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Dark Alley Piss

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A long time friend of mine came to town with his wife to see his in-laws. His wife talked me into going out with them, her sister thought I was cute so they wanted me to come out. I don’t go out like that though I know I’d see a lot of pissing if I did.

We drive to the lounge about 30 minutes of driving, to find they only take cash to get in. My friend was sleeping in their car so it was his wife, her sister, the sisters friend who was a gay dude so basically it was 3 females and myself. The wife suggests we just go, the sisters friend didn’t like that idea because he said we drove a long way here. 

We were right near the Atlanta Belt line so I suggested we walk the Belt line and see what’s open along there. The wife mentions she needs to use the bathroom. She said it 2 or 3 times. I said lets walk along there to see what we find. She agreed and said not to be surprised if she stops off somewhere to use the bathroom. I know she’s a pisser because I dated her sister-in-law who’s a habitual pisser (Mentioned in other stories) and has told me stories about the two of them. The sister asked if she had tissue. I had to run back to the car so I grabbed some napkins.

We see a dark alley which lead to the belt line so we head down the alley where you can see piss puddles and a couple of used napkins in the little bit of light. The wife stops halfway down and says she’d meet us. I hand her the napkins I got from the car. We continue down to the end of the alley towards the belt line. I glance back a few times to see her with her tight black pants peeled down in a mid to low squat. It was really dark so there wasn’t much to see. I then hear her hard urine stream hitting the pavement. It sounded so good. I pictured in my mind, all that urine flowing down the the alley in our direction being we were down hill.

She caught up, we walked the belt line a little bit before we headed back the way we came including up the alley were I observed her used napkins in a puddle near the wall of the building. 

We exited the alley on the street side and the 3 of them went left to their car and I go right toward my car where I’d come up to where they were. As they walked to their car with their backs to me I re-entered the alley, went to the halfway point and snatched up the used napkins which were nice and wet. 

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Very good that she was relaxed enough to let you inow what she was doing and not wait for you to be completely out of sight. you will have that memory every time you see he now. 

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