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Posts posted by Rewdna

  1. A couple of weekends ago,I was out for a walk in an area near to where I live,which is popular with dog walkers and also not far from houses.It was a warm day,so there was quite a few people out and about.I had set out with a slight need to pee,but as I walked along it became much stronger,so I started to look for somewhere to empty my bladder and get some relief.I was nervous and that added to my need.After nearly 20 minutes,i realised it was now or never,so after quickly checking I stepped off the path just a few metres, in front of some bushes.Quickly unzipping,I wasted no more time.I whipped it out and started a steady stream into the bushes.As I got some much needed relief,I was looking back over my shoulders all the time as anyone could have come along the path behind me and would have clearly seen what I was doing.I peed  for a good 30 seconds or so,until I was empty.I felt much better,but knew how risky this had been.

    Luckily no one saw me,but what if they had? Anyway, I got away with it.After zipping up somewhat hurriedly,I got back on the path and headed back towards where I parked up earlier.

    For me,this was very daring and a little naughty,as I am quite shy.So I'm glad I could do it without much thought to my visibility.

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  2. I remember as a kid.Probably around 6 or 7,I suddenly took the notion to pee in the bath.I should point out i was having a bath at the time.I was old enough to be left alone.Maybe I was feeling mischievous I don't know or curiousity got the better of me.I remember just holding my penis just above the water line and enjoying the feeling and seeing a yellowish stream cloud the water.I think I splashed the water around afterwards.I recall doing this several times during my childhood.I guess I've always been fascinated by pee and bodily functions.

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  3. This morning I had been holding for a while in bed.When I got up,and headed to the Bathroom,peed just a tiny bit in the toilet,then turned on the shower.I still needed to release the rest.I got in and with my legs slightly apart began peeing up against the back of the shower,spraying the tiles for a good 20'seconds or so.It felt really good to let go.Some may have splashed back on my legs.

    When I'd finished showering,I was surprised that I still needed to let more go,so I peed into the toilet with both feet either side of the bowl and my knees slightly bent.

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  4. Like many people,i have been spending more time  at home than normal in these Covid times.It has given me more time to explore the holding side of the fetish.Personally,I love the gradual build up.As it intensifies,I feel,somehow a pleasure in being uncomfortable and close to having an accident.

    Then there is the anticipation of letting go Releasing that pressure.The initial release is something I love.Especially if I've been holding for a while.Afterwards the feeling of relief is amazing.Depending on my mood thIs may lead to masturbation.


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  5. 1 hour ago, Rewdna said:

    Yesterday morning I was lying in bed and really needed to pee.I decided to hold for a bit.After about an hour,I was getting quite squirmy.I had to grab myself several times.Eventually my bladder told me it was time to empty.I got out of bed and walked very quickly to the bathroom.As soon as I pulled down the front of my boxers I started peeing.The relief was incredible.Mid pee,I pulled my boxers down to enjoy it more.I may have got some pee on them,but I didn't care.I must have peed for about 45 seconds or so.Very satisfying.I'm in bed now as I write this.Had a few drinks last night.Maybe I'll end up getting desperate again...

    Update.Still in bed this morning.Starting to feel a little urgency.

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