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Fresh Piss Spot With Soggy Napkins

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Decided to do a little pee hunting in the early morning hours this morning. I returned to, "The Lot" from two previous stories I shared. 

I pull into the rear entrance of the lot, as I drive towards the church van and church bus which is obviously the ladies room, I see a huge puddle of fresh piss with a pile of soaked napkins. 

The soaked napkins were between the van and the bus which were lined up behind each other. There were some used, dry napkins on the driver side of the van. 

I sat some spaces away from the van and bus and a row back so I can see if anyone returns to use the outdoor, "ladies room" again. After some guys came through breaking into car I left my post.

I returned after a little while, this time parking on the street at the front entrance of, "The Lot". Where I was parked I can see the van and bus in the distance. It is real bright on the left (driver) side of the van and bus, the other side is dark due to the size of the two vehicles blocking the light.

I observe two females, one petite and one thick. Not fat but thick. The pair were walking out to the van and bus. There were no other cars in that area so I figured they were going to take a piss. 

I wait a moment for them to get started, turn on my dash cam and pull in the lot to go around the buses and out of the rear exit. I guess my lights spooked the petite one who looked like she was in position to piss. She jumped up and pulled her jeans up. I gave a, I'm sorry wave and continued on. In my mirror I can see the petite one pulling her jeans back down to piss between the two vehicles. 

I circled the block and returned to find fresh, used, soggy napkins. I had picked up all I could grab earlier. I forgot to mention that. 

The pictures provided are the initial napkins that were there. I didn't think to get a picture of the new napkins as I was trying to discreetly snatch up the napkins. The ladies had to be drinking because the puddle smelled like straight alcohol. 

Enjoy the pictures. Until next time. 




Edited by Starks2010
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2 hours ago, fannywatcher said:

I would try grab one too...at least maybe you can stake out the area.

I usually go early Sunday mornings. I was trying to stake out a new spot by another club which nothing much was going on there so I came to check the spot pictured to find I missed some action. I plan to go in the morning again. 

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Sounds like a great spot that you have found that is used regularly.   If you know that the vans don't get move regularly, you could get a trail camera or similar and place it under one of the vans - it would pick up the action for you to review (and share) later.   



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I have thought of that too. But I have figured out if I park my car backed in to the left of the van about 2-3 spaces over with no other cars and place my Polaroid Cube action camera which has a magnet on the bottom to the top of my tow hitch I have perfect, well light view between the vans and even underneath the van to capture feet positioning, steam and the napkin being dropped. We shall see Saturday morning. 

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