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Waitresses Relief Spot Pt. 3

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I stayed at, “The Lot” longer than usual since determining it’s the hookah bar waitresses pissing by the bus. The hookah bar closes at 6am.

It was 2:50am when the first waitress pissed. I parked on the row behind the bus so I can look to the right and have a clear shot of what goes on behind the van. 

I said I would leave at 5:15am. I procrastinated starting the car to leave. Luckily I did because 5:16am here comes two more waitresses. They come around the van, they walk out further, looking at my car. The young lady was pee dancing while she looked at my car. She looked for a minute.  That was really the only close private spot for her to go. I wondered should I offer her my backseat for relief. As I was wondering she goes over to the van, pulls her baiting suit uniform down, exposing her nice small breast, and vaginal hair stubs. She squats having that nice crease in there upper legs, and peed. She peed a nice stream because she left pee foam with the little bubbles. 

Only the one peed, the other leaned on the side of the bus and was looking at her phone. Both real attractive ladies. 

After the ladies were out of sight I went over and examined the puddle. The pavement is old and cracking and absorbs the piss quickly. There was some pooling. I picked up the napkin and dipped in the puddle to absorb more pee which was still warm. The only issue with dipping the napkin is it picks up dirt granuals and small rocks. 

The napkin smelled of straight urine which is a sign that it is waitress piss. Most puddles/tissue/napkins in puddles usually smells of straight alcohol. In that spot, the napkins which are in the same general area smell like urine. Waitresses wouldn’t be drinking on the job. 

After that sighting I was ready to go. I parked on the street for a few and saw a fresh puddle with soggy tissue and an older puddle which was a stain with tissue in it. 

Being there later than normal, city workers arrived and they started cleaning up the street, picking up bottles, raking litter from around the trees along the street. I thought about all the pissy napkins and tissue they clean up. 

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Looks like you've found a reliable spot for repeat performances.   Hopefully you'll be able to get something with your action camera as well.   I guess the only issue might be that they may notice your car is a regular and then get more suspicous about it.

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On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 12:18 PM, Alfresco said:

Looks like you've found a reliable spot for repeat performances.   Hopefully you'll be able to get something with your action camera as well.   I guess the only issue might be that they may notice your car is a regular and then get more suspicous about it.

it can be a problem

I often blow my man in public parking lots but if he notices a regular car we stop to avoid being recorded or whatever

Once Alex almost chased one wielding a tree branch as big as a club!!!

Anyway @Starks2010

I am reading the Whole production with this title, your stories are really fabulous, and great for fingering!!!


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