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Everything posted by Potatoman

  1. Yes, that and drink. And piss where you shouldn’t rock life cause you have it
  2. Perhaps a misunderstanding and just being cautiously about it i don’t really know
  3. Ask me... I’m glad that it’s over, though I still not know whether it was real or not
  4. New experience and seems like I had to make it good morning to you 🙂
  5. A good piss on the sidewalk did the rest, calm enough by now and going to sleep good night and thank you Nancy 😘
  6. I am still a bit shaky cause of that but gin and beer do their job well
  7. They may, many people know me as well but they aren’t friends, no one that I’d tell my secrets or desires
  8. Thank you, really 🙂 good to have you as friend to talk to, one of few!
  9. Thank you, imma feel your virtual hug right now and let someone hug me as I’m back home
  10. Thank you, just wanted to talk to someone it was that stressing to be in that situation, having to evacuate...
  11. Just have been to London and was told to immediately come back to our bus, because it seems like there was a shooting at the House of Parliament and a following attack at the Westminster bridge, at that time I was on the way to that exact places! If I had been there half an hour earlier then I’d perhaps wouldn’t be alive by now... Just have to think about how easily you can lose your life, glad that I’m here and love you all!
  12. I mean that you deal differently with situations because of your experiences as a witch and as someone who made many experiences that most people did not and that means you have a different look at the situation you are in I’m too tired as well 😄
  13. Well ok, not many can act like that, impressive that he does in situations like this but it seems like you act different in special situations anyways
  14. Poor guy, can be quite annoying with a normally “small dick” Of course it isn’t but seems like it 🙄
  15. It is when it’s erect I think but then I can’t piss so it’s not that huge there i suppose
  16. That’s me pissing on a nice brick wall outside @Sophie, all for the card 😉 I’ll take this on “outdoor”
  17. I will for sure, think I got a chance now
  18. I am going to school, yeah but by now I’m on a classtrip and in a room with to many fuckin people, only good thing is that no one knows me here and I can basically do whatever I want, as long as I can go out alone and find a good spot
  19. Well I CERTAINLY WOULD BE just hoping for a good opportunity to sneak out
  20. If I actually manage to go, you for sure will 😘
  21. Nothing better than some fun with you 😉 except from actual piss fun perhaps... perhaps going out on today’s evening and get myself a place to go, completing another square and also having good fun
  22. In my opinion I am good looking, some girls think that as well and I know still not easy, I don’t know we can talk about that, but then I need time to really have a conversation and by now I’m in a room with 10 people, not ideal to talk about something like that on a site like this...
  23. I hope I’ll get some, never been really good with people so I’m just not sure if it will get better almost as hard as finding gf, perhaps even harder
  24. That’s great as well, never tried it though but I have to really try that, when I find a girl for that....... 😕
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