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Longest hold Questions ?

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What is the longest hold anyone has hold it for ? How much have you drink before you need to go ? What drink was the one that make you really need to go the quickest ? Hardest hold you can remember ? 

What is long time you had to go wait to go ? In line or etc.  What is the longest pee you have done that you can remember ? Any stories you have that you remember please post below. If you want have answer these questions let me know. I love pee stories and answer to theses questions.

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I believe I held on for about 45 min to measure out, it was a little painful and uncomfortable.

I do drink a lot of water (2L) per day, and I can drink (2L) of red wine.

I believe coffee does activate more, which is why I don't drink as much.

Oh lord, at my step sisters house, there was 1 toilet and her boyfriend was puking from the drinking.. it was the worst 30 minute wait which I had to find another way.

Longest pee, i don't time as much but I do believe I was sitting there for a good 2 minutes. It might have been longer, my head was fuzy.


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45 mins is not bad for holding it.

That is a lot of water you drink 2l.

That must  have been crazy one toilet and you had to go that bad.

That is a very long pee. I cant pee that long now.

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On 7/19/2017 at 8:26 AM, pee01 said:

45 mins is not bad for holding it.

That is a lot of water you drink 2l.

That must  have been crazy one toilet and you had to go that bad.

That is a very long pee. I cant pee that long now.

One, toilet yes, bad idea. The one that took the wrath for it was my hubby LMAO.

On 7/19/2017 at 8:28 AM, fannywatcher said:

2 minutes must have been a flood!I bet you also made quite a splash!

It wasn't full force all the way, it start with pain and then it splashed out for a few. After it just felt like the faucet was dripping and wouldn't stop.

I would say most of my pee's are splashy and it's like opening the tap half way. A friend once told me that I will split the ceramic in 2.  LMAO


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