US and it is extremely uncommon for female cleaners to be in the men's bathrooms, we usually hire the same sex or they would close down the bathrooms for cleaning.

    I swear US is the only country that has this traditional so it was quite an eye opener for me when I experienced it in other countries the first few times. I travel quite a lot, almost all the countries I have been to I have always run into a female bathroom cleaner. The other times that didn't were because they never had a cleaner to begin with or I maybe just missed their shifts. The countries that I have been to where it happened were in Europe, Asia, South America, and the Caribbeans, again never in the US! At first I was pretty shy and never wanted to piss around them but now I've grown to enjoy giving them a show and let them hear me piss.

    Recently at work, we hired a new female bathroom cleaner. For some reason she likes to clean the men's bathroom at around noon time, I'm not sure if it was a new work policy or she just decided to do it but our previous bathroom cleaner had always waited until everyone left the office and clean it at the end of the day. I have suspicion that this new cleaner might be doing it on purpose and here's why. Like I said, in the US it's more common for the opposite sex to close down the bathroom in order for them to do the cleaning, so she would open the door and peek inside to check if it's empty before she comes in. I was caught a few times by her, and few of those times I was in the middle of peeing at one of the urinals. The urinals at work have nothing to block from outer view and they sit at an angle right by the door - though the door is usually closed and swings the opposite direction so it's almost impossible to see unless you peek your head in or walk in, peeking is exactly what she does. I think she quite likes to watch men pee or just interrupt their privacy. The few times where she walked in on me we made eye contact, each time her eyes were on my penis and she would look up and make eye contact with me and smirk before heading back out. The first few times I was extremely embarrassed and I would quickly finish, wash my hands and leave, but the last few times I smiled back and almost wanted her to watch longer.

    Sadly, due to the quarantine, I haven't been back to office and not sure when I will be back again. Though I began to fantasize that she would one day come in and just clean as I go and peek whenever she like. I wish I can talk to her about it but absolutely can't jeopardize my job and career for that! What a tease!

  17. I'm uncut and what's weird is that I was born in the US. I haven't conducted all my male friends (obviously) that if they were circumcised or not but from the ones that I have known were.


    I never asked my parents why I wasn't cut at birth since the topic can get awkward and weird to bring up with your parents so I never found out. But hey, either way I'm extremely glad that they didn't have me cut!

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  18. On 11/11/2019 at 9:58 PM, Sweets said:

    There are many things for me. I don’t mind  spying on a guy peeing in the toilet because I like to see the pee come out.  I get really turned on watching a guy Pee on himself.  And masturbating while doing. There is one group member in particular I enjoy chatting with and watching him. Love the sounds he makes. I can tell it’s pure pleasure.  When he is hard and starts to pee the head of his penis get thicker. and love to see him cum.  Cum shots are just as good as pee. I love seeing a man pleasure himself 

    Would love to hear some personal stories!

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  19. On 10/20/2019 at 1:36 AM, beachmom said:

    I've been in restrooms like that in Germany and as you say you walk past the guys peeing as you walk in and out. I was surprise how comfortable everyone was with the layout, as you could easily check out the guys and a surprising number of women made a point of doing so.

    Interesting. Are they co-ed bathrooms or the doorways just happened to be next to each other?

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