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I also love the pictures.   She looks very much like my wife's body.   

The other day, my suggested we have a shower together.  Before she got in, she went to sit on the toilet and then said "I expect you would rather I kept if for the shower."   Of course I confirmed this was the case, so she left the toilet without peeing and we both got in the shower.  Almost straight away, she peed whilst standing and her stream poured out in front of her.  I was able to intercept it and allow it to cascade down my legs, which was nice.

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1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

I also love the pictures.   She looks very much like my wife's body.   

Thats awesome! For my wife she has a hard time holding it. So once those pants drop the flood gates open. Luckily she will tell when she needs to go.

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