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Posts posted by rajpatel1993

  1. 8 hours ago, Jayne78 said:

    Not sure it has changed my bladder capacity but certainly reduced my ability to hold on for any length of time (which has led to me completely wetting myself on a  couple of occasions) and I am prone to more / bigger leaks when doing anything strenuous.

    Have you ever talked about these leaks with your doctor?

  2. 8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    It's a no from me I'm afraid Raj....   I'm a bit odd in that respect maybe... 

    If a girl is 'into' holding, desperation, wetting, public peeing or whatever, then I'm right there trying not to make it too obvious how much I'm turned on. If she willingly wanted to hold for as long as possible, irrespective of the consequences - and wanted me to help her hold then great.

    In reality though, it's probably more likely that she's in discomfort or even pain and likely to result in being humiliated. Personally that isn't something that works for me.  Hopefully she's in the first category though... 

    I just acted like I accidentally missed the rest stop exit. But I did stop at the next rest stop along the highway after 23 miles, and I saw her running to the restroom, and she came back and told me she was so relieved.

  3. On 5/4/2019 at 4:35 PM, Riley said:

    I just retrimmed down there too xD I love the feeling when any stubble is gone. It makes it so it won't snag and is smooth. It just feels nice to me

    What do you use to trim your pubic hair?

  4. 2 hours ago, Jayne78 said:

    I have leaked on several occasions when sneezing I am sure it happens to lots of mums. I don't always wear a panty liner although if I know I won't have easy access to a toilet if suddenly needed or I am doing something physical (i.e. Gym) then I will wear one 

    Has becoming a mum changed your bladder capacity in any way?

  5. 3 hours ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

    I have had a few extremely bad experiences....  😞

    I had a 24 urine sample test... i had to pee into a clear bottle.... (back then they didn't have those dark orange jugs like they do now a days). I took the bottle of urine into a drop off area which was actually in a public lobby... i was SO beyond embarrised. the nurse made me take the bottle out of the bag and put it on the counter. my father was standing next to me. i just wanted to hide.

    Another experience I had was i had to give a urine sample for a doctor because i had odd feeling cramps... i drank a lot and went to the appointment.. i had to pee sooo bad... i ended up peeing in the cup..even though i was super embarrised, scared, nervous... and i found out a few moments later in the doctors office that they made a mistake and tested for the wrong thing. I was SO mad!!! So they made me go and get a water bottle and drink a lot again. The office was closing and i pretty much flat out told them that my bladder wouldn't be full enough again by the time the office was closed so i just left and never went back to that doctors office. 

    Another bad experience was at a hospital  prior to a stomach scope.. i had told the nurse that my monthly was a bit late... i knew i wasn't pregnant but she said i had to pee into a cup anyway. I had already peed prior to getting to the hospital. she proceeded to make me go into the bathroom multiple times. she got me hooked up to an IV and purposely flooded me with more fluids than necessary JUST to get try to get me to pee. I was freezing cold from the iv fluid and trying to pee into the cup. The nurse was incredibly rude and impatient with me. I remember laying on a hospital bed waiting for the stomach scope and i could hear the nurse outside of the closed door say rather angierly "I'm trying to get this girl to pee in a cup and she won't do it!"  I was laying on the hospital bed in tears because i was terrified of the stomach scope. upset at the nurses impatience. shocked that she'd shout something like that in a hallway. 

    What do you think about measuring your pee in a measuring cup though lol?

  6. 16 minutes ago, Riley said:

    Yes. If I really have to pee especially Ill leak when I sneeze. It doesn't really happen when I don't have to pee but a few times I've gotten into trouble when I've gone into a coughing, sneezing, or laughing fit while also really needing to pee. 

    Do you wear any liners to guard against leaking?

  7. On 5/3/2019 at 10:21 PM, Riley said:

    Yes lol. I usually do. If I don't drink very much sometimes I can make it since I don't sleep very much but I'll be like wetting myself in the morning. If I do drink a fair amount before bed I'll have to see really badly in the morning no matter if I get up or not 

    How many seconds long are your morning pees usually?

  8. 2 hours ago, Sephora said:

    I guess it is from what most say. I am sure if I were able to hold it in longer I would put out more, I just dislike the feeling and struggle of it. 

    But if you involuntarily had to hold your pee because you could not find a bathroom, what do you think your bladder capacity would measure when you finally had the chance to pee?

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