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Everything posted by Peeguy

  1. As promised the next installment in my series Julie and Grace continued on their way home. Stopping at a service station, they filled up on gas, and grabbed a bit to eat. Feeling quite thirsty, they both got extra large sodas, which were gone before they had finished their meals. Refilling their sodas, they headed out to the car to continue their journey. Seeing as neither of them felt the need, and they were less then an hour from home, they neglected to use the restrooms before leaving. "Quite an interesting journey" Grace chimed up as they pulled back onto the highway. "first
  2. I cant wait to see it Be nice to see the stream too Maybe a pic of you crossing those beautiful legs of yours as you try to contain the flood
  3. Then again i might keep you waiting You know how I love making girls wait lol
  4. Amazing, would love to see a test of your aiming abilities sometime Are you adverse to peeing in containers?
  5. Beautiful pic Simply amazing Do you like peeing standing? When youre outdoors do you naturally stand or do you squat?
  6. I wish we lived in a world where girls peed more freely
  7. A nice continuation of my first story As the girls continued on their way home, all was focused on their recent peeing escapade at the rest stop. "such a relief, the feeling of an empty bladder" said Julie, " glad we found that place when we did Grace, I seriously was about to piss all over your car!" "you weren't the only one" replied Grace, "I don't think i've ever had to pee that bad in my life!" Grace thought back to the last time she had been soo desperate. It was a warm summer day, at an outdoor music festival. Grace had been enjoying the band's and pounding the bee
  8. I absolutly adore this photo! If i could change it at all though id love to see you casually standing there as a huge stream of piss shot from your p**y and arched out in front of you, puddling on the ground. Or maybe have you face the other way and spray a hard jet against the wall.
  9. Yah this got posted by accident and i couldnt figure out how to delete it If someone knows and wants to take care of it for me, thatd be appreciated
  10. Some of you may be familiar with my stories from over at peesearch. Ive decided to start sharing them here. This is the first one, written about 5 years ago Look over there, a rest area!" julie exclaimed!! "Thank god," replied Grace "30 more seconds and I would have pissed my pants" The two girls were on their way home after spending the day at a Bridal shower in a large city about 4 hours from where they lived. It had been a fun filled day seeing old friends, having a bit of light hearted dirty fun, and of course enjoying refreshments, which included soft drinks, tea, and of c
  11. Some of you may be familiar with my stories from over at peesearch. Ive decided to start sharing them here. This is the first one, written about 5 years ago Look over there, a rest area!" julie exclaimed!! "Thank god," replied Grace "30 more seconds and I would have pissed my pants" The two girls were on their way home after spending the day at a Bridal shower in a large city about 4 hours from where they lived. It had been a fun filled day seeing old friends, having a bit of light hearted dirty fun, and of course enjoying refreshments, which included soft drinks, tea, and of c
  12. Amazing post spy Are you saying you pee standing up on a regular basis?
  13. Your posts are fantastic Alex is such a lucky man
  14. Seems a bit of an invasion of privacy Maybe the plastic ones you find in porta potties would be an option, if you have the opportunity. It'd also be amazing to see you standing peeing in a sink or toliet. Depending on how your aim is
  15. You have a most beautiful body It'd be great to see you doing standing pees anywhere Do you think you could try a mens urinal?
  16. Beautiful pics, all of them May i make some suggestions for future ones?
  17. Had a great dream the other night. Was at a combination mall/hospital. Went to the bathroom, and it had literally had every style of urinal in it you could think of. It was amazing. I also saw inside the ladies room while I was waiting for my friend too pee. I noticed that the ladies room had urinals in it. I asked my friend why they had them in there and she kind of giggled and said she didn' know
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