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Everything posted by goldenpiss

  1. You miss my point. It not $5 that problem. It that it was called free and not free. If it was state that show cost $5 then so be it. No complaint here. I have a problem with be deceived in advert not price of show. Rest of comment not valid for that.
  2. I respond to MyFetish. If you read before remove you see that I click reply to MyFetish post. You only act to remove opinion other than yours. That improper behave! Is not attack me violate rule?
  3. You act improperly call someone cheap for not agree with you. I clear respond to MyFetish. You no read? Tantrum not proper moderator act. MyFetish handle much more appropriate.
  4. The post make by Admin did state that it free show. No one need for context for advertise. That improper expectation. Instead it free to point and then payment ask for. If stated advance it would be fair and no complain rightly made. It not though. We trick instead. More than one feel such. I must agree you approach to explain thing much better than attack and call peefan cheap. Steve step out of line and poor moderator of site by attack follow by thread close.
  5. I was attack by moderator and then not allow to respond. This wrong treatment of site member. Other moderator disagree too but not attack by Steve. I attack because I helpless lowly member and not moderator. You out of line. Call peeple cheap for expecting not to pay for Admin call free show. How much you paid for vigorous defense hoodwink? Why you no attack other mod? Only me be attack by you.
  6. Delete my post because you did not agree is wrong. Site try to hoodwink peefan member by asking pay for free show. I respond to site own and not her anyway.
  7. If you title everyone should read it need be something everyone like. Instead be mumbling mess only some like. I waste time read something because might be important. No like trick.
  8. Well hydrate pee no different than water. How that be any better?
  9. Why should I read? This supposed to be good? This story no good and hard read. You lie in title.
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