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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2016 in Posts

  1. My friend and I stayed late after school hoping to finish our work and not have to take our books home. Standing at the bus stop I realized a little too late that my bladder was full. Resigning myself to the fact that I'll have to hold it until I get home, I cross my legs and hope for the best. Getting on the bus with my friend, we walk all the was to the hidden seats noticing that we were the only ones on the bus. Sitting by the window I cant help but feel very uncomfortable due to my very full bladder, but still I gotta wait as the bus ride is an hour! Shifting my body so that I am
    3 points
  2. This is a true story from yesterday and this is the situation... i am sure most of you has read up about a month ago, me licking the toilet seat that my sister in-law peed on. She knows i am into golden showers because my girlfriend told her and her sister does seem to tease me about it. That being said, she bought a small condo which is getting build and she refused to pay their painters, she asked me if i can help paint the ceilings and some rooms before a certain date because the contractors are waiting so that they can install the sinks, toilet and bathtub. There are caps on the toile
    2 points
  3. A different tack on oral sex...
    1 point
  4. Hi Geepee, I persuaded my hubby to pee in pools for me. Before we got together he'd sometimes visit the toilet before getting into a pool but would pee in the water without giving it a second thought if he needed to while in there. From when he found how much it turned me on he's always got in with a full bladder! Both of my cousins were taught to swim by my parents (as were my brother and I of course) with each of us being encouraged to pee in the pool from an early age and rewarded with extra drinks for doing so. In turn I encouraged my kids to always use the pool as a toilet and, now gr
    1 point
  5. Welcome to my first try at writing a story, I'll apologize here for all spelling and grammar mistakes, because I am not an english native speaker. To be clear, this story was inspired by "Lindsey and Maeby" and some similar stories and became pretty long. Longer than I thought, and it takes a while until it gets to the interesting stuff and if you like the story there will be more parts without the who-is-who-blahblah. I also have to mention that this story contains an erotic Mother-Daughter relationship for those who aren't into this stuff or have problems with stuff like that. Prologue
    1 point
  6. Hi Geepeee9, One of my favorite things to do is to lie out in the sun by the pool with a big daiquiri and drink and tan in the sun to my hearts content. Every time I need to pee I hoping in the pool and release my bladder into the pool water. There's lots of other women that use the pool as their pee place too while enjoying the sun. All my friends that I go to the pool with will nip in for a quick piss in the pool when we are lieing out soaking up the rays. How does your wife go about relieving her self at the pool? I'd love to hear about an experience where she's gone into the pool to p
    1 point
  7. I have been peeing in pools with family members for a long time. As far back as I can remember I was pissing in the pool with my sisters and my mom. It has always been something that was acceptable in our family. I remember as kids we would all hold our pee before swimming. The pool our mom would take us to was a bit old and wasn't maintained all that well. If it was a busy day it didn't take long for the bathrooms to get dirty. My mom would always tell us to avoid the dirty toilets and to go pee while we swam. About 15 years later my oldest sister had kids. It wasn't long before we start
    1 point
  8. I like the 'swimming pool smell' because it indicates the presence of urine in the water. When visiting a public swimming pool as a large family group it could be quite satisfying to find the smell was stronger when we got out after our swim than it was when we'd got in!
    1 point
  9. This is a very interesting discussion. Some of you will know me from 'another place' and that I enjoy naughty peeing. I feel that for each us there is a line beyond which we won't go, but of course this varies from person to person. I probably go further than some will find acceptable (well I certainly did when younger) but there is a balance between the good feeling of acting considerately to others and the intense sexual thrill of not doing so when it comes to peeing. When I pee in a public/hotel/community swimming pool I know it will stay in the water (filtration doesn't remove uri
    1 point
  10. i never go in my own room. My ex who introduced me to naughty peeing would take me to a hotel for a week but the deal was if i needed to go to the toilet i had to find somewhere apart from the bathroom or room to go. I would go in the hallway on the carpet, in the elevator, in a washing machine sometimes with someones clothes in it, on a car in the parking garage, down the stairs, in the spa or sauna or gym. As for guilt it doesnt cause permanant damage and the hotel already pays cleaners so who cares.
    1 point
  11. 1. Carpet/Rug 5. Sink 6. Shower/Bath 7. Bed 8. Bathroom floor 11. Indoor wall 12. Toilet with closed lid 14. Inside a car on the seat or the floor 15. On somebody else 17. Kettle or other innapropiate vessel 18. Cupboard, wardrobe or drawer 19. On clothing 20. In someone's mouth.
    1 point
  12. My friends and me pee on places like store floors and sinks but we dont get turned on by it. Its fun and naughty but not arrousing. Most of the time its just easier
    1 point
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