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Tutorial There Is More to PeeFans Than Just Forums

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This one might be a little obvious, but it's easy to think of PeeFans as just a forum - that is after all the central point of this community.

However, don't forget about our:

Chatbox (live chat with other pee fans)

Private messaging (one-to-one private chat, or even group inboxes)

Calendar (a list of all member birthdays)

Our 'Off-Topic' Sections (technically part of the forum, but designated areas for content other than pee stuff - just in case you want a break!)

Plus lots more you'll find just by browsing!

Remember to keep an eye on the main page of the site, including the navigation bar, should any new elements be added. 

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Even within forums, there may be some things it would be easy to miss:

  • Sub-forums, such as the Forum Archive or Marketplace. These are available under the names of the 'main' forum sections. Our newest sub-forum is the Interviews area where you can ask and answer questions with other members. We recently had adult star Dixie Comet participate, and are open to suggestions of other guests we should have in the future.
  • Polls. When creating a new thread, there is an additional tab where you can also add a multiple choice poll to easily get users' opinions on essentially any subject.
  • 'Mark forum as read'. You can use this either for specific sections of the site, or for the entire forum. It is a very useful tool for managing content, especially as the site grows bigger and more and more is shared.
  • Our picks. Content promoted by staff members, featuring some of the current best threads.
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