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Infrequent weeing

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I can pee 4 or less times a day if necessary. I'm not necessarily feeling desperate when I do. I can go through an entire eight hour shift at work and never pee, and I do drink several cups of coffee during that time. I guess I have a big bladder.

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My girlfriend can pee as little as twice per day without any problems at all. I don't know how she does it. Well, I guess she doesn't drunk enough on some days..... plus she has a rather large bladder. Too bad, small bladders are way more fun for pee play, but oh well, I love her and she loves me and we love pee play - but, waiting for her to get desperate can drive me nuts!

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I can pee 4 or less times a day if necessary. I'm not necessarily feeling desperate when I do. I can go through an entire eight hour shift at work and never pee, and I do drink several cups of coffee during that time. I guess I have a big bladder.

Even though I can hold it for hours with no problem, if an opportunity presents itself, I can pee almost anytime I want.

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Even though I can hold it for hours with no problem, if an opportunity presents itself, I can pee almost anytime I want.

Oddly, many girls apparently can't. I've met quite a few girls who simply *cannot* pee if they don't actually need to pee. I never understood that. I can always pee a few drops, even if I just went. I can always at least squeeze out a little bit more. Is it more common for girls not to be able to do that?

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Guest UnabashedUser

I'd be interested in hearing if there's anyone here who wees on an infrequent basis - 2 to 4 times a day - but it's a big event when they do.

my doctor (and my wifes) says that if you don't have to pee every 2-3 hours, you're becoming dehydrated. So drink up everyone .. chugalug. Peein'gs good for you.
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Oddly, many girls apparently can't. I've met quite a few girls who simply *cannot* pee if they don't actually need to pee. I never understood that. I can always pee a few drops, even if I just went. I can always at least squeeze out a little bit more. Is it more common for girls not to be able to do that?

I can pee more frequently. It's just that I can hold it for a long period of time without feeling discomfort or desperate.

I can ride in a car for hours with no problem, but look out when I stand up! When I'm desperate, I'm really desperate!

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I can ride in a car for hours with no problem, but look out when I stand up! When I'm desperate, I'm really desperate!
Good to know I'm not the only one.

I've driven several hours only stopping to fill the tank in my car, never bothering to empty mine. But, fifteen minutes down the road and I was absolutely desperate!

I've also been on long drives where I was full, but still in control, only to find when I pulled into the rest stop, I was not so. As soon as I got out and stood up, I knew I couldn't make the twenty step to the facilities, so instead went back into the car and pulled out the empty bottle under the seat.

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There have been numerous times I've come home from a long drive and felt fine until I got out of the car. I knew I wouldn't make it through the parking lot, through the lobby (I live in an apartment building), up the elevator to the top floor then down the hall to my apartment. I'd just check that no one could see me and I'd pee beside or behind the car.

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