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Who Do You Tell? Consequences of Telling and Not Telling

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Who Do You Tell? Consequences of Telling and Not Telling

by Dr.P.

Notes: This post arises from some comments I wanted to make, in the Pee Talk and Questions forum. I realized that I have had a wide variety of experiences generated by confiding my interest in peeing to different women, over a lifetime, and they might possibly be interesting, and even helpful to others, given the strong negative social conditioning which prevails in our Western culture. I think the sheer volume of material that I have is too large for a simple reply in The Pee Talk and Questions forum, so I am posting it here.

My first adult conversation involving female peeing, as an item of erotic curiosity, was with a female friend, to whom I had been very close, since we were both in our early teens. Over the years, we had talked extensively about sex, in almost all of its aspects. Although we were attracted to each other, we never became lovers, but we did give each other a lot of intimate advice and support, as physically Platonic friends.

When we were in our  early twenties, we had a conversation that I will never forget, because it affected my life, for years afterward. She invited me to ask her any questions at all, about anything I wanted to know about women and girls, their sexuality, etc., and she promised to answer me. I replied that I was curious about how they peed, did they sit or squat? How did it come out, etc.? Her response was to denounce me in a rage, asking "What kind of question is that? We sit on the toilet, just like you do when you s**t." She went on and on. I was shocked, dismayed, and devastated by her reaction, and tried to calm her down, with little success.

I was totally surprised, shocked, more accurately, because during our long friendship, I had "stood watch" for her outside many deserted Ladies' rooms, late at night, and she had carried on conversations with me while she was peeing and wiping, commenting on the cold or dirty toilet seats, how bad she had to pee, etc. So I assumed that she would be totally cool with my question. After all, I didn't ask to watch her pee, although I wanted to. I only asked how she and other women did it. This conversation did not end the friendship, but things were a little weird for a while. I took this as a serious warning "shot across the bow," regarding confessing my interest to women I cared about, and I think I was overly cautious, for many years, probably a decade, afterward.

An experience which illustrates my extreme caution, and how it probably caused me to miss out on a potentially great opportunity, was that with "Ellie" which I reported in detail, in both the Real Stories and Fictional Stories sections on PeeFans, in July of this year. I was in my late twenties or early thirties when I met her, and I had kept my interest in pee a deep secret, especially from women, since that devastating experience, in my early twenties. As some of you may remember reading, "Ellie" was in the habit of peeing with the bathroom door half-open, when we were alone together in hotel rooms, and in her house. She did this from the very beginning of our sexual relationship, and continued the practice for as long as I knew her and dated her. She also had what for me was an extremely erotic peeing style, which I knew from her sounds, loud hisses and multiple stops and restarts, with nice gushes.

I never mentioned my interest to her, and in fact feigned disinterest, probably successfully. Since she was a co-worker in a small division of the large company that we both worked for. I felt that I had to be very careful. If I mentioned my interest in her peeing to her, and she took it badly, out of embarrassment or anger, she could have branded me as a pervert, on the company grapevine.

Years later, I told my story about her  to several women online, who were into peeing, and they opined that she was either testing me for my interest in her peeing, or actually teasing me, hoping I would make a move. I never did, and that is my biggest regret about her. A very disappointing consequence of NOT telling. We may have been very well suited to each other, and might have had a lot of fun together, if I had told her of my interest. [See my story, "I thought You'd Never Ask," in the Fictional Stories Section.]

When my relationship with "Ellie" tapered off for a while, I had a brief relationship with a good friend, who was a cocktail waitress, and happened to be married to a cop. She seemed relatively conservative, sexually, so I never dared mention my interest to her. Surprisingly, she turned out to be less tense and inhibited about peeing than I had surmised.

My house, at the time, had a master bedroom, with the bath separated from it by a partial wall, with no actual door, and no enclosure around the toilet. We were in the bathroom together one night, getting ready for bed, brushing our teeth, etc. We got finished, and headed for the bedroom together, when she suddenly turned toward the toilet, and said "I go this way." She sat down on the toilet and started peeing, before I left the bathroom. I was sorely tempted to stay and watch her, but didn't dare. Neither of us ever said a word about it, then, or afterward, but she was obviously not totally uncomfortable with peeing in my presence. So that experience was quite encouraging to me.

Sometime later, a very intimate, close, but still Platonic friendship, that I had for three years with a co-worker, suddenly became very romantic and sexual. We had always shared intimate secrets, and we shared even more, once we became lovers. I told her very frankly about my sexual interest in female  peeing. She took it very well, saying, "That's a little kinky, but not too bad." I took that as very encouraging, given her background. She was from a very conservative (white)Southern U.S. family, had been educated at "Ole' Miss," and was married to a young lawyer. She never volunteered or invited me to watch her pee, but I saw her from the shower one morning, sitting upright on the toilet, totally nude, peeing with her legs together. Although I couldn't see anything interesting, other than her lovely thighs, pressed tightly together, at least I had seen her peeing style, and I have that picture of her etched permanently in my mind.

I met and flirted with "Jeanie," another co-worker, later on. I have told her story in detail, recently,  in "Real Stories." Hers was probably one of the most positive, and even enthusiastic reactions I have ever experienced to my indication of interest in her peeing. We had made love for the very first time, when she said "I  have to pee." Emboldened by my recent lack of negative experiences, I asked, "Can I come with you?" "Do you want me to sit or stand?" was her answer, as she took my hand, and led me to the bathroom with her.

After my previous negative experiences, I was stunned, but in a very good way, at her completely calm, positive response to my very intimate request. She acted as if I had asked for a hug, or something equally non-controversial. I had then, and still have now, no clear picture of her sexual history. So I don't know if she had heard this request previously, or whether she routinely participated in water sports with her husband, or other partners. She acted as if my request was completely routine, for her. Maybe it was.

She was completely calm about fulfilling my request, too. She stood over the toilet, seemingly very relaxed, and peed a thin stream very neatly into the toilet, not getting her legs or the seat wet. When she finished, I took the bold step of licking the golden drops from her pussy. She smiled at me and said, "That was nice!" Needless to say, I was very, very encouraged by her response, and anticipated future positive responses from other women.

Sharing sexual kinks and fantasies with friends and lovers was a popular fad, in the late 1970's and 1980's. Encouraged by the positive response I had received from "Jeanie," and made bold by alcohol, I participated, with a few lady friends, in the bars. I took advantage of this fad by sending ladies off to the Ladies' room with humorous comments, "I hope everything comes out OK," and then asking "Did everything come out OK?" when they returned.

One night, the toilet in the Ladies' room in one of the bars apparently had a malfunction, so the ladies had to use a female urinal adjacent to it. They all came back from their visits, with exciting (to me) stories of how they had dealt with the situation. One of them, a good friend of mine, whom I had dated casually, but never slept with, said, "No problem. I just straddle that sucker and let fly." I drew her away from the crowd a few minutes later, and kept her talking about peeing in Ladies' rooms. I finally looked her straight in the eyes and said, "How do you do it when it's just a regular toilet? Do you sit or squat?" "Oh, I squat!" she said with a very sweet, charming smile, continuing to look me in the eyes. Too bad I never dated her long enough to have sex with her. I think I may have gotten a demonstration of her peeing style!

One of my most complicated experiences with a steady girlfriend was with "Lisa." It has been recently reported extensively in The Real Pee Stories forum, in several installments. We were strongly attracted to one another and became lovers soon after we met, at work, of course. She seemed very liberal and sexually adventurous. Emboldened by my experience with "Jeanie," and my recent talks with other women about peeing, I first took a humorous approach with her, which she laughed off easily, and I got nowhere. Then I tried telling her some very mild stories about my fantasies, always involving female peeing, but still got no response. I told her how sharing the bathroom would bring us closer together, and increase the intimacy of our relationship, but I still got nowhere. These talks went on, occasionally, for several months, but our sexual activities were unaffected, and still fantastic. So I didn't want to lose her over my kink.

Finally, I convinced her to allow me to just listen to her pee. When she saw how much that turned me on, she finally allowed me to watch her. It turned out that she wasn't innately extremely tense or private about her peeing, but had been emotionally traumatized  by an experience with a previous lover, when she peed all over his hand during an orgasm he gave her with that hand. He was totally grossed out and disgusted, and left her, immediately and permanently. She had already believed that female excretory processes were a total turn-off to all men, and this event proved it to her beyond all doubt. She had to see my reaction with her own eyes, to believe what I told her about my tastes. From that time on, she was as much into peeing as I am, and very imaginative and cooperative, too.

"Michelle" is a former girlfriend, and still a friend, whom I have not yet introduced in this forum. She presented some unique challenges to the granting of  "bathroom privileges," or even introducing them for discussion. When we first started dating, she would run tap water in the bathroom to cover the sounds of her peeing, when we were together in her apartment. This continued long after we had begun having sex. So she must have been well aware that the sounds of her peeing could be heard outside the bathroom, and might have some effect, positive or negative, on a male (me), who heard those sounds. I asked her about this years later, when I had been sharing the bathroom with her for several years, and she denied that she had run the water for camouflage purposes. Still, this information told me that a humorous approach to the subject was unlikely to be well received. .However, I did confide in her that I had some "perverse" sexual fantasies, in a light-hearted way. She replied that she wasn't up for whips and chains, but anything else was probably alright. I assured her, very honestly, that I was not into anything involving whips, chains, or pain, in any form.

We had a somewhat stormy, and very "dry" relationship, for about a year, until she made plans to move out of the local area, to a town some 80 miles away. We really did like each other, so we had a long talk about our relationship, and whether we still wanted to see each other. Once we decided that we did want to see each other, I brought up my "fantasy" about sharing the bathroom with her, and watching her pee. She said that would take "some getting used to," since she had never shared the bathroom with a man, outside of showering. But she said it was not out of the question. She asked me to be patient with her.

I began visiting her in her new home, once or twice a week. The drive was grueling, and I hated it, but our relationship was much better, and the sex was great. I mentioned "my fantasy" to her, occasionally, but she said she still wasn't ready. Finally, we were both nude and ready for bed one night, when she said she had to pee. I begged her to let me come with her and watch. She said, " I don't know why it's such a big deal to you. You've been seeing me naked for more than a year. I just sit down. You can't see anything. Oh, all right. Come on with me."

I went with her, and she was right. She just sat down, with her legs pressed tightly together, so I couldn't see anything interesting. But I could hear and smell her pee, which I loved. I kissed her bare thighs while she was peeing, and buried my face in them. When she finished, I offered to wipe her, and she willingly spread her legs for me, and showed me where she was wet. Very intimate! I rewarded her with a "mustache ride," which brought her to a much more intense orgasm than usual. That helped a lot, and she gradually became more tolerant of my desires, which she found amusing, at times.

Due to an accidental medical crisis involving my son, I couldn't visit her for a period of 6 months or more. She connected with a local guy and married him, but the marriage broke up after 3 years, and we got back together. We went to dinner a few times and talked about how our relationship would be, in the future, including my "bathroom privileges," which she agreed to. We were both very relaxed about our relationship, this time. We really liked each other, and felt very fortunate to be together again. We had been very lonely, apart.

The first time I accompanied her to the bathroom, her peeing style was completely different than previously. She now sat with her thighs open, an inch or two apart, allowing me a clear view of her pussy and her pretty little stream. And she invited me to wipe her, as usual, which I enjoyed doing, as I had previously. I asked her about her "new" (to me) peeing style. She said, "That's not new. I've done it that way, all my life."

"But when we were together before, you always kept your legs so tight together that I couldn't see anything. Why? I thought you did it that way, all the time."

"No. I only did that when you were there watching me. You pushed it too hard, and I didn't want to let you see everything. I couldn't give you that satisfaction. But now you're completely different, very relaxed and patient. So I feel comfortable with you. Your fantasy doesn't do anything for me, but I can tolerate it."

What a difference a change in my attitude made in hers, and in her actions!

I will post the whole story of "Michelle" and me in the Real Stories forum, soon.

Dr. P.


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That is a very insightful account of several experiences and how you changed your approach as a result.  I guess every woman is different and so the approach that works with one may not work with another.   The problem is that you never know until you try and depending on the approach you could get a great response or a disaster.    This tends to make us reserved and maybe not even willing to attempt to discuss our interests, which in turn can lead to missing out.


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All of what you say is true. Sometimes it seems like a mine field. Predicting positive or negative responses from an individual is extremely difficult. Revealing too much, and evoking a strong, negative response, can be a disaster, as you say. But missing a potentially positive response can be extremely disappointing, as I try to point out, in my little fiction story, today. I have found that a humorous approach can be helpful. General attitudes can sometimes be discovered. If responses are negative, an apology for making a tasteless joke or comment, can usually repair the damage. Listening to women's stories and comments is also very important. If they voluntarily bring up the subject of peeing, especially in a fun context, or volunteer personal information about their own bodies, it may be much easier to bring up the subject, in conversation. A recent example was provided by a lady friend, at the gym. She told me a story of how she and a woman friend had celebrated a reunion of sorts, and got so drunk that they had to pee outdoors. She said it had been a long time since she did that,  so she forgot how to squat, and fell over backwards! Although she is a flirty sort of lady, I would never have expected this kind of story from her. Obviously, it had a sexual connotation to her, because she was telling it to a man, to arouse his interest. So she might be friendly toward an approach. I wish there were socially acceptable questions or comments that a man could make, to better determine the attitudes of women toward peeing! 

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Fascinating set of scenarios here with which I fully identify.

It is abundantly clear that some women are disgusted with the subject, some absolutely love it and can't get enough, but others are sufficiently open minded to be receptive to the idea and can even enthusiastically adopt the pleasure when the subject is approached. I can name quite a few for sure!

I would add two things to the subject; firstly I steer clear of broaching the subject with anyone in our community, or near to it, for fear of word getting around and tarnishing the otherwise good and fun-loving reputation I am lucky to enjoy here.

Secondly the best chat up line I have ever used, admittedly only ever in a club after a few drinks and when I and the girl were feeling comfortable with each other, but it worked for me every single time, was " When you feel the need to pee is it a nuisance for you or is it actually a pleasure?". Truly, some of my best ever conversations have followed from that question to the girl. Handled carefully, even if the girl has never thought of it in that way before, the exchange of experiences and excitement that followed, sometimes for an hour or more, has been huge! It's even led to later liaisons, meet ups, drinking sessions etc etc of the highest quality. I still use the technique today when the occasion arises, you never know what will open up for you!

I hope that might be an inspiration to you all who are seriously contemplating how to 'break the ice' with your partner or close friend. Let me know what you think and how you get on!

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Very interesting! Thank you very much! I have never ever thought of that line of questioning, but I'm sure it would work very well. You're asking about her feelings, which women love to talk about, anyway, and it's very disarming and non-invasive. It also demonstrates empathy for her, as another human being, especially if you share your own feelings. So she may volunteer some personal experiences of her own, in an atmosphere of trust. That's infinitely better than creating a predatory environment, where she feels her privacy is threatened by your curiosity. Thanks again for a great idea. . 

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Guest UnabashedUser
11 hours ago, steamlover6 said:

When you feel the need to pee is it a nuisance for you or is it actually a pleasure?". Truly, some of my best ever conversations have followed from that question to the girl. Handled carefully, even if the girl has never thought of it in that way before, the exchange of experiences and excitement that followed, sometimes for an hour or more, has been huge! It's even led to later liaisons, meet ups, drinking sessions etc etc of the highest quality. I still use the technique today when the occasion arises, you never know what will open up for you!

Excellent advise. When the conversation eventually opens up to sexual topics, I've had luck with "when you have to pee do you sometimes play with it a little? "  A secret smile will reveal if she has or not, which can then lead to the peeing is sexy stage of the next round of word play.  My feeling is that most women have masturabated at one point or another on the toilet either post or pre-pee.


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Guest UnabashedUser
On 10/2/2017 at 3:10 AM, Dr.P said:

Who Do You Tell? Consequences of Telling and Not Telling

by Dr.P.

Notes: This post arises from some comments I wanted to make, in the Pee Talk and Questions forum. I realized that I have had a wide variety of experiences generated by confiding my interest in peeing to different women, over a lifetime, and they might possibly be interesting, and even helpful to others, given the strong negative social conditioning which prevails in our Western culture. I think the sheer volume of material that I have is too large for a simple reply in The Pee Talk and Questions forum, so I am posting it here.

My first adult conversation involving female peeing, as an item of erotic curiosity, was with a female friend, to whom I had been very close, since we were both in our early teens. Over the years, we had talked extensively about sex, in almost all of its aspects. Although we were attracted to each other, we never became lovers, but we did give each other a lot of intimate advice and support, as physically Platonic friends.

When we were in our  early twenties, we had a conversation that I will never forget, because it affected my life, for years afterward. She invited me to ask her any questions at all, about anything I wanted to know about women and girls, their sexuality, etc., and she promised to answer me. I replied that I was curious about how they peed, did they sit or squat? How did it come out, etc.? Her response was to denounce me in a rage, asking "What kind of question is that? We sit on the toilet, just like you do when you s**t." She went on and on. I was shocked, dismayed, and devastated by her reaction, and tried to calm her down, with little success.

I was totally surprised, shocked, more accurately, because during our long friendship, I had "stood watch" for her outside many deserted Ladies' rooms, late at night, and she had carried on conversations with me while she was peeing and wiping, commenting on the cold or dirty toilet seats, how bad she had to pee, etc. So I assumed that she would be totally cool with my question. After all, I didn't ask to watch her pee, although I wanted to. I only asked how she and other women did it. This conversation did not end the friendship, but things were a little weird for a while. I took this as a serious warning "shot across the bow," regarding confessing my interest to women I cared about, and I think I was overly cautious, for many years, probably a decade, afterward.

An experience which illustrates my extreme caution, and how it probably caused me to miss out on a potentially great opportunity, was that with "Ellie" which I reported in detail, in both the Real Stories and Fictional Stories sections on PeeFans, in July of this year. I was in my late twenties or early thirties when I met her, and I had kept my interest in pee a deep secret, especially from women, since that devastating experience, in my early twenties. As some of you may remember reading, "Ellie" was in the habit of peeing with the bathroom door half-open, when we were alone together in hotel rooms, and in her house. She did this from the very beginning of our sexual relationship, and continued the practice for as long as I knew her and dated her. She also had what for me was an extremely erotic peeing style, which I knew from her sounds, loud hisses and multiple stops and restarts, with nice gushes.

I never mentioned my interest to her, and in fact feigned disinterest, probably successfully. Since she was a co-worker in a small division of the large company that we both worked for. I felt that I had to be very careful. If I mentioned my interest in her peeing to her, and she took it badly, out of embarrassment or anger, she could have branded me as a pervert, on the company grapevine.

Years later, I told my story about her  to several women online, who were into peeing, and they opined that she was either testing me for my interest in her peeing, or actually teasing me, hoping I would make a move. I never did, and that is my biggest regret about her. A very disappointing consequence of NOT telling. We may have been very well suited to each other, and might have had a lot of fun together, if I had told her of my interest. [See my story, "I thought You'd Never Ask," in the Fictional Stories Section.]

When my relationship with "Ellie" tapered off for a while, I had a brief relationship with a good friend, who was a cocktail waitress, and happened to be married to a cop. She seemed relatively conservative, sexually, so I never dared mention my interest to her. Surprisingly, she turned out to be less tense and inhibited about peeing than I had surmised.

My house, at the time, had a master bedroom, with the bath separated from it by a partial wall, with no actual door, and no enclosure around the toilet. We were in the bathroom together one night, getting ready for bed, brushing our teeth, etc. We got finished, and headed for the bedroom together, when she suddenly turned toward the toilet, and said "I go this way." She sat down on the toilet and started peeing, before I left the bathroom. I was sorely tempted to stay and watch her, but didn't dare. Neither of us ever said a word about it, then, or afterward, but she was obviously not totally uncomfortable with peeing in my presence. So that experience was quite encouraging to me.

Sometime later, a very intimate, close, but still Platonic friendship, that I had for three years with a co-worker, suddenly became very romantic and sexual. We had always shared intimate secrets, and we shared even more, once we became lovers. I told her very frankly about my sexual interest in female  peeing. She took it very well, saying, "That's a little kinky, but not too bad." I took that as very encouraging, given her background. She was from a very conservative (white)Southern U.S. family, had been educated at "Ole' Miss," and was married to a young lawyer. She never volunteered or invited me to watch her pee, but I saw her from the shower one morning, sitting upright on the toilet, totally nude, peeing with her legs together. Although I couldn't see anything interesting, other than her lovely thighs, pressed tightly together, at least I had seen her peeing style, and I have that picture of her etched permanently in my mind.

I met and flirted with "Jeanie," another co-worker, later on. I have told her story in detail, recently,  in "Real Stories." Hers was probably one of the most positive, and even enthusiastic reactions I have ever experienced to my indication of interest in her peeing. We had made love for the very first time, when she said "I  have to pee." Emboldened by my recent lack of negative experiences, I asked, "Can I come with you?" "Do you want me to sit or stand?" was her answer, as she took my hand, and led me to the bathroom with her.

After my previous negative experiences, I was stunned, but in a very good way, at her completely calm, positive response to my very intimate request. She acted as if I had asked for a hug, or something equally non-controversial. I had then, and still have now, no clear picture of her sexual history. So I don't know if she had heard this request previously, or whether she routinely participated in water sports with her husband, or other partners. She acted as if my request was completely routine, for her. Maybe it was.

She was completely calm about fulfilling my request, too. She stood over the toilet, seemingly very relaxed, and peed a thin stream very neatly into the toilet, not getting her legs or the seat wet. When she finished, I took the bold step of licking the golden drops from her pussy. She smiled at me and said, "That was nice!" Needless to say, I was very, very encouraged by her response, and anticipated future positive responses from other women.

Sharing sexual kinks and fantasies with friends and lovers was a popular fad, in the late 1970's and 1980's. Encouraged by the positive response I had received from "Jeanie," and made bold by alcohol, I participated, with a few lady friends, in the bars. I took advantage of this fad by sending ladies off to the Ladies' room with humorous comments, "I hope everything comes out OK," and then asking "Did everything come out OK?" when they returned.

One night, the toilet in the Ladies' room in one of the bars apparently had a malfunction, so the ladies had to use a female urinal adjacent to it. They all came back from their visits, with exciting (to me) stories of how they had dealt with the situation. One of them, a good friend of mine, whom I had dated casually, but never slept with, said, "No problem. I just straddle that sucker and let fly." I drew her away from the crowd a few minutes later, and kept her talking about peeing in Ladies' rooms. I finally looked her straight in the eyes and said, "How do you do it when it's just a regular toilet? Do you sit or squat?" "Oh, I squat!" she said with a very sweet, charming smile, continuing to look me in the eyes. Too bad I never dated her long enough to have sex with her. I think I may have gotten a demonstration of her peeing style!

One of my most complicated experiences with a steady girlfriend was with "Lisa." It has been recently reported extensively in The Real Pee Stories forum, in several installments. We were strongly attracted to one another and became lovers soon after we met, at work, of course. She seemed very liberal and sexually adventurous. Emboldened by my experience with "Jeanie," and my recent talks with other women about peeing, I first took a humorous approach with her, which she laughed off easily, and I got nowhere. Then I tried telling her some very mild stories about my fantasies, always involving female peeing, but still got no response. I told her how sharing the bathroom would bring us closer together, and increase the intimacy of our relationship, but I still got nowhere. These talks went on, occasionally, for several months, but our sexual activities were unaffected, and still fantastic. So I didn't want to lose her over my kink.

Finally, I convinced her to allow me to just listen to her pee. When she saw how much that turned me on, she finally allowed me to watch her. It turned out that she wasn't innately extremely tense or private about her peeing, but had been emotionally traumatized  by an experience with a previous lover, when she peed all over his hand during an orgasm he gave her with that hand. He was totally grossed out and disgusted, and left her, immediately and permanently. She had already believed that female excretory processes were a total turn-off to all men, and this event proved it to her beyond all doubt. She had to see my reaction with her own eyes, to believe what I told her about my tastes. From that time on, she was as much into peeing as I am, and very imaginative and cooperative, too.

"Michelle" is a former girlfriend, and still a friend, whom I have not yet introduced in this forum. She presented some unique challenges to the granting of  "bathroom privileges," or even introducing them for discussion. When we first started dating, she would run tap water in the bathroom to cover the sounds of her peeing, when we were together in her apartment. This continued long after we had begun having sex. So she must have been well aware that the sounds of her peeing could be heard outside the bathroom, and might have some effect, positive or negative, on a male (me), who heard those sounds. I asked her about this years later, when I had been sharing the bathroom with her for several years, and she denied that she had run the water for camouflage purposes. Still, this information told me that a humorous approach to the subject was unlikely to be well received. .However, I did confide in her that I had some "perverse" sexual fantasies, in a light-hearted way. She replied that she wasn't up for whips and chains, but anything else was probably alright. I assured her, very honestly, that I was not into anything involving whips, chains, or pain, in any form.

We had a somewhat stormy, and very "dry" relationship, for about a year, until she made plans to move out of the local area, to a town some 80 miles away. We really did like each other, so we had a long talk about our relationship, and whether we still wanted to see each other. Once we decided that we did want to see each other, I brought up my "fantasy" about sharing the bathroom with her, and watching her pee. She said that would take "some getting used to," since she had never shared the bathroom with a man, outside of showering. But she said it was not out of the question. She asked me to be patient with her.

I began visiting her in her new home, once or twice a week. The drive was grueling, and I hated it, but our relationship was much better, and the sex was great. I mentioned "my fantasy" to her, occasionally, but she said she still wasn't ready. Finally, we were both nude and ready for bed one night, when she said she had to pee. I begged her to let me come with her and watch. She said, " I don't know why it's such a big deal to you. You've been seeing me naked for more than a year. I just sit down. You can't see anything. Oh, all right. Come on with me."

I went with her, and she was right. She just sat down, with her legs pressed tightly together, so I couldn't see anything interesting. But I could hear and smell her pee, which I loved. I kissed her bare thighs while she was peeing, and buried my face in them. When she finished, I offered to wipe her, and she willingly spread her legs for me, and showed me where she was wet. Very intimate! I rewarded her with a "mustache ride," which brought her to a much more intense orgasm than usual. That helped a lot, and she gradually became more tolerant of my desires, which she found amusing, at times.

Due to an accidental medical crisis involving my son, I couldn't visit her for a period of 6 months or more. She connected with a local guy and married him, but the marriage broke up after 3 years, and we got back together. We went to dinner a few times and talked about how our relationship would be, in the future, including my "bathroom privileges," which she agreed to. We were both very relaxed about our relationship, this time. We really liked each other, and felt very fortunate to be together again. We had been very lonely, apart.

The first time I accompanied her to the bathroom, her peeing style was completely different than previously. She now sat with her thighs open, an inch or two apart, allowing me a clear view of her pussy and her pretty little stream. And she invited me to wipe her, as usual, which I enjoyed doing, as I had previously. I asked her about her "new" (to me) peeing style. She said, "That's not new. I've done it that way, all my life."

"But when we were together before, you always kept your legs so tight together that I couldn't see anything. Why? I thought you did it that way, all the time."

"No. I only did that when you were there watching me. You pushed it too hard, and I didn't want to let you see everything. I couldn't give you that satisfaction. But now you're completely different, very relaxed and patient. So I feel comfortable with you. Your fantasy doesn't do anything for me, but I can tolerate it."

What a difference a change in my attitude made in hers, and in her actions!

I will post the whole story of "Michelle" and me in the Real Stories forum, soon.

Dr. P.


Excellent discourse. I look forward to reading more about your experiences, techniques, fables. Good writing holds my interest intensely. Thanks.

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