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Posts posted by ndr1968pz

  1. On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 5:21 PM, Butterflypiss said:

    To pee on things in public especially furniture and carpet 


    This isn't exactly in public but it's my very first time publishing a photo of me naked and peeing so it's kind of "public" for me anyway.

    Hope the link works.  Apologies to  CirrcC  for commandeering his thread!

  2. I admit that I am a bit of an "emoter" (is that a word?) and sometimes wear my emotions on my sleeve.  I'm pretty quick to love; not so much to hate or dislike.  Yes, I get hurt sometimes but WTF?  That's life!

    Anyway, just wanted to say that there are a number of you here who I already pretty much love as friends.  Whether or not you love me back doesn't matter.  I just want you all to know I appreciate your being here making contributions to the ongoing conversations on the several topics of this forum.  I don't use the "button" often as you all know but that doesn't mean I don't care because I do.  This forum is the most fun I've had since I used to sit around getting drunk and chatting on AOL way back when I first got my first computer.  I love the people.  I definitely love the topic.  What's not to like?

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  3. Recall a novel by Kurt Vonegut.  Monkey House.  Plot revolved around the effects of a government mandated (for every citizen) drug.  The drug removed all sexuality, from everybody (if I recall correctly).  Anyway, a side effect of the drug, and apparently a way for "drug testers" to tell at a glance for compliance, was that the drug turned one's urine a bright blue.

  4. I think it's like any other search (read research) you do on the web.  Hit the engine with your terms and millions of hits come up.  Roll up your sleeves and dig in.  Some sites deliver sort of what you are looking for, others definitely do not and if you are lucky, you find a few that lead you on to the knowledge you seek.  It's impossible to know what any one person who joins and then leaves was searching for, thus my rather flippant remark about net mongrels.  I don't know about you, but sometimes I perform dozens of searches a day and don't give a second thought to the sites that didn't have what I was looking for.  I just think it's a bit pointless worrying about why people join only to leave and never come back.  I think the answer is that this site, for some of them, represents the chaff or "not usable" part of their searches.  

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  5. pee01, I agree, it sucks, man!  I have been bothered with "shy bladder" almost all my life, except for a period in basic training (US Army) when there was one toilet per barracks of 40 plus soldiers.  No partitions between either urinals or toilets.  You just had to "do your business" right next to the other guy.  It was weird.  During that period necessity, of course, finally won out and I learned to pee openly whenever I needed to.  I wasn't the only one obviously but that seemed to help too.  It's like all us guys became like family almost, forced to live so closely together as we were. 

    Other than that time though, I've pretty much had shy bladder every since I can remember.  The bad news is that it gets worse as you get older.  I'm 68 this month and like most men my age I have enlarged prostate.  Now days, even at my best flow rate, I'm seldom able to pee with enough force to "wash" the toilet tank with my stream without doing some awkward body English.  Also, it takes longer for my bladder to totally drain now.  The latter issue has caused me problems when, at public urinal, I have established a good flow (for me) and another (younger) guy walks up next to me and starts to pee forcibly in the next urinal.  That has the effect of shutting down my pathetic little dribble and I have to just zip up and walk away with a very angry bladder that I have to tend to a short time later. Very frustrating. But, hey! It beats the alternative!

  6. When it's happened to me, I've always gone for a version of the "frog" depicted above.  It's weird. When I'm half asleep with a bursting full bladder like that, stiff and standing up like a board, it's no problem to pee away. 

    Now, fast forward to later in the morning, masturbating, watching porn on the computer, good wood, full bladder.  I would love to deliberately pee with a hard on, but being fully awake, I can't.  What's up with that?  I watch porn star guys do it all the time.  Why can't I?  I've never been able to understand this.  Sure wish there was some way to overcome this.

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  7. Alfresco, actually no, it was an older school and actually had a set of individual boys and girls toilets built into each classroom. They were small restrooms with only a sink and water closet. No partitions.  The particular toilet where the incident happened was a shared affair where the single restroom(s) served two classrooms.  Each restroom had two doors, each door opening onto a different classroom.  So, as I said, I always did the boys rooms first, making plenty of noise as a "warning" that I was coming to clean.  So, I think the teacher actually had laid an "ambush" for me that day but as I said I was a young and tender and pretty innocent 16 year old and felt totally embarrassed and "in the wrong".    Needless to say, the incident gave me plenty of masturbation fantasy material.  I do remember when I walked in, I was almost, not quite, but almost close enough to feel the heat of her body.  As I said earlier though the sound of her pee coming out was unmistakable.   I just wish I had had the knowledge of human motivations I do now.  Things could have turned out quite differently!

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  8. Thanks all for your replies.  This was just something I thought interesting.  I'm like you guys.  I probably would never really wear one of those bracelets.  It would be interesting though, if something caught on to see if there are many in my area brave enough to go for it and wear the colors so to speak.

  9. Maybe they are a bit like the old song :..."mongrels like me looking for tidbits like you on the ground"  Not derogatorily of course but it might describe many out there searching for "Free Pee" content.  They join, sniff around for a while and off they go to who knows where?  Net mongrels.

  10. Was over on the other site just now and a poster suggested we as a community have a symbol or sign that would indicate to others we are into watersports and pee.  I think in the past a yellow 'kerchief or scarf sticking out of the hip pocket had been suggested.  That one seems a bit weird and frankly not very "fashion aware".  After all who goes around with a scarf hanging out the back pocket except someone working out in the hot hot sun and needing of a sweat rag? 

    Then, it was brought up that some into the wetter side had begun wearing the yellow "Livestrong" bracelets.  The bracelet part seems cool enough but the "cancer research" theme makes this not such a good idea.  I think the bracelet theme is a good one (everyone seems to be wearing the things lately).  Here's the thing, you can get blank yellow ones and you can get customized ones that say anything you want on them.  My suggestions went something like:    "Pee" is probably a little too obvious. Hmm, "Fetishist, Play, Playfulness, Joy, Yellow" (I like that last one).

    Anyone have any other ideas or suggestions about this?

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  11. Love these alternate reality stories when well done like this.. disbelief was definitely suspended and I felt like I was there, experiencing the action.  Really hot.  I've re read it several times and would like to see more stories about Kaymala.

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  12. On ‎12‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 12:07 AM, fannywatcher said:

    On here there are many quite odd seeming names.Like "Zevashea","Ozabot","zzyzx52"even "fannywatcher"..

    Mine was like the first thing i thought of when signing up.To watch a girl pee-you watch her fanny."Fanny" being the UK word for the lady bits,of course,not the US "bum".

    I dont really like my name,and id change it if i could,but im stuck with it.:13_upside_down:

    Can you explain your moniker?Or your avatar?Mine is the robot "Bender"from the TV show "Futurama".One of my favourite characters.

    Futurama is dead....Long live Futurama!  Broke my heart when it finally ended.  I have every episode and movie on Blue Ray and DVD.  BMSMA!!!

  13. Long story, bear with me please!  In 2000 I needed to squeeze one of two things into the budget.  Either a (first) computer or a new deer rifle.  The computer won but I still longed for the rifle so...in those first AOL chat rooms I became "NDR" = "New Deer Rifle".  "1968" = the year I graduated from high school.  Later, when I changed email service, I had decided that the "stage name" being anonymous anyway should reflect something of my sexuality, thus "pz" = pees or as a sentence: "Ndr1968 pees."  That's it!  he he

  14. Glad you've decided to stay!  Looking forward to reading your posts again.  I apologize in advance for not voting (one way or another) very often.  The "button" just seems a bit political to me and I have always had an aversion for politics.  So, understand that when I do use it, it means that I have been very highly motivated indeed! 

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  15. In high school, my first job for gas money was as a janitor at an elementary school. I came on shift after all the little ones were long gone for the day (so this ain't that kind of story mac!). Anyway, when it was time to clean the restrooms I had a bucket of disinfectant and a brush and would always clean the boys rooms first because of the noise both of my cleaning and also the loudness of the siphon jet flush of the toilets. Having cleaned the boys side, I never knocked or called out but just walked on in to the girls side figuring that I had given plenty of warning of my coming. Never had an incident until one day....

    I didn't mention that even though the children had left for the day, the teachers had not. On this day when I stepped into the girls room to clean, there she sat, one of the most attractive young teachers. She sat there peeing loudly, I could plainly hear it hissing past her vulva and splashing loudly into the toilet. I was dumbfounded and for several seconds we just stayed there staring at one another. I remember her expression being almost totally inscrutable, possibly she had slightly raised an eyebrow? Then, I “woke up” so to speak and quickly said my apologies and backed out the door to wait till she was done. Many years later, looking back, I’m sure the woman was a bit of a cougar and I could probably have ‘gotten away’ with just stepping up to her and whipping out my hard cock and offering it for her to kiss. Sure wish I had done it!!

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  16. Spywareonya:

    So happy to see you writing again!  I am a simple man, so most of what you have discussed is way over my head.  Sorry.  However, I will quote a couple of comments you made and respond.

    "I'm less looking for being appreciated-at-all-cost."  This  alone will save you so much grief and possibly help you better see to the core of some of the content here. 


    "Contributions will be obviously part of my being back here around, but more than else (mark my words) I will be back about FRIENDSHIP"  Here lies the road to happiness (Confucius...or somebody ;)) and honey, believe me, you deserve happiness!!

    Love ya!

  17. Spywareonya, I'm sorry, I suppose I am guilty of not "supporting" you with the "like" button.  I am, by nature just the opposite of you.  I am almost totally non-competitive with other humans.  I do compete with animals as I have a passion for hunting and fishing, politically incorrect as that is now.  Frankly, I have never really thought much about the "like" button and have barely noted the points I or others have received or not.  This may be a character flaw, if so I apologize.  I find much more value in the conversations themselves.  The back and forth of communications between people.  The atmosphere of a group of like minded friends getting together to just talk and share fellowship, and yes, love!  For me, it's not about popularity but something much deeper.  That something is being allowed to share and to take what is shared by others in a spirit of total selflessness.  It's what friends do...no artificial reward necessary at the end.  I find the sharing and friendship reward enough in and of itself.  I still will miss you and still wish you would stay.  I promise to learn to use the button and vote for you (though you should understand that even though I have never voted for you, I love you as a friend just the same!!) 

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