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Posts posted by rajpatel1993

  1. The other day I was stuck in a traffic jam for about 2 hours, and my bladder felt like it was going to explode. I tend to drink a lot of water and I am always thirsty, so I kept drinking water even though I really had to pee. When I finally got home, I decided to measure my bladder, and ended up peeing 1.8 liters.

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  2. The other day I was near the beach and I really had to pee, but the only restrooms there were the portable ones. While I dread peeing in Porta Potties, that day as I was about to enter one of them I saw another really hot girl entering into a Porta Potty, and I entered the one next to her. The walls were really thin, so I could hear her hissing loudly for a few seconds before she was finished, but I peed for a good 70 seconds. As I got out, she also got out at the same time, and randomly remarked how men have it so easy using Porta Potties compared to women. I just smiled at her and agreed, but I kinda wish I could see her again...

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  3. Hey everyone,

    If you are open to it, would you please film a video of yourself peeing into a measuring cup and posting about it on here. You can also post a picture of the jug after you have peed into it. Personally, I have some videos of mine that I have wanted to share for a while, and I was wondering whether you all would be open to it.

  4. On 7/4/2019 at 12:21 PM, spywareonya said:



    Alex never asks me anything for silly reason. He chats a lot but only to pass time with persons he loves, but he SPEAKS (I mean ask things and give order) very rarely, and usually is just to explain me why something is mandatory. 

    Elsewhere, he let me have a lot of organizative authority, altough I will forever be submitted to him.


    If he ever asked for a serious reason, I would not simply submit to his authority, I would UNDERSTAND WHY it is important, embrace that need on my own, and hold it. For example, some rituals requires that the Witch pisses a lot after helding it in from down to dusk and it can lead to real desperation

    I did them, just cannot talk about them too much. 


    If he just asked for a silly game, I would obey him, because I love him and have no problem in doing what he commands… he is anyway very sensitive and would play along with me, perceiving if the game is amusing or if I am starting to feel actually bad. He would never actually torture me, yet it happened in very rare occasions (but really rare) that we were in conditions that I was desperate and he could not help me relieve (like driving in some awful streets with traffic and city surveillances cameras) and he just kept silent and expected me to be strong and to avoid complaining. 

    I am still a fucking trained Witch, I endured tortures. What could a bladder do to me?!

    How often do you intentionally hold you pee until you are desperate then?

  5. I would like to challenge all of you here to hold your pee as long as you possibly can, pee into a measuring cup, and post a video/picture showing us your maximum bladder capacity! A video would be ideal, but otherwise a picture would be fine as well.

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  6. On 7/2/2019 at 1:28 PM, chubbybirb999 said:

    Has anyone noticed, particularly as they've gotten older, any issues with bladder weakness? 

    I would say that I have a strong bladder, I can hold for hours and hours if I need to, but see if I'm just going about my day normally and going for a normal pee at a toilet... I can barely hold on! I just went for a wee and had to waddle there, knock kneed, with drips of pee slipping out of me which culminated in a full stream just before I got my pyjama shorts down! 

    I certainly don't mind bladder weakness as it can be a fun wee experience full of adrenaline but sometimes it can be a bit of a worry!

    What do you all think? Major inconvenience or little splash of fun in your day? 

    Ever completely peed yourself in public?

  7. 1 hour ago, DivaQC said:

    I must google words translate? French to english.. sorry if it took long.

    I was with Sephora, we ate at new restaurant and womans toilet with urinal. It was ok, no problèmes. New to me and adaptation but they remove urinoir because plaints.

    Why would a woman's toilet have a urinal lol? Are you sure it was not a unisex toilet?

  8. 7 hours ago, spywareonya said:


    I never let anybody be in control of anything related to me. I can be compelled by honour or friendship but I usually agree with what these things ask me to do.

    "Control" means that we play that I cannot piss when I need. As I usually do not piss unless it's perfectly fitting or absolutely necessary, nobody can deny that to me.

    Anyway, when I am with my boyfriend, he got the last word. He is my Master in the teaching of my Occult Path and was also the Coven leader, so yes, he can control me. But it's because honours entitles him to. Unless I bow to nothing, morals, laws, humans, nothing.

    Would you be fine if your boyfriend ordered you to hold your pee as long as you possibly could and then pee in a measuring cup that he was holding?

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  9. On 6/27/2019 at 11:07 PM, Bacardi said:

    Are you trying to tell me you want to sit outside of the bathroom while I'm peeing? 😂

    But to answer your question, no. For one I probably wouldnt be thinking about such things, and even if they were listening and being turned on that's their thing, and they can keep it to themselves. I try not to use public bathrooms tho. Yuckie.

    Not you in particular lol. But I must be honest, there have been a few times when I have been outside the bathroom door in a house when a girl was peeing, and felt turned on by hearing the sound of her peeing...

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  10. 10 hours ago, Sephora said:

    Absolutely! Not that it turns me on but it does turn on some people here for sure.

    To be honest, I swear that I had one today. I was gone since friday afternoon canping with a friend and came back home today.....  what the heck is going on with the climat? I have never seen horrible weather like this.. there is kust something wrong. They say there's about 8 times more mosquitos this year!!  I believe it!  Sorry about steering off course. So I came back today and I was so happy to take a shower because wipes don't fo it anymore after a while. I also believe that the polen is high because I have a harder time running on the bike path. That being said, I was sitting on the couch readying my book and then I got into a sneezing fit. I had a pair off lululemon on and yeah, I pissed myself a bit that tirned out to be more than what I thought. After going to the washrrom and pee, I took pff my leggings because I had wet them. So I had washed myself and went to get another pair, on my way back, I noticed a small wet spot on the cushion.

    I just want to relax and let go, i have bite marks on me and its not too pleasant.. this is me being annoyed. Lol

    Thank you for sharing this with us. Have you ever talked about this issue with a doctor?

  11. On 6/21/2019 at 10:56 AM, Jayne78 said:

    Bladder capacity is reduced as space taken up by your unborn. Also they can move and kick later in pregnancy which can cause leakage.

    I must have changed my pants at least twice  a day with my 2nd

    How often do babies' diapers have to be changed after they are born then?

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